Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Rest In Peace, Liberator

Gorbachev speaking to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a news conference in Schleswig, Germany, in December 2004. Gorbachev would share criticism of Vladimir Putin, but he commended Russia's occupation and annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, reportedly saying, "I would have done the same." However, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, Gorbachev's assessment of his successor reportedly took a sharp turn downward.

Cursed and admired in equal measure

he was a butterfly whose fluttering wings

changed the course of history not as he 

would have wished but through a heralded

series of measures to bring prosperity to a

nation cemented into a mould of humanity

that nature failed to endorse. Enthusiasm

to release his people from poverty and the

malaise of non-production he unwittingly

released the inexorability of defiance where

those held in state bondage to a failed ideal

knew flight to freedom was at last possible.

His imagined flight toward unleashing a vast

populace from stultifying rigidity failed

to account for human nature just as the

implementation of the locked-in ideology

he sought to humanize did. In the final analysis

a traitor to his tyranny-loving people who

regarded him with revulsion, denying his intent

reviling the result, preferring to remain in the

bonds of servitude to a new tyrant intent

on reinstalling vestiges of a lost power.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Walk In The Woods


It is entirely another world, that of the forest

strange to us and beautiful. While we once in

primeval times formed part of that forest

we no longer are, but it draws us with its

mysterious magnetism to enter and to

indulge in its calm fastidious cycles of the

seasons, of birth and death and renewal.

From the old springs new life; yet another

seasonal catalogue of nature's boundless

formulae. And new life was encountered

on a dark, rainstruck day where the forest

interior is in perpetual dusk when a man

striding a forest trail under its canopy

encountered a precociously tiny squirrel

too soon out of the nest, determined to

befriend him, scampering boldly forward

to clamber up a pantleg, seeking comfort

from the warmth of contact on a late

August day. And nor would the creature

be convinced its inappropriate behaviour

threatened its life expectancy -- for wild

creatures are not meant to deviate from the

ancient formula that keeps them that way.

Young as the minute creature was, clearly

it was a skilled forager as its healthy pelt

testified, yet its casual shedding of the

survival instinct in favour of unlikely human

companionship a lesson in natural anomalies.



Monday, August 29, 2022

Just Asking


If I forget my way home will you take

my hand and guide me back?

If my memory fails will you help me find it?

If I stumble and fall will you grasp me?

If I'm sad and despondent will you comfort me?

If I'm tired will you tuck me into bed with a kiss?

If you see a shooting star will you share it with me?

If you find a rainbow will you rescue me

from poverty? No, I'm not asking for a friend.

I want to tell you that all this and more

much, much more I offer to you, my love. 

Haven't you heard?

Love opens the gates to Shangri La!

I have long since given you my heart and soul.

Has yours been reserved for me?

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Assessing the Experiment

An illustration of a jaguar peeking through plants in a jungle

Here, then, said nature magnanimously

to her creatures, I give you the gift of life

do with it what you will, will yourself to

survive and to evolve and to prosper for you

may with the tools I have imbued you with.

Some learned to swim and some sank while

others slithered from the ooze of creation

with maturing senses and growing awareness.

Becoming aware that some were raptors and

predatory carnivores seeking out the harmless

herbivores; relentless hunters and scavengers

omnivores and grazers. Endowed with reason

the ultimate creatures went on to create and

invent, transforming their habitat to a mould

that suited them while the psychopaths among

them revelled in manipulating the trusting

and oppressing the weak because none would

challenge them as they assumed strength and

swept through the world triumphant with the

sweet nectared ecstasy of untrammeled power

as Mother Nature looked on, taking notes.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Stunting Female Options

Hungary, a discriminating nation

now a member of the European Union

but back when history posited a

genocidal attempt at Jewish

extermination, Hungary was a proud

member of the Nazi Axis. Nazi

Germany knew where women's

place was: barefoot and pregnant in

the kitchen, a designation shared by

many world religions but now only

urged by Islamist nations. Hungary

balked at the EU's formula of apportioning

Muslim refugees seeking haven in

Europe fleeing poverty and oppression

fearing the presence of terrorists among them

and visualizing a foreign culture and

religion diminishing its white Eastern European

heritage. In diagnosing the issue of a reduced

national birthrate comes the realization

that educating women will result in fewer

marriages and a stalled population rate.

Now the nation's government realizes it has

much in common after all, with the values

of an Islamist nation in Afghanistan ruled by

the Taliban where girls' education stops

while their brains are still malleable.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Defend WHO?

Recognizing Shylock's Humanity in The Merchant of Venice ...

Listen, any group that could hold on

for 4,500 years knows how to survive.

They need no one's help. It's why we left

them to their own devices when Hitler

decided to eliminate them. Sure, a hellova

lot died, but they're still here, aren't they?

They're resourceful, they look after themselves.

Look at all those wars they responded to

with their own military defence. And look

at what they're doing to the Palestinians.

Defend them? You go right ahead, pal. What?

You think it's uncivil, unfair, unjust to  hold

them to a standard they've set themselves?

You think they're too sensitive to have to put

up with contempt showered on them through

social media, the taunting and the threats?

Well, they've been defending themselves for

a real long time, chum. They don't need your

help or mine. They're doing just fine on their

own, those sons-of-bitches with their greed

and control of the media the global banking 

all the while strutting their cerebral breakthroughs

entitlements to those Nobel prizes. They've got

their grubby little fingers into everything, can't

you see? Jut who do they think they are?


Thursday, August 25, 2022

Asking For A Friend

Is the possession of political acumen

a truly positive singularity which coupled

with that elusive trait, charisma sufficient

unto the day whose combination adequately

explains political skills that elevate the

swift to leadership posts? And if these 

enviable traits leavened by characteristics

of sociopathy create world leaders, what

explains the paradox that politicians and

leaders in particular are universally held in

low public esteem? And now that a pathogen

lurks everywhere reputed in repeat doses to

reduce a superior functioning brain to a

lessened capacity, with one world leader

after another succumbing, the claims by a

disaffected public that the world is ruled by

incapable dolts may become a possibility. In

any event how would we know the difference?

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

So Much To Share

Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada referred to Ukrainian forces as “neo-Nazi” and “demonic,” and said his parishes would continue to commemorate Patriarch Kirill in services.

Both take pride in the common Slavic

identity of their ethnic roots, the prized

familiarity of culture and heritage as

neighbours who share a deep belief in

the faith of their forefathers a historical

interchangeability of custom and belonging.

Shared also is the memory of a savage

looting of food by one leaving the other to

starve in their millions, a gap in fraternalism

time will not heal. Still, until six months ago

both prayed at the same alter of Eastern

Orthodox faith. Now, the Russian Orthodox

hierarchy incites its faithful to mount attacks

on their Ukrainian brethren, to destroy and

to pillage, rape and murder. Now they share

a deep and abiding hatred, one the aggressor

the other victimized by the former's rage at

the 'unChristian' manner of its adversary's

incorrigible defiance of the aggressor's divine

imperial right to share out all that its victim

possesses to its greater advantage in a mad

rush to annihilate its victim's existence.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Inspired Language


The muse of literacy is not amused.

She is in fact beyond the state of bemused

quite beside herself in the face of the

unaware unwillingness of those who

embark upon that most common of shared

human expressions to exert themselves

not fastidiously, but deliberately and

with all due courtesy to language, use

the words meant to convey their thoughts

and use them accurately, inclusive of the

specific order of the alphabet that identifies

those words, for the elegance of language

and communication demands no less.

I know all this and so would you if you

but heeded her rules through the simple

expedient of respect and admiration for

all that language allows. That which has

the effect of demeaning language in turn

identifies the abuser as one unworthy of

the gift of communication. A visual blight

and an assault on one's sensibilities when

a blissfully unaware mangler of prose

poses as one whose opinions are fraught

with meaning and substance, all flown off

in an embarrassment of sad association.



Monday, August 22, 2022

The Viral Virility of Hate


In the not-so-distant past civil society

expressed their private thoughts covertly

in no one's hearing fearing lest they be 

condemned for the bigoted tenor of a

flaming hatred for all that they were not.

All that has changed immeasurably with

the advent of instant communication; now

a vast network of others just like themselves

spurning be-and-let-live social mores of a

civilized world, comforted that an audience

of like-thinkers applaud and savour such

expressions of rancid venom condemning

their targets with cultural, heritage and

religious explosives of hateful language.

The massive advance in human contact

through instant, far-reaching communication

has expunged the conscience, incited the

beast in huge segments of the population

to become an unquenchable hydra of many

voices all snarling the toxin of racist bigotry.



Sunday, August 21, 2022

Little Black Sprite


We cannot begin to know
nor to understand what haunts
this small black presence so familiar
yet so distanced from us by
biology, but linked to us
through long years of shared love.

She has become other than
what she once was, but then don't
we all, as we inevitably age well
past adulthood and into agedness?
Patterns once recognizable and
reliable have suddenly muted.

Gradually, and for prolonged periods
some presaging element we cannot
know overcomes her. She stands
motionless, head alert to some sound
we cannot detect, as though being
called somewhere we cannot go.

Obedient to this mysterious malady
that has expunged her memory she startles
and removes herself from our company.
Restlessly pacing from room to room
refusing to be placated and comforted
she remains aloof and we distracted.

Forgotten, it appears, routine and
etiquette, as she becomes submerged in
some mysterious alteration we can only
hazard as emerging dementia and we
are silent also, but in grief, believing
her to be preparing to leave us.

She is, after all, fully seventeen years.
A dishevelled-looking miniature
poodle mix whose years with us
illuminated the potential for shared joy;
humankind and domesticated animal.
We are not prepared for her to take
her leave of us, and emphatically tell

her so. It seems that our message
may have been heeded. She now seeks
comfort in our presence, finding solace
and companionship with us once again.
Recalling the imperatives that were
observed, and according to her sterling
physical health, banished the

dank evil spirits brooding at the
entry-way of her mind, her character.
She is slowly shedding the symptoms
of disorder, once more assuming her
vital role as care-taker of our sunny moods.


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Solidarity in Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy

Cover Image

He is just so very, very pleased and gratified

to have been appointed a senior consultant 

recognized for human rights successes in combating 

Islamophobia, now duly funded to join the federal

government's own anti-racism campaign with

his statement the group is 'excited to launch' the 

'Building an Anti-Racism Strategy for Canada 

thanking the Canadian Heritage ministry for its 

trust and funding support to 'ensuring the successful 

and responsible execution of the project'. The 

invaluable tool of publicly-accessed social media 

was treated to the calibre of dedication in expunging 

racism in the public weal in a most unique manner 

revealing the lengths the man will go to in support

of his credentials confiding: "You know all those

loud-mouthed bags of human feces, aka the

Jewish White Supremacists; when we liberate

Palestine and they have to go back to where

they come from, they will return to being low

voiced bitches of their Christian/Secular White

Supremacist Masters". Confidence Soars.


Friday, August 19, 2022

Palestinian Holocausts

One should never underrate peoples' innate good natures 

and their kindly intentions. Take for example the recent 

visit of the Palestinian President to Germany reaching out 

to relieve the historic conscience of a civilized people 

whom hideous brutality visited in a horrendous nightmare 

not of their making. This man, Mahmoud Abbas should 

know after all for his meticulous studies led him to 

the truth that Zionists in an evil handshake with Nazis

engineered the Holocaust. Truly a less than fragrant deal 

with the devil; in this case of course the Zionists whose 

scheme to purloin Judea from its rightful Arab residents

 motivated them to sacrifice six million of their own. 

Not to worry, said he, Palestinians have intimate

\knowledge of holocausts, perpetrated on this innocent 

people fifty times over by Jews who claim Israel as 

their ancestral home when of course Judea is an 

Arab heritage. He speaks with the authority of a doctorate

honourably earned in Moscow at the esteemed Peoples' 

Friendship University of Russia. You know, that same 

Russia making friendly overtures to neighbour Ukraine.



Thursday, August 18, 2022

Holocaust + Genocide = Jews

 Selection of Hungarian Jews at the Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center. [LCID: 77234]

She is a woman of grace, courage and

accomplishment with an exceptional

experience as a former inmate of Auschwitz

who survived the ordeals she was exposed 

to, the privations, the misery and fear and lived 

to tell of her impressions in a novel that 

mirrored her forlorn despair at the enforced

inhuman state of deprivation and doubt.

Inspired to write of what she knew and felt

her book attracted a wide spectrum of readers

and a contract for a film based on her novel

based on her early life and eventual freedom.

Described a Holocaust survivor, a nomenclature

that elevates her to the esteem of a public that

acknowledges six million Jews were the targets

of a fascist ideology committed to wholesale

destruction of an 'inferior race', she is not that.

Along with other Poles, citizens of France

political dissenters, critics of the Third Reich

she spent wasted years a prisoner of conscience.

Literary honours bestowed upon her well earned

through her historical accounting, a life spared to

bear witness. Not as a Holocaust survivor, but a 

survivor of misfortune in a costly world conflict

between unadulterated evil and banal humanity.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Home Invasion

Politeness prevails as Putin and Zelensky hold inaugural ...

Fact: You can sometimes choose your home

but you can's always choose your neighbour.

Through misfortune of circumstances

history and geography, shared culture and

religion what are the chances a neighbour

would view you as a resource in an unequal

relationship where when occasion demands it

they feel entitled to all that is yours depriving

you of all that is meaningful in life? When

home invasions become the norm so does

tension and inevitably preparedness. Until

the time comes when the bully next door 

once again invades to find  himself facing

a neighbour prepared to exact a cost from

the predator, sending him away limping

and perplexed that his superior bulk and

propensity to violent action this time has

consequences neither quite foresaw; the

innocent neighbour vindicated, the tyrant

become a universal object of derision.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Avenging The Prophet

Fort Hood Shooting Suspect

How strange is the puzzling illogic of faith.

Where the faithful declare theirs is the

religion of peace and brotherhood when

they mean peace and brotherhood between

those worshiping as they do in the firm belief

theirs is the sole authentic representation 

of god's will and wishes. The passion of

their faith knows no bounds as they peruse

hadiths commending to the faithful the utility 

of death to compensate non-believers for

insult to their Prophet. Insults sufficient

in their whispered suggestions the Koran

was constructed as was Islam by the fertile

imagination of an ordinary man with most

extraordinary ambitions to leave a personal

legacy as illustrious as that of the Divine he

created. And in his defence, believers indulge

in excesses of savagery somewhat dissonant

with declared status of a religion of peace.

Monday, August 15, 2022


 Yellowbadge logo.svg

There's sublime irony
in the North American
television public selecting
both Holocaust and
All in the Family as their
hands-down favourites.

The lovable bigot
is our Everyman,
a symbol whose rantings
all deplore, are amused by, 
recognize in the other guy.

The holocaust horror
is the fairy-tale in reverse;
fascinating, repellent,
bearing no relation whatever
to Everyman's foibles.

The one elevated to
delightful eccentricity
the other to a muted aberration,
a fallible error
in human behaviour --
all relating to 'them'.

We're just innocent
spectators in this game
of hunters and hunted;
entertained by it all.



Sunday, August 14, 2022

Preaching to the Converted

Hellfire and brimstone

catapulted from the moist cavern

of her distorted mouth and I

moved back fearing my own

cauterized by the ferocity of her

disgust and hatred for the national leader

the ballot box had affirmed as

prime minister of this great country.

She had been transformed from a

neighbour to a raging chimera

half human, half dragon

flames spitting from her mouth

steam emitted from her ears

eyes like daggers as she

fastidiously enumerated the litany

of government failures threatening

to divide the nation, beggaring the populace

insulting defiant detractors 

as a man whose name bespoke a dynasty

swaggered through federal edicts

imposed on a reluctant nation

incapable of shaking off the shackles

of dominating arrogance. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Notes On Finality


Not for nothing is Death named the Grim Reaper. 

He has no sense of humour and wrings joy from

existence. His is the final, unquestioned decision. 

Death, in very fact, has the ultimate power over life. 

He stalks the unwary and with malice aforethought

suddenly springs to action; no advance notice 

required. To be sure his modus operandi cannot

be strictly defined as comprising morbid looting

of a soul. Surely there must be times when even

his bleak awareness suffers a lapse into a flicker

of compassion. We can conjecture that Death will

commit to a whisper of awareness conveyed to 

his selections now and again. What is the presence

of wholesale dysfunction in spirit and body but a

manifestation of a long-term contract with Death?

Its finality cannot be forever delayed. You turn

page after page of a newspaper in search of news

finding only unending obituaries. Death drains

entire populations of life, in league with his major

emissary Conflict, plotting interminably to cease life.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Psychopaths Take Heart ...

Russian servicemen patrol Mariupol

This just in: Moscow is so concerned with the 

welfare of its incarcerated criminal class it has

devised a novel avenue to offer them amnesty 

for their crimes. An early release is offered in 

a program designed to bolster its armed forces 

decimated in a conflict the Kremlin assured 

young conscripts would take but a weekend to 

sweep away the detritus of human waste 

calling itself an independent nation. Somehow 

the scorned fascist horde the Russian military 

was instructed to send to the devil has become 

the devil incarnate, mounting a defence with 

superhuman resolve. Russian servicemen are 

balking, refusing to obey commands, absconding 

rather than holding siege to towns and villages 

while those who served in Syria wreak humanitarian 

misery in a fury of psychotic rage indiscriminately 

killing, raping and looting. Prisoners of Russia's 

penal system offered an irresistible bargain: freedom

to pillage, rape and slaughter without penalty.


Thursday, August 11, 2022

In God's Name

Today the Vatican honours and celebrates

historical men and women who made a

comfortable home for themselves in the

Catholic Church as converts from Judaism.

They are sainted in memory for extraordinary

deeds of conviction and sacrifice in the name

of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, as pious

and devout, dedicated to reaching out in good

deeds as any born to the Church. This is the

Church whose pontiff met the Fuhrer of

the Third Reich's plan for extermination of

Europe's Jews with equanimity and inaction.

A pope who instructed his Vatican stalwarts

in their duty as Christians to forgive and in

charitable acts of mercy to apply their good

graces in sheltering and manipulating their

holy stations to impress upon the faithful

their obligation to protect and serve their

heavenly master by spiriting the monsters

of mass murder to safety from the desultory

searches for justice in the name of humanity.



Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Grim Primal Game of Life

Death on the Battlefield, from 'The five deaths' (Les cinq Morts), Stefano della Bella (Italian, Florence 1610–1664 Florence), Etching; proof state retouched with graphite and pen and brown ink

The divine Inventor's greatest achievement

was that of devising existence of all that is.

Nature made of existence a competitive game

her invention forever in flux as some prospered

and others declined all competing for existence.

Humankind was gifted with exceptional properties

enabling it to mimic the great Giver of Life to

a degree exercising its creative brain to find

answers to the mysterious state of being and beyond.

The game's goal is survival against the odds that

rivals in the game gain advantage. Leading to the

endless designs of primitive flint knives refined

through the ages to the manipulation of atoms and

nuclear devices, in a search for dominance and a

surety of enablement to destroy great masses of

humanity in a mastery of the game of life and death.



Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Welcoming Martyrdom

Hezbollah fighters parade through southern Beirut in 2010

Most combatants from civilized cultures view war 

as a necessary evil meant to counter threats to national 

security through the overweening ambition of a totalitarian 

power. They display the courage of their convictions 

leading them beyond their mortal fears hoping to 

strike a blow for freedom and avoid the skull-grinning 

Angel of Death. Contrast that with the Medieval mind 

compelled by the idea of martyrdom as a sacred gift 

to the Divine, who boast they do not seek to evade death

but purposely seek it out in tandem with striking a blow 

to destroy freedom in favour of the tentacles of religious 

fervour demanding of its faithful to conduct a mission of 

proselytization by delivering the unfaithful to waiting Death 

equally prepared to reap the lives of the worthy martyrs. 

Those who celebrate death, both delivering and drawing it 

to themselves clearly deserve to meet their maker 

well before the divine decree to slaughter others is met.  

Monday, August 8, 2022

The Wandering Jew No More

Shush, they were complicit in their own 

torment. Placid at first, then disbelieving

they went like sheep to the slaughter. The

gradual disintegration of their status as citizens

of countries they had gravitated to, proud of

their culture, ethnic source and religion yet

glad to lend themselves wholly to the values

of nations their forced migration took them

to they learned to tolerate discrimination and

oppression, even deadly pogroms as their lot.

The Final Solution to their existence abetted

by war and the slander of dehumanization

gave their killers many helping hands. In the

aftermath an incredulous world in shock and

awe: how many? They went to the slaughter?

No one rebelled? Some shuddered and hid their

presence and survived. Ergo, complicit. Damned

and scorned. The Diaspora gathers now around

its ancient Judean landscape. A state of and for

Jews, with its own self-defence. In defending

itself against a repeat of annihilation its fierce

response instills the outrage of condemnation

as an 'occupying power' in its ancestral home.

Wandering no more, but condemned regardless.


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Brazenly Lecturing the Pope

When I was a child in an altogether earlier era 

I was impressed by a fable of a fisherman who 

caught a fish that was really an enchanted prince 

who promised the fisherman a magic wish if he 

spared his life. The fisherman said he would like 

to be an emperor and his wish was granted but he

reconsidered and said he would prefer to be the pope. 

The fish refused and withdrew his offer. I was not 

a Catholic child and wondered what the fuss was about.

Now I know and it is clear to me that Canada's

prime minister, a none-too-devout Catholic knew

nothing of that fable. He portrays himself as the 

emperor of the country but it seems he really resents

lack of access to that higher sacred post. When the

Pope arrived in Canada on a mission it offered

the prime minister, a man of decidedly loose morals 

the opportunity to lecture the Pontiff on the most 

regrettable failings of the Church, to be rectified.


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Duty Above All


May 31st, 1884 The gale continued all day and was accompanied by a heavy snowstorm. We were not only held close prisoners in our shelter, but also in our bags, as drift over a foot deep covered us. We were unable to cook and consequently had nothing to eat during the day, not even a swallow of water. Of all the days of suffering, none can compare with this. If I knew I had another month of this existence, I would stop the engine this moment. *
He might never have been able to imagine, even in the most feverish of his dreams, that he would himself experience such desolation, fear and privation. There is nothing, he thought grimly to himself, like living through such a nightmare to bring a human perspective to the heights to which human resources might aspire, and the depths to which the human spirit could plunge. It was only through the desperate cauldron of facing death on a daily basis that each man’s strength and weaknesses surfaced, so one could finally know what lay beneath the carefully maintained and structured façade of civility that society demands of its creatures.

This was a society he was familiar with, not the kind which also existed in the world of those with scant resources, ruled by tyrants who made short shrift of human values and rights belonging to others. In his world, occasions abounded for individuals to recognize and make the best of their opportunities, and those who strove to find satisfaction in their lives thrived, while those who merged their inertia with society’s constraints remained maladapted to the vision of their very future attainments.

For him that vision encompassed adventure, glory, serving his country as an educated, astute military man gifted with certain attributes that made him the perfect selection to help lead an expedition into the frozen distances of the globe where animal life abounded despite the severity of the atmosphere, the geology and the weather, but human life could not.

So here he was, on Ellesmere Island. Two winters of it. That was the assignment. Collecting weather data, scrupulously reporting on atmospheric conditions. So his country would have a record and an understanding of conditions there to advance the science and knowledge of the geography and the hostile-to-humankind-environment. It was past time they left.

The understanding was that after the two years they would be relieved. Short of food, their equipment in a failing state. Tired of waiting. No option but to have faith, to hope for relief. Stoicism was their current lot in life. One that began slowly ebbing, as some among them became ever more disoriented, dysfunctional, minds and bodies severely malfunctioning.

It’s not easy living with that kind of cold. It is a beautiful environment. Aloof, pristine, lovely beyond belief. But even a clear day with full sun does little-to-nothing to alleviate the dread cold. The men are tired, underfed, on the verge of starvation, ailing and desperate. Some of them lie in their virtually warmth-useless sleeping bags, refusing to rise. Preferring to invite death through surrender of their imprinted imperative to survive. They have admitted to themselves that they are incapable of flailing against imminent death.

They are, however, my responsibility, he sternly reminded himself, and one I do not take lightly. I go out every day and do what I can to obtain some element of nutrition to help keep us all alive and hoping for another day. I am by no means the only one to attend to these mutual duties, but it has fallen to me and me alone to gather as much shrimp as I can manage with my inadequate nets and failing store of bait, to keep death at bay.
June 1st, 1884 Breakfast consisted of three ounces of shrimp and a cup of weak tea to each man. We were without food for thirty-six hours. Lieut. Kislingbury became unconscious at 8 a.m. and breathed his last at 3 p.m. Before he lost consciousness he begged piteously for a drink of water, but this the Doctor denied him. He then sang the Doxology in a clear but weak voice and, falling back in his sleeping bag, was soon in the embrace of Death. *
We’re all progressively weaker. But some of us do our utmost to remain of good cheer in this cheerless atmosphere, despite the beauty surrounding us. Some of the men, those whose physical condition is far worse than those of us who still go out every day to find edible mosses and lichens, or shrimp as I do, say nothing, do nothing, appear to have closed down their minds.

Awake, they lie limp and unresponsive. Some have close at hand photographs of wife, children, mother. And stare at these photographs unceasingly. Occasionally mumbling names and perhaps reminiscing about happier times. They have utterly given themselves over to the prospect of never again seeing their loved ones. The visages of their wives, mothers, children, will be the last their eyes see before they glaze over in death.
June 2nd, 1884 Salor died at 3 a.m. I was lying by his side in the same bag at the time. Not having the necessary strength to remove him and not feeling inclined to get up, I went to sleep in the same bag with the remains and did not awake until breakfast was announced at 9 a.m.
Doctor Pavy was making some rather absurd prescriptions this evening and talking incoherently.

For weeks I have noticed Linn’s feet protruding from the gravel heaped over his body. Day by day the elements have reduced the scanty covering until Linn’s feet are fully exposed to the gales sweeping over Cemetery Ridge. I have often thought that I would replace that which had blown away, but my waning strength has caused me to defer this for so long that I cannot think of attempting it now. *
Each dawning day appears more beautiful than the one it succeeds. In any other circumstances, we would be transfixed with awe at the wonder of nature’s paint brush. This morning there is but little wind, a decided relief from previous days’ incessant blowing. We have had good hunting today for a change. Along with the shrimp I have managed to gather, a dovekie was shot, and it will be cooked slowly to produce a hot, nutritious soup for all of us. We reqiure something like that to restore a trifle of capacity to our failing bodies and a modicum of hope for the near future. For if we survive the near future it is entirely possible that the ship will sail through and bring us the relief all of so dearly hope for.

Some of us have been able to eat the rock lichens that have been collected, and found some nourishment in them. Others, however, suffer greatly from the after-effects of eating these unpalatable lichens.

The sound, because of lack of the usual high blustering wind storms, looks calm, smooth and wonderfully blue. A calming, restorative sight for weary eyes, tired of tearing from the cold and the wind.

It’s come to this; our medical man is so weak and dispirited we may soon lose his professional capabilities. He refuses to any longer partake of our communal shrimp stew. He will now agree only to taking weak tea and as anyone might know, most particularly a man blessed with medical knowledge, no human body is capable of surviving long without adequate - or even in our parlous state - a minuscule amount of nutriment.

We continue to realize that one among us is a predator, caring little for the common weal in our miserable situation. Lieutenant Greely, aftersome brief consultation has been forced, by unfortunate circumstances, to issue an order:
Near Cape Sabine, June 5th, 1884 To Sergeants Brainard, Fredericks and Long:
Private Henry having been repeatedly guilty of stealing the provisions of this party which is now perishing slowly by starvation, has so far been condoned and pardoned. It is, however, imperatively ordered that if this man be detected either eating food of any kind not issued him regularly, or making caches, or approaching any article of provisions, you will at once shoot him and report the matter to me. Any other course would be a fatal leniency, the man being able to overpower any two of our present force.
(signed) A.W. Greely, Lt.5th Cav.A.S.O.& Asst. Comdg.Lady Franklin Bay Ex. *
We simply have no other choice but to this grim task of sentencing one of our own to death in the hopes of securing the lives of others of us. I find, despite my assiduous attention to the tedious work of fishing for our little life-saving shrimp that they are no longer taking to the bait. My strength is steadily diminishing and I have little appetite for further strenuous attempts beyond my present state of energy-depletion.

As it is at the present, it is all I can do to muster the energy required to stagger toward the shrimping grounds, remain there for the hours required to attempt to fish out a goodly portion of what remains and then painfully pull myself back up with my catch to the camp.

My mind and thought processes are dulling. My brain appears to be refusing to work as it should. I cannot recall what I should automatically be doing in the performance of my duties. My obligations to the men partially under my command are foremost in mind, but what, precisely, I should be doing, to ameliorate their condition, is now eluding me.

This is a most unfortunate situation. I cannot quite conceive of the reason why our rescue party has been so agonizingly tardy. Surely they must realize the situation we are in? Surely they have some intuitive knowledge that our situation is parlous? Perhaps it is better that we do not torture our minds by these useless conjectures.

We must acknowledge that something disastrous may have occurred to our relief party. That, or somehow conditions leading to their being able to reach us have somehow conspired to leave us in our present state, and they in a worried consternation over our situation.
Near Cape Sabine, June 6th, 1884 Sergeants Brainard, Long and Fredericks:
Notwithstanding promises given by Private C.H. Henry yesterday he has since acknowledged to me having tampered with seal thongs, if not other food at the old camp. This pertinacity and audacity is the destruction of this party if not at once ended. Private Henry will be shot today, all care being taken to prevent his injuring anyone as his physical strength is greater than that of any two men. Decide the manner of death by two ball and one blank cartridge.
This order is imperative and absolutely necessary for any chance of life.
(signed) A.W. Greely, 1st Lt.5th Cav. A.S.O. & Asst. Comdg. L.F.B. Ex. *
This is a sad and sorry business. But duty insists it must be met. As honourably, given the circumstances, as humanly possible. No one is the better for the situation.

After the execution was accomplished, a search of the poor man’s effects revealed him to have availed himself of a pair of seal boots, a coil of seal skin thongs, various knives and other items, some of which could be rendered down to edible product, some of which could be silently chewed in his sleeping bag in the dark of night, empowering him to a greater state of bodily comfort than has been afforded the rest of us. God save his soul.

We do know, however, that his was not the only such sin among our desperately suffering men. There are others suspected of indulging in the same, or like conspiracy to obtain for themselves certain advantages toward prolonging their lives.

Had we a trifle more strength between us we could undertake to bury the most recent dead. It is not at all decent that their bodies lay there, just beyond the camp where we have managed to drag them, away from our immediate presence, frozen and silently condemning our inaction in providing them with a resting place where they may meet eternity with equanimity.
June 7th, 1884 Biederbick and Connell gathered a few lichens and a little reindeer moss. This evening we dined on a stew composed of a pair of boot soles, a handful of reindeer moss and a few rock lichens. The small quantity of shrimps which I furnish daily is sufficient only for the morning meal.
We dressed the bodies of Dr. Pavy and Bender for their graves, but were unable to bury them. *
It is simply soul-destroying to witness the swift deterioration of the men’s earlier inspirational will to live. We who are in relatively better health than those gravely ill unto death do what we can to instill a little bit of cheer by commenting about the break in the weather and the beauty of the sky and the full sun, the import of which confuses us as we derive no benefit from any of it.

But there we are, all things being relative; we can, should we wish to do so, drink in the loveliness of our surroundings in this brief respite between storms.

Scurvy is plaguing the men, and little wonder. We celebrated the birthday of one our men by permitting him - and he alone - a spoonful of rum. Spirits are normally retained for other, more medicinal purposes. It was hoped that allowing that poor man a respite from his misery by a mere taste of what in other circumstances is taken for granted and taken in abundance, will momentarily bring cheer to his fading life. And he but 32 years of age.

We have found black rock lichens stew up nicely enough. Certainly not to everyone’s taste, as the result is rather gelatinous and tasteless, but we are certain, possessed of slight nutritive qualities. Everything we can manage to recognize as possibly nutrient-rich in some manner helps. We have taken to carefully and slowly chewing bits of seal skin cut from garments. This is not possible for those with advanced scurvy, and their end, we feel is lamentably nigh.
June 12th, 1884 We had only a cup of tea for breakfast. I found a new shrimping place this morning near the tent. After several hours’ work I returned with two pounds. Our evening meal - a few boiled lichens and a cup of tea.
Connell’s face appears full and healthy, but it is only swollen. He expressed a wish to work, cook and live by himself. This request Lieut. Greely would not grant.
Gardiner died at 5 p.m. Patience and fortitude have characterized his sufferings. He clung to life with a wonderful pertinacity and only succumbed when physical weakness had crushed his will. *
I try not to think overmuch of what I cannot do much about. We fumble and stumble through the long days of agonizing descent into hopelessness. What we remain aware of, those of us still capable of some minimal functioning, is that we must not convey to the others whose state of health is extremely delicate, our own sense of descending hope. We do what we must. And we do what we can to ensure that a small glimmer of hope remains in the wounded minds of our men.

The high winds have finally resumed. Resulting in our having had to remain close to camp, rather than venture further in our everlasting search for nutriments. I have been unable, of late, to catch more than a few ounces of shrimp. I did construct a nominal net to replace those washed out by a brief but sturdy spurt of ice-melt swelling the stream, but somehow lost the shrimp caught in it. And watched, helplessly, as they washed out of the utterly useless net and made their way downstream, depriving us of even that small portion of food.

We have no more tea left to us. We must now consider utilizing some of the lichens as the stuff of tea-making. The taste of which will doubtless be unpleasant to those still anticipating our own tea of a morning.
June 17th, 1884 The sense of hunger appears to have disappeared. We eat simply to preserve life. Crumbs of bread at our winter quarter which are occasionally exposed through the melting of the snow are picked from heaps of the vilest filth and eaten with relish. Henry ate ptarmigan droppings; Bender ate caterpillars, worms, etc. Saxifrage, lichens and other vegetation together with the intestines of animals would now be luxuries. I worked several hours in the raw, chilling winds and caught little more than a pound of shrimps. *

Some things are indescribable. How to describe to an interested ear the folly of a venture to which no ending can be visualized, but which must be embarked upon to obey orders from superiors who have their own reasons for the successful completion of a venture they themselves will never have to suffer the hardships thereof? In any event, those who have never undergone the travails which we have been exposed to, can never imagine how dreadful the assault on human endurance can conceivably be. Even those who have experienced such deprivation and exceptional danger to body and soul and survived the ordeal, cannot find words adequate to paint a picture with complete verisimilitude.

Perhaps this is just as well. For if those whose spirit takes them toward exploration and the adventure of discovery, those who fall under the spell of that great white presence of the frozen north were to completely understand what lies awaiting them, why they might never venture into the enterprise of discovery. And then, perhaps, the world would be a poorer place for lack of intelligence relating to the data thereof derived.

Now, to other more intimate things. Which have been gently pushed aside in my mind, heretofore. For I now find myself in that situation where I too, must think about that which is most precious to me.

What will I say when I greet my beloved wife? I will look deep into the wells of her soft eyes and I will absorb her love for me into the wellsprings of my soul. I will feast my tired eyes on her loveliness, her familiar face and presence. I will breathe the fragrance of her hair, the aroma of her being, and fill my tired lungs with her essence. I will carefully listen to the soft, sibilant tone of her voice expressing her undying love for me. I will embrace her and hold her and tell I shall nevermore leave her.

My destiny approaches but my ultimate duty yet awaits me.

*From Six Came Back - David L. Brainard



Friday, August 5, 2022

Dauntless Spirits, Great Adventures


Those people who willingly, eagerly venture into unknown territory, geology- or weather-hostile regions of the Globe present as a puzzling anomaly in basic human psyche for Nature has genetically hard-wired us with an irresistible urgency to survive. Yet these dauntless - some might venture - deliberately heedless adventurers, seek out danger, defy fear in the intent to confront their inner daemons opposing inherited existential caution.

How many among us is willing to expose ourselves to extremes of danger, privation, disease and the vagaries of chance and happenstance? Do they value life any less than we do? Or has nature tricked them into the belief that some spiritual power, within themselves or beyond, hovers protectively over them?

What irresistible siren of compulsion calls them to their destiny? What indomitable will and iron-strength of purpose propels them to forge on in the very face of Grim Death in defiance of their biological imperative?

They embark on their search for meaning and purpose, meeting head on the capricious neutrality of their maker; Divine Nature. Some live on to marvel at their escape from the uneven contest, some write inspiring narratives of conquest and the majesty of nature; the curious needs of humankind fulfilled.

There are solemn, respectful obituaries recognizing the mortal fallibility of aspirants. And account after revelation of those consumed by their need, who wander from ascent and encounter one after another as though awaiting and inviting the inevitable, leaving mourning loved ones behind, their supra-human exploits their legacy.

This bespeaks an urge of conquest vastly dissimilar to that which took Europeans to horizon-less oceanic stretches fearful to the imagination, in search of wealth and adventure: land, natural resources and the capture of people they thought of as sub-human, in a campaign to enrich their nations by the enslavement of others, through the creation of empire-building.

Leading inevitably to wars and massive blood-letting of both indigenous peoples of those conquered and devastated lands, and competing armies of ascendancy-determined conquerors.
In these searches for discovery and adventure into the great frozen places of the Earth, there is rare intention to discover sources of material wealth, but rather perhaps for some the achievement of fame.

Onlookers, awed by the trials and tribulations facing those resolute souls who venture into those isolated, weather-hostile places wonder who, in their right minds would deliberately seek to inflict excesses of physical misery upon themselves, let alone the psychical torment involved in achieving goals that sometimes elude, sometimes succeed, only to result too often in broken spirits and occasionally death.

Mountaineers face the potential of succumbing to acute mountain sickness which can be morbid depending on the depth of their symptoms, requiring immediate descent. Retinal haemorrhage can result from prolonged high altitude exposure. Diarrhoea related to food poisoning, giardia, amoebic dysentery can be problematic.

Pole trekkers can be exposed to snow blindness, frostbite, boils, bedbugs, fleas, scabies, leaches and blisters, which at extremely low temperatures can be quite different than otherwise. Modern-day mountaineers and pole trekkers have high-tech communication devices and gear and clothing to aid them, but this was not always so.

Douglas Mawson, 1912 expedition to the Antarctic: The awful truth was a blanket of cold fear, invisible, but falling over his entire world, filling the tent, flooding his mind with the terrible, haunting fact. He was alone. All that was human in this accursed place, all that had been alive - friends and dogs - were dead and gone. Loneliness was in the vast wasted land outside in the soughing wind, in the corners of his mind, in his anguish and in the fear for this own safety. He was himself sick, famished and so weak he might collapse at any moment; and he lay stretched out on this floor of snow with the heart-rending truth pinning down his body and his mind. Mertz was dead.
What would he do? What chance had he of living? Very little, he decided. This spot was some 100 miles direct to the hut; ahead ranged the heaving wind-swept-plateau ice, the great, broadly-fractured bed of the glacier, many miles of wicked winding crevasses, and then the long grinding, backbreaking climbs up the steep slopes and ice ramparts to the escarpment near The Crater - to be in sight of Aurora Peak, to leave some record there where they might come seeking his missing party. Yet he was so emaciated that the bitten, snow-clad peak seemed a million miles away. Lennard Bickel

Apsley Cherry-Garrard, June 1911: The horror of the nineteen days it took us to travel from Cape Evans to Cape Crozier would have to be re-experienced to be appreciated; and any one would be a fool who went again: it is not possible to describe it. The weeks which followed them were comparative bliss, not because later our conditions were better - they were far worse - but because we were callous. I for one had come to that point of suffering at which I did not really care if only I could die without much pain. They talk of the heroism of the dying - they little know - it would be so easy to die, a dose of morphia, a friendly crevasse, and blissful sleep. The trouble is to go on ...
It was the darkness that did it. I don't believe minus seventy temperatures would be bad in daylight, not comparatively bad, when you could see where you were going, where you were stepping, where the sledge straps were, the cooker, the primus, the food; could see your footsteps lately trodden deep into the soft snow that you might find your way back to the rest of your load; could see the lashings of the food bags; could read a compass without striking three or four different boxes to find one dry match; could read your watch to see if the blissful moment of getting out of your bag was come without groping in the snow all about; when it would not take you five minutes to lash up the door of the tent, and five hours to get started in the morning...
But in these days we were never less than four hours from the moment when Bill cried "Time to get up" to the time when we got into our harness. It took two men to get one man into his harness, and was all they could do, for the canvas was frozen and our clothes were frozen until sometimes not even two men could bend them into the required shape.
From: The Worst Journey in the World

Viscount Milton and Walter Butler Cheadle, 1839: Masses of ice, the size of a man's fist, formed on Cheadle's beard and moustache - the only ones in the company - from the moisture of the breath freezing as it passed through the hair. The oil froze in the pipes we carried about our persons, so that it was necessary to thaw them at the fire before they could be made to draw. The hands could hardly be exposed for a moment, except when close to the fire. A bare finger laid upon iron stuck to it as if glued, from the instantaneous freezing of its moisture. The snow melted only close to the fire, which formed a trench for itself, in which it slowly sank to the level of the ground. The steam rose in clouds, and in the coldest, clearest weather, it almost shrouded the fire from view. The snow was light and powdery, and did not melt beneath the warmth of the foot, so that our moccasins were as dry on a journey as if we had walked through sawdust instead of snow. The parchment windows of our little hut were so small and opaque that we could hardly see even to eat by their light alone, and were generally obliged to have the door open; and then, although the room was very small, and the fire-place very large, a crust of ice formed over the tea in our tin cups, as we sat within a yard of the roaring fire. One effect of the cold was to give a most ravenous appetite for fat. Many a time have we eaten great lumps of lard grease - rancid tallow, used for making candles - without bread or anything to modify it.
Before sleeping, however, it was necessary to secure out of reach of the dogs not only provisions, but snow-shoes, harness, and everything with any skin or leather about it. An Indian dog will devour almost anything of animal origin, and invariably eats his own harness, or his master's snow-shoes, if left within his reach. From:
The North-West Passage by Land

Jon Krakauer, 1997: From The Balcony I descended a few hundred feet down a broad, gentle snow gully without incident, but then things began to get sketchy. The route meandered through outcroppings of broken shale blanketed with six inches of fresh snow. Negotiating the puzzling, infirm terrain demanded unceasing concentration, an all but impossible feat in my punch-drunk state.
Because the wind had erased the tracks of the climbers who'd gone down before me, I had difficulty determining the correct route. In 1993, Mike Groom's partner - Lopsang Tshering Bhutia, a skilled Himalayan climber who was a nephew of Tenzing Norgay's - had taken a wrong turn in this area and fallen to his death. Fighting to maintain a grip on reality, I started talking to myself out loud. "Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together," I chanted over and over, mantra-like. "You can't afford to fuck things up here. This is way serious. Keep it together."
I sat down to rest on a broad, sloping ledge, but after a few minutes a deafening BOOM! frightened me back to my feet. Enough new snow had accumulated that I feared a massive slab avalanche had released on the slopes above, but when I spun around to look I saw nothing. Then there was another BOOM! accompanied by a flash that momentarily lit up the sky, and I realized I was hearing the crash of thunder. From:
Into Thin Air

Hugh Brody, 1987: Do Inuit live in snow houses? Do they travel by dog team? Do they hunt seals with harpoons? Do they move about, from camp to camp, in a round of seasonal activities? Do they eat raw meat? Do they dry fish in the sun? Do they make igunaaq, "high" meat? Do they wear caribou-skin clothing? Do they speak of weather as the presence of Sila, the air spirit? Do the Dene track moose through the woods on foot? Do they use snares and deadfalls? Do they believe and follow a shamanistic spirituality? Do they think that muskrat played an important role in the creation of the earth? Do Naskapi follow the caribou herds, far inland? Do they dream their way through time? Do they travel in dreams? Do they have summer gathering grounds? Do the Cree move on to winter trapping grounds each year? Do they rely on snowshoes to move through the bush? Do they make hunting cabins each season, and lay spruce boughs as mattresses? Do they make medicines from herbs and roots? Do they use medicine power in spiritual life? Do they trap beaver under the winter ice? Do Innu prepare skins on stretcher frames and boards? Do they depend on the fur trade? Do they wear moccasins? Do they prepare dry meat each autumn as a supply of concentrated protein for the coming seasons? Are children seen as elders reborn?
A simple answer to all these questions is yes
. From: Living Arctic; Hunters of the Canadian North

Dr. Jerri Nielsen, 2001: After a few stabbing gulps of thin air I was quickly reminded that I had gained almost two miles in altitude during the three-hour flight from McMurdo. While the plateau was flat as a griddle, it was also as high as the Austrian Alps. The South Pole station rests on a nine-thousand-foot thick slab of ice soaring ninety-three hundred feet above sea level.
...The temperature on the plateau was plummeting. By now it was minus 90 F. and falling, a new record for mid-March. One night I was watching a video with a friend when we heard the most horrible booming noise.

"What's that?" I said.
He said, Oh, it's just the building settling."
It sounded more like the building collapsing. We heard more of these ungodly booms over the next few days as the ice heaved in great cracks under the Dome. People were having more trouble sleeping. Sometimes it sounded like the roof was falling in or the floor was caving or people were stamping their feet overhead. Sometimes it sounded like guns or cannons.
The ice was breaking around us everywhere. Large cracks ran from the front of the galley and then spider-webbed out to the Dome perimeters There was a foot-wide crack over the ice road and a crevasse split what was left of the skiway
. From: Icebound