Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A dumpster fire is seen in the Soho neigborhood of Manhattan on Monday night

Protest Pillage

For have we not eyes to see and mouths
to speak and common sense to parse fact
from fiction? Confronted by the eternal
state of victimhood claiming all those not
sufficiently compassionate to the  history
of their suffering are racist bigots, the world
shrivels in dismay as eyes cloud over and
mouths purse while common sense takes its
leave and what is left is a quivering mass of
contrition, prepared to accept the default
imposed on all but the self-appointed victims
that their state of perpetual purgatory is your
fault, and your fault and your fault for your
skin tone is proof positive that your life
with or without the success that all strive
toward has exacted a dreadful price upon the
human rights of others whose opportunities
have been denied channeling them instead
toward a degraded life of menial service at the
best of times and gang violence, drug dealing
and petty crime at most other times when
attention is turned from preying on their own 
who reject victimhood in preference to 
discovering their own opportunities , turning 
their sons and daughters toward normalcy 
shunning dark streets of crime. Not for them 
the murder and mayhem the perpetrators 
blame the blameless for as they protest, bully
blame, flame and loot hard-won enterprises 
their own community owns and depends on.

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