Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Self Delusion

No one can own the riches
that nature bestows upon the earth
and we delude ourselves with the
notion that what we see is ours
and ours alone when reality
is that we gain such pleasures
as our secret gardens on the
generosity of nature's share plan
of which she is the major
shareholder and we her grateful
servants as we are mentored
and call ourselves gardeners.
A notional conceit that nature
tolerates of creatures of her own
design. Pride and passion in
the possession of rare jewels
that sunlight and rain beguile out
of the soil begetting a treasure-house
of colour, form and texture
convince us that we have somehow
mastered the gift of radiant life
when in truth we have succeeded
in performing a fantasy play
of skills not our own allowing us
to emulate the benevolence of nature.

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