Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Fecund Earth

There is much to see on a casual
stroll through a forest on any given
day for each foray invites the gaze
to a multitude of microlandscapes
each proffering testimony to
Earth's life-sustaining properties
nourishing the vegetation
that in turns gives us breath
feeding us and pleasing us
with the beauty that erupts from
the source of our existence in an
endless cycle of birth and rebirth as
nature kneads all her creatures into
their assigned roles all of which
sustain the whole. There were early
signs of soft berries transiting from
blossom to fruit, bees hovering within
those still in blossom stage as their
vigorous stalks developed out of the
forest floor. Native cherry trees bearing
their fruit, hawthorns and wild apple
trees, elderberry trees in bloom
and yes, look there, the heroic
rebirth of ash trees, the stirring
roots of dead trees felled by the
dread Emerald Ash Borer inciting
the tree to rebirth, extruding new life
green and determined to endure.

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