Sunday, December 31, 2023

Mere Words


Words and the power of language to transform the ordinary into the exceptional cannot ever be underestimated. Words give us the power to transform thoughts and perceptions into a landscape of understanding and appreciation for the world that surrounds us. A vocabulary absent of exceptional words represents an individual lacking the wherewithal to fully express himself and the wonder of existence.

Those who have been gifted with the extraordinary ability to manipulate language and make full use of the words available to us as intelligent and aware human beings reward those of us without the gift of the craft of writing. Through the written (or printed) word we access history, the stories of humankind's marvellous journeys toward the present; the trajectory of technology, of science, of philosophy and the arts.

And words take us toward the sublime uplift resulting from creative imaginations capable of taking us to places we will never see; experience through the gift of literature, adventure, the arcane, the explicable and the inexplicable, the pedestrian and the enlightened; the mysterious and the lengths to which people can and will go to manifest their idiosyncratic observations of life on this Planet.

In the time of the Great Bard, there was no publication such as a dictionary that would explain to people what a word was meant to convey, how it was spelled, how spoken, and its usage within a coherent sentence, let alone its secular exegesis, its etymology. Spelling was a casual affair. William Shakespeare had no tome to which he could refer for any of these reasons; he did, however, heavily impact on the English language.

In sixteenth Century England a scholar, Nathaniel Bailey, issued twenty-five dictionaries between 1721 and 1782, in an attempt to bring together the lexicon of English words. His prodigious effort was given the verbiage-laden title:
A Universal Etymological Dictionary. Comprehending The Derivations of the Generality of Words in the English tongue, either Antient or Modern, from the Antient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman and Modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters. And Also a brief and clear Explication of all difficult words ... and Terms of Art relating to Botany, Anatomy, Physick ... together with A Large Collection and Explication of Words and Phrases Us'd in our Antient Statutes, charters, Writs, Old Records and Processes at at Law; and the Etymology and Interpretation of the Proper Names of Men, Woman and Remarkable Places in Great Britain; also the Dialects of our Different Counties, Containing many Thousand Words more than ... any English Dictionary before extant. To which is Added a Collection of our most Common Proverbs with their Explication and Illustration. The whole work compil'd and Methodically digested, as well as for the entertainment of the Curious as the information of the Ignorant, and for the Benefit of young Students, Artificers, Tradesmen and Foreigners ... *

Now there's a mouthful, and more. Demonstrating, however, the ambitious determination of this man's mind. Still he had produced a valuable research tool, as well as one that could be used by the common folk. Previous dictionaries generally highlighted words that were quaint, little-used other than in very polite, distinguished, aristocratic society. Nathaniel Bailey's own quaint olde-English spelling might be thought to have left something to be desired. But his dictionaries were extremely popular and became best sellers of their time.

In terms of effort, production and sheer dedication to the drudgery of seeking, refining, designing and selecting a more perfected language repository and explanation of meanings, this series was followed by what was considered to be the ultimately definitive dictionary edited and assembled by the great Samuel Johnson. In contrast to the inflated title of his predecessor, Samuel Johnson's resulting, and since-used tome was A Dictionary of the English Language.

Like the later and most prestigious publication of the Oxford English Dictionary, Samuel Johnson's compilation was meant to contain each and every word used in the English language. Words with an ancient heritage, those more modern; at least up to the day when they were coined and used. Some have since slipped from usage and have been abandoned, others to take their place.

Language was eventually recognized as a living, changing expression of humanity's communication skills. And so it remains, one of our most precious tools.

* The Professor and the Madman - A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of The Oxford English Dictionary - Simon Winchester



Saturday, December 30, 2023

Winter's Frozen Breath


Above, a wide, deep wash of blue.
Not a wisp of cloud to mar this
day's stunning perfection. This
was today's message to us.
Frigid temperatures reign
thanks to the absence of cloud
trapping scant winter heat below.

We are lashed by the icy fingers
of winds in high dudgeon,
knocking the heads of the
forest trees and slicing its fire
across our revealed flesh; eyes
weeping, foreheads frozen.

Dried flower stalks bow in
humble homage to the
insistent, imperious wind.
Gossamer veils of snow
languorously part from
laden spruce boughs.

Oblivious, in their winter
element, the minuscule, dainty
black, grey and white shapes
of chickadees flit from branch
to branch, calling their delight
with their environment.

The creek running through
our Ontario wooded ravine in
this Ottawa Valley is frozen fast,
its glaring surface reflecting
the sun's serendipitous presence
as we lope along snow-padded trails.

We have company this day;
silent, elongated, gracefully
following, then leading us forward.
Our shadows step lively, unaffected
by the chill, the ferocity of wind.
Brought to life by the sun's
life-affirming presence.



Friday, December 29, 2023


With the limitless patience of the faithful

they wait, imperturbably confident and

assured, the seers and the shamans, the

yogis, the sufis and the swamis, near

Chichen Itza.  Their followers worldwide

besotted with the spiritual chill of the

unknowable void of being will settle for

alternates.  Awaiting the spirals of

heavenly light promised to invade the heads

of believers, from their vast galactic journey

they weep in fear and joy.  A cosmic dawn

arrives to gift the worthy with telepathy and

they will loose themselves from the

niggardly magnetic bonds of Earth, to

levitate and flee its constricting confines

set to implode.  Electrical vortexes

arrived from the galaxy's centre bid them

hither and they will respond, leaving fear

embracing love, bathed in the light of

transformative cleansing of the soul.  For

they have discovered true salvation, fleeing

the stagnating brutal influence of life as

we think we know it.  That is the revelation

the cataclysmic upheaval that engages 

humanity, one with the golden light

of divine forgiveness, an arcane alchemy

of  life bypassing death, the final frontier

to incandescent longevity.  If not immortality

then why not?  Thirteen and counting. us, at them, the pathetic ones -

quivering with the misery of unrequited life.


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thou Shalt Not Be Envious of the Unattainable

The ancient venomous bile of Jew-baiters

has been unleashed. Another prompt 

has incited their dedication to Jew-hate

to slither from its  habitual space deep 

within dark souls who relish the opportunity

to pollute the airways and byways of civil

discourse with the stench of old canards

adding dementedly fresh details proving

their minds wallow in foetid swamps of

hysterical excrement reflecting the misery

of their cretinous minds jubilant with the

delirium of unrestrained hate against people

their superior in human behaviour in every

conceivable manner who, long accustomed 

to enduring assaults now face a renewed

volcano of antisemitism spurting malice

with a shrug and a grimace, well armoured

with the protective shield of exceptional

endowments in intelligence, integrity and

creative energy, the envy of those who demean

themselves by excoriating Jewish endowments

of qualities they will never themselves possess.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Fraught With Danger

PHOTO: Demonstrators wave the Palestinian and Jordanian flags during a demonstration in Amman, Jordan on Oct. 13, 2023.

All that exists is the divine invention of nature's creation 

in its profound wonders and complexity. And then there 

is the nature of humanity among other animals in a slender

slice of the universe, variegated and sublime. From the 

very primeval era of humanity to the present we share 

our world with animals whose proximity to mankind 

has always been fraught with danger, and so we maintain

a measure of safe distance in the preservation of life 

theirs and ours. A conundrum has arisen that among 

humans exist pathological dangers inherent in life 

among psychopaths not merely random deranged 

individuals but entire groups who manifest a clear and 

present threat to others. Calling themselves Palestinians

they roam in raucous mobs threatening and abusing 

those among whom they live, not averse to disrupting 

society in their unreasoning passion for victimhood 

they claim is theirs while victimizing entire cities and 

national coherence in their insistence that another far

distant country be destroyed, its people banished

from life so that the victims may avail themselves

of that which is not theirs. Their victory of persuasion 

will not suffice to temper their rage for they will be 

forever victims finding other rage-inducing targets  

upon whom to vent their fanaticism including those 

adherents who have cleaved to their psychosis prepared 

to support violence against others, oblivious they are 

next until such time sane society exerts itself to

erect a distance between human raptors' intent to kill.




Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Inspired Language


The muse of literacy is not amused.
She is in fact beyond the state of bemused
quite beside herself in the face of the
unaware unwillingness of those who
embark upon that most common of shared
human expressions to exert themselves
not fastidiously, but deliberately and

with all due courtesy to language, use
the words meant to convey their thoughts
and use them accurately, inclusive of the
specific order of the alphabet that identifies
those words, for the elegance of language
and communication demands no less.
I know all this and so would you if you
but heeded her rules through the simple
expedient of respect and admiration for
all that language allows. That which has
the effect of demeaning language in turn
identifies the abuser as one unworthy of
the gift of communication. A visual blight
and an assault on one's sensibilities when
a blissfully unaware mangler of prose
poses as one whose opinions are fraught
with meaning and substance, all flown off
in an embarrassment of sad association.



Monday, December 25, 2023

Wholesomely Yours

 Bashar al-Assad arriving in Jeddah on Thursday on the eve of the Arab League summit

What could possibly be more comforting
than to know that no matter how you
disport yourself, regardless of the 
manner in which you may be regarded by
the rest of the world your family will always
stand by your side. As an ego restorative there
is nothing quite like an abundance of allies
who share a significant quality that you also
are part of and as brothers are foursquare
with you. Sudan's ruler may be regarded as
a mass murderer, but there he is pledging
loyalty to you, Syria's butcher. And though
the Arab League's 22 member-states saw
fit to disown you Bashar al-Assad, blood
will always win out even if sectarian ties
separate you for you are Arab born and as
such belong to this distinguished gallery of
thugs and mass murdering states ruled by
royalty and tyrants and sheiks, military
leaders and backgrounded by the clerics
who never hesitate to issue deadly fatwas
against any who deny the verity of Islam's
basic tenet of bringing peace to the world by
embarking on a jihad against the nations of
war deigned such for refusing to submit. You
Assad, will be enjoined to rejoin the Arab
League for their members have missed your
presence and in an act of magnanimity now
pledge to endorse your honoured presence.



Sunday, December 24, 2023

Return to Zion Redux

The Menorah on the Arch of Titus, Rome

Exiled from their ancestral lands by a mighty empire 

of conquest and occupation, an ancient people of a 

vanishingly small demographic on a globe holding

diverse ethnic, cultural, religious and societal 

populations is distinct from all others by virtue of 

its lightning-rod capricious attraction of hate. Its 

decades, centuries, millennia of scattered pockets

in all regions of the world created a diaspora

forever a target of suspicion, hatred and violence.

These ancient people, descended from the Judaeans

that peopled the Middle East have found no certain

haven wherever they settled for centuries or for

thousand-year spans. When finally the appeal of

return to Zion re-established its heritage presence

welcoming persecuted Jews displaced from points

east and west on the globe, its presence provoked

surrounding tribes to gather in militaristic threat and

invasion time and again; each event repulsed as the

modern State of Israel asserted its right to exist.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Unrequited Humanity

People light candles for people who were kidnapped and in memory for people killed

Weep, O ye innocents who enter here. This is a

tale of unrequited humanity, in the compassion of

those with empathy befriending a hostile neighbour.

This is a dismal story of neighbours confronting

one another, one forced to defend its ancient heritage

the other dedicated to a rage of victimhood contesting

that heritage. On border villages of the reborn nation

that was wealthy and enlightened lived those whose

empathy for the others living backward lives of

tyrannical penury whose leaders focused on conflict. 

The closed border was no obstacle to inviting those

lacking opportunity to enter for day labour and

to work on border farming communities and thus

was trust gained. Until the fateful day when those

same familiar workers followed the hostile regime's

violent incursion into the border communities in

a shock assault to pillage and destroy, rape and

slaughter, wreaking unspeakable carnage in a rage

of sadistic psychopathy dispelling the mirage of

two solitudes ever meeting in reconciled peace.



Friday, December 22, 2023

Monstrous Megalomaniacs

We must name the monstrosities that confront us

for while they are real and not imagined in their 

terminal descent to the lowest gradient of humanity 

without the words to convey what we see, hear 

and feel we ourselves cannot believe the depths of

human depravity that flings itself against the illusion 

that humanity is capable of compassion and decency. 

For these are raving megalomaniacs against whose 

atrocities that defy comprehension the world stands 

divided, half in appalled disbelief and the remainder 

in appreciative awe construing their sadistic acts 

of terrorism as heroism meant to be celebrated 

in the name of self-actualization for a people 

claiming victimhood who have in the aggregate 

victimized those they have long been groomed 

and incited to loathe as rivals with a clear and just 

claim to that which is claimed by the aggressors 

whose champions excel in extolling the virtues of 

death as a sacrifice willingly offered to their god while

themselves seeking shelter from the returning fire 

of those they attack. These monstrous psychopaths

excel in extending sinister threats to others who

love life, not death; in their penchant for finding

pleasure in rape, mutilation and slaughter. So

entrenched in the nobility of their cause to 

annihilate a people and their state they record

their savagery in a triumphant conquest of evil.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Israelites in Israel

No, their claim is not that of squatter's rights

although relatively speaking their migration

to the contested region is of fairly recent vintage.

Yet they are adamant, the land is theirs by

heritage rights and the ancient state of Judaea

now reestablished by the embattled diaspora

they claim are occupiers, mere settlers on

land they have no claim to much less ancestral

rights -- for the interlopers have developed a myth

all their own with language to match that it is 

they, the rightful inheritors, for not only have 

they claimed entitlement to the land but along

with it, the history and heritage of those they are

prepared to kill to augment their argument. In

their diabolical minds steeped deep in sinister

solutions to gain what belongs rightfully to others

a two-pronged campaign emerges, that of 

convincing the world of their victimhood at the

hands of illegal claimants to the ancient land

where the City of David and its splendid citadel

was consecrated to Islam, an inviolable reality

that prevails in its conquest over history, heritage

and the inalienable rights of descendants whose

gatekeepers kept the faith and welcomed at long

last the return of the weary Wandering Jew.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Promises Delivered

Justin Trudeau ridiculed for 'EMBARRASSING' Canada by wearing Indian  'wedding outfit' | World | News |

Canada's prime minister, he of the 'Canada is back!' 

can now rest on his laurels. His legacy: that he has 

accomplished what no other PM before him has ever 

done; he has reached the height of his ambitions. 

Canada is no longer a nation as per Justin Trudeau's 

intent; the world's first 'post-national' state. And nor 

do we genuflect in admiration and gratitude before 

the leaders of the past who formed the greatness that 

was the nation, for the statuary celebrating their 

successes have been toppled. The foundational values 

of the nation have also toppled, replaced by the odd

and the bizarre as societal norms while old stock

Canadians have been shunted out of sight and mind

in favour of elevating the previously disadvantaged

for in truth, competence, intelligence and merit are 

so out of touch with all that matters in this world.

Now the cream has descended from its place at the

top and the product has soured as befits a time not

soon enough gone. Canada has joined the misfit

nations of the world whose views on human rights 

justice and social morality have the value of a wink

and a shoulder shrug. But for Canada via decisions

of their prime minister, an invaluable accolade for

its performance at the UNGA prompting the world's

foremost jihad-crazed psychopathic group steeped in

bloodlust, to congratulate Canada for its firmly loyal

support favouring rape, mutilation, butchery, abduction.



Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Why Do You Bother?

All you good and gentle people who

become exasperated and offended at the

cuttingly hateful positions you face on

social media when hardcore antisemites

seek you out to lavish malevolent scorn

on your person and more generally your 

tribe which has weathered like no other

group on this planet revulsion, persecution

and existential violence, ask yourself why

it is that responding reasonably to those

who are by very definition unreasonable

can be a means by which your voice can

overcome the visceral hatred that descends

from generation to generation? Nothing can

or will deter those whose subliminal urge to

hate and revile a select group motivates them

without resort to reason for enlightenment is

spurned by devotees of an ancient ritual of

condemning the unknown and vengefully

seeking its annihilation. Spare yourself the

effort, turn away, but know your enemy.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Presidential Privilege

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)

To lead a nation unerringly well in the best of all

possible worlds, a candidate steps forward

the very image of accountability to those

who trustingly believe the glowing campaign

promises meant to persuade the electorate

their certitude is not misplaced in one blessed with

integrity and the capacity to strategically plan

to represent the aspirations of a wide ranging

demographic of various ethnic, religious, cultural

and ideological citizens whose needs are

recognized in justice, equality and security

assurances. The leader seasoned by a lifetime

of devotion to the social weal of a diverse public

having intimate experience of the complexities

involved in bringing the future to the present.

An individual of such unerring wisdom and

intellectual acuity that trust in decisions made

are left in perplexed disarray in the wake of a

committee tasked to protect and guide prospects

for the future of a perpetually discriminated

minority through the auspices of the very

group that persecutes those they pledge to aid.



Sunday, December 17, 2023

Palestinian Entitlements

Anti-Israel protesters kill the Christmas spirit at malls across Canada

A communal psychotic derangement

syndrome makes them very unpopular

with the civilized societies in the region

who perfectly understand what admitting

the interbred, excitably violent prone to

their kingdoms and sheikdoms can lead to

when the refugee rabble settle in to wreak

high-volume hysterics over victimhood

a condition they treasure even while 

exploiting it as motivation for deadly

violence. Reason enough to close their

borders and maintain high vigilance that

they not be breached, breathing relief when

liberal Democratic societies compassionately

invite the brooding masses to emigrate and

forge new futures for themselves based on

freedoms and entitlements to security and

equality oblivious to the reality that when

they arrive the entitlements and prosperity

are eagerly sought while the welcoming

nation's heritage and values along with

equality are rejected for their belief is that

none are equal to themselves and the

freedoms given allow them to threaten

and violate the security of others in virulent

displays of riotous mob rule and violent

intrusions disrupting the heritage rituals of

the indigenous population, realizing with

chagrin what the Middle East always knew.



Saturday, December 16, 2023

Timeless Existence


This perishable year is racing

toward its exit. With its closure

there is hope and regret, perhaps

not of equal measure. Above and

beyond the Universe hums and strums.

A chronology of birth and of death

anniversaries and annulled

expectations occur and fade, a

glimmering wisp of electrified

thought and aspiration. The sphere

that is our refuge is steeped in

conflict, mountains shed their

carapaces, volcanoes their interiors

the seas rise at the command of

wind and stars. There is no 

permanence, hence scant comfort.

Yet Nature assures us existence

is timeless, though mortals not.



Friday, December 15, 2023

Impenetrably Mysterious


The relentless series of snowfalls
finally scatter themselves in a wan
flurry of exhaustion, satisfied with
the effects of their seasonal decor.
All that might seem sinister in a
leaf-shorn forest now generously
cloaked in pristine white. The sky
reflecting the arras below, its own
shade of white, all absorbed in the
shimmering, glimmering presence
of winter. Though it is still yet
afternoon, dusk claims the remains
of the day, adding mystery and a
suspense of furtive activity from
the forest understory to skyward
aerial reaches; of nature's creatures
settling under that plush white
sound-absorbing comforter betraying
the tracks of the residents below
and above. All, that is, but the raptors
and the night-hunting carnivores
whom the dark of night and the
creeping shadows on the snow are
alerted to take swift and deadly
advantage of the comforted unwary.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Battleground



The answer to the questions come from the very 

highest authority, those who can handily quote history 

as far back as the mind can imagine for there lies 

the enduring proof of those who now in their wisdom 

shake their heads and repeat ad nauseum it's them

again. And the them in question shudder for they 

know their history all too well since it begins and 

never ends with those darkly sinister tales of blood

vermin and pestilence. It began when plagues struck 

Egypt and Jewish slaves took their freedom in an 

escape that brought them to the promised land. And 

from there under the auspices of a sole, furious God 

they conspired to rule the world, capturing disease

and then dispersing it to the unaware, poisoning wells 

to destroy tribal villages and their inhabitants

kidnapping children to drain their blood for the

matzo that signifies Egypt's loss. The Black Plague?

Jewish conspiracy cabals causing the death of millions

more than when Nazi Germany tried to favour the

world by acting as global executioner. Coronavirus?

Forget Wuhan, don't blame the Chinese, look upon

those who seeded the virus in China unbeknownst

to the Chinese. The Jews, whose kabbalah flirtation

with the occult created the Golem standing mute and

huge prepared to battle civilization to the ground.



Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Silence of Snow

Wind spurts fierce thrusts compelling
the snow to drift languidly and
mound into voluptuous landscapes
while evergreen boughs heavy
with snow release great clumps
themselves springing to height.

Lazy clouds of snow drizzle
the landscape. Falling clumps freckling
the grey sky, shifting clouds to
pleasure the insistent sun. Shafts
of light haze through the forest,
firing the snow to silver crystals.

Through the soft and gentle
stillness, the staccato of a hairy,
red-capped woodpecker. Snow
generously comforts a recently-bereaved
copse of elm, maple and poplar,
naked no longer. Trunks grey,
black and brown stippled
gloriously-blinding white.

Desiccated, bright orange bittersweet
fruit cluster along their vines'
chokehold on prickly Hawthorns.
Their haws shy against the
flamboyance of the others.
The creek drifts clear and tinkling
over gathered fall detritus
now heavily banked in snow.

A raven crosses the undecided sky,
its raucous call shredding the silence
swift body a black arrow true to its mark.
Soon, snow-muted silence regains
its imperious reign.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Advance to DIE

The words themselves and by themselves

are perfectly salubrious; oddly, linked they

proclaim themselves DIE and with their eager

application much has died in the process of their

institution in the hallowed halls of advanced

studies since diversity, inclusion and equality

spell the death of intellectual advancement

to the present reserved for those capable of

and proving able to put their minds to study

in the performance of acquiring knowledge of

the science of existence and the byways of the

human mind within the structure of atoms that

comprise the universe. Where once recognition

of intellectual rigour and creative minds gained

entry to academies of higher learning these are

no longer the requisite qualifications of choice

for it is not now the grey matter of the body's

internal chemical engine but the pigment of

the epidermis that ranks as sole entitlement for

entry to academia now fostering an ideology

of ideological gain for the oppressed and the

marginalized who will thrive on the curricula

of exclusion of white imperialists, usurpers of

human rights, in the interests of outcomes that

reward lack of intellect while punishing the

merits of reason through power of mind.



Monday, December 11, 2023

Slaughter of the Innocents

It is beyond intolerable that human rights

can be taken so lightly as to torment the

dignity of defenceless men surrendering to

the assaults of a trained and armed military

setting out to humiliate and reduce these people

to the lowest common denominator of humanity

displaying them in public for contempt and

hate, denying them their rights, forcing gross

indignity upon their persons, a phalanx of

quivering, quavering flesh raw with punishment.

A quantum lesson in conscienceless moral

depravity, rage the human rights critics of the

Israeli military. Absent from the narrative the

very fact that these are terrorists who gloried in

the rape of girls and women, mutilated them

slaughtered them as well as children, parents

grandparents, civilians of all stripes, and soldiers

in a hideous melee of unrestrained, deliberate

malice, free to sadistically savage communities

on the orders of a death-cult devoted to genocide.

But of course the backstory is of little interest or

regard by those addicted to accusing Jews and

their challenged nation of 'atrocities' afflicted upon

the guilty hides of brutal rapists and murderers.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

School Daze


In Nazi Germany Jewish children were denied

access to the classroom in the fear their foreign

presence might corrupt the purity of the Aryan

children, innocent of such inherited vices that

lurk in the psyches of Jews. In China children 

are introduced to the moral rectitude of the Chinese

Communist Party, and taught the dangers of

splittism, the harmonizing beauty of abolishing

religion, ethnic cultures and the backwardness of

dissatisfaction. In Muslim countries school curricula

lean on Sharia and the sacred writings of the Koran

to fully comprehend the requirements of maintaining

distance from those declining the Prophet's kindly

invitation, to understand that infidels and Jews are

their enemies to be treated accordingly. In the

schools of the democratic West where all now

revolves around human rights extolling the virtues

of diversity, equity and inclusion, children become

versed in gender fluidity and transgenderism, urged

to celebrate the diversity of sexual identity and various

offshoots of colonialist imperialism learning that white

complexions are shameful while those of colour are

glorious and worthy of ever-expanding entitlements.

The children that inhabit today's world are now fully

prepared to inherit the flawed world of the past on their

way to correcting all its ills, bound by and motivated

with the one critically dominating issue; the knowledge

that the world contains one species of humanity whose

presence must be held in suspicion and dread: Jews.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Honoured Martyrdom of the Masses,709&quality=75&strip=all  

Pity the poor people of Gaza, Palestinians living in abject

poverty ruled by an Islamofascist terror syndicate whose

very existence is solely dedicated to the utter annihilation

of a Jewish state whose citizenry live in the security of

a justice system that weighs rights and obligations of the

state equally applied to all, the Jews whose very existence

requires a state whose sole purpose is to shelter them from

harm, and the disparate others comprising its population 

from Christians to Muslims, Baha'i and Bedouins, Druze

Kurds and Circassians all protected under the aegis of a

state whose democratic credentials are a regional rarity.

Pity the beautiful innocence of Palestinian children alive

in endemic poverty awaiting a state of their own where

perhaps their futures can aspire to good fortune and

prosperity. Then regard their leaders who consider those

under their wing as disposable assets taught to abide by

their rules unquestioning as future martyrs to the Hamas

cause of genocide, equipped with the assurance that life

is but a transit to death and death to be desired for it

leads to a Paradisaical oasis, the fulfillment of all human

desires for to become a martyr is to become favoured by

Allah, a treasured outcome that the leaders forswear for

themselves, sweet altruism savouring it for the meekly led.


Friday, December 8, 2023

Evidence is Not Proof!

Vengeance best served cold when women recall 

incidents of the distant past that may have pleased 

them then, the attention of a man expressing the 

now-outdated admiration of a woman leading to a 

touch now viewed as a bodily invasion hugely 

inappropriate bordering on sex assault where no

matter how long ago and the vagaries of memory 

the accusation holds opprobrium from which the 

accused may never recover -- from a permissive 

society to one in stern judgement where the woman 

is believed, the man reviled. But there are exceptions. 

Men on fire with the psychosis of hate and rage can 

flood a peaceful gathering of music lovers to 

surround fleeing women, savagely mutilate them

gang-rape girls and women, torture and laugh at their

agony before slaughtering them and desecrating

their fragile corpses while delightedly capturing

the moment on video and displaying them to

great applause. Yet those women who recalled

long-ago indignities to their person insist there

is no proof that terrorism exploded in a blast

furnace of abduction, rape, mutilation and joy.



Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Persuasive Power of Faith

Humanity: A species of animal resident on the

third planet from the sun within its solar system 

among billions of others in the Milky Way Galaxy.

These are animals smugly complacent in the

certainty that they represent a higher order of

existence, replete with a soul, a mind and the

extraordinary capacity of thought and intellect

enabling it to investigate and understand the

mysteries of nature and the oscillating universe.

Human cognition and memory is legendary in

its scope as is the brain's potential to invent and

analyze, and reach the highest orders of sublime

creation to emulate nature's infinite designs.

Yet humanity is beset by base emotions of envy

greed, suspicion and hatred, partial to constructs

of thought elevated as devotion to ideologies

validating human paranoia guiding believers to

trust in the sacred nature of existence while

simultaneously advocating toward conquest in

the command of an eternal being itself jealous

of divine status demanding total obedience and

subjugation equipping its faithful with the frenzy

of persuasive obligations of worship of the

sacred unseen in devotion to deadly conflicts.



Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Victim versus Victimizer

They classify themselves as victims and as such 

their plight becomes iconic in worlds far apart 

from theirs where justice weighs heavily on the 

side of victim versus victimizer and in that context 

a nation that is a beacon of liberty, equality and justice

becomes an international lightning rod for dismissive 

contempt. The occupation the nation imposed of 

necessity is one of guardianship of the safety and 

security of its beleaguered people from the unending

violence the victims perpetrate in a campaign of

extirpation meant to destroy the nation and its people. 

The victims never hesitate to decry their homeland 

lost to the usurpers whose ancient ancestral patrimony 

it is, now renewed a sliver of land in a vast sea of 

Islamic rejection of the presence of Jews who in 

1929 suffered a savagely deadly pogrom, the sudden 

surge of invasion, the pillage, the torture, the 

mutilation the mass rapes, the unbridled celebration 

of slaughter of the innocents, from children to the

aged, now repeated by the very same pathologically

psychotic impetus to savagely destroy and conquer

Judaea reborn from Hebron in 1929 to Israel in 2023.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

You're BLOCKED!!!

How very gratifyingly self-affirming it can be to

express one's opinions freely taking care not to be

too ignorant of what one defends in an expression 

of experience and thoughtfulness and to exchange 

with others mutual conclusions that mesh and yet 

not quite mirror one another's. In the process learning 

what has not before been known and simultaneously

adding to someone else's store of knowledge in a 

free-style exchange between minds complementary

to broaden one's horizons and at the same time 

take comfort that we are not alone in this great wide 

world where instant communication has been a 

boon to society at the very time it has unleashed

virulent attitudinal sociopathy, others feeling free

to debauch a priceless resource by casting wide 

a net of hateful propaganda. In which instances 

yet another sterling quality raises itself to render 

the thought-predators absent from the conversation 

a tool offering complete satisfaction and absolute 

freedom of self agency when the program is instructed 

to turn itself into the gatekeeper of one's vision as

unassailable by dark forces which urges that the 

shock imposed by the stark dark souls that creep 

maliciously through the system be BLOCKED. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Contrasting Assemblies!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/cda-israel-hamas-20231204.JPG

Abrasive and demanding by nature

of their culture, on the raw side of civility

they wrap themselves in the white flag

of victimhood the better to extract compassion

from the outside world, prepared to excuse

their violent excesses as the product of

deprivation, a culture that comes wrapped 

and ready when they relocate, to be shared

sanctimoniously when occasion demands.

They gather in raucous hordes exuding rage

demands and threats, issuing notices of

violated civility, sweeping through quiet

streets and thoroughfares bringing notice to

championing of a vile terror group whose

criminal atrocities shrink from the pale of

humanity. These are the standard-bearers of

a death-cult imposing martyrdom as a theistic

obligation on the faithful. Flaunting their

grievance alongside a sneering dismissal of

human rights their foul stew of entitlement

is offset by another demonstration of quiet

dismissal of slanders and genocidal threats

appealing to the better nature of authorities

oblivious to upholding the security of lawful

assembly as patriots of a nation caught

between the pathological forces of evil

and human obligation to uphold justice.



Sunday, December 3, 2023

Tenets of Inherited Hatred

Resentment, victimhood, dispossession

all petulant ammunition in the war between

those who believe they have suffered 

indignities, their human rights despoiled

by others and in turn feel full entitlement

to offering up toward society in general

and their purported victimizers in very

particular their full-throated accusations

accompanied by threats of their own which

on occasion carry them from fomenting

civil disturbance to the commission of

violent crimes while claiming they are in

very fact restoring their dignity taken

from them by the forces of imperialism for

they are freedom fighters, free to battle

against the inheritors of ancient wrongs now

righted. While conversely those who have

been truly victimized set their sights on

recuperation of their self agency vowing

never again will they be vulnerable nor yet

abandon the tenets of human civility in their

rehabilitation through resourcefulness and

earned pride in their past, present and future.