Friday, June 26, 2020

Why Are Protests Erupting Across South America? – BRINK – News and ...

Hair Shirt of the Day

The anomie of boredom breeds its very
own dissatisfaction with life, searching for
a source of inspiration to give value to
existence and for quite awhile the searchers
found fascination in the lives of public
figures, social and cultural elites, heads of
government, entertainment moguls and
celebrities whose glittering lifestyles they
might avidly follow and emulate in the
process ventilating their aimless values 
through social media platforms in search
of envy and a pedestal of their very own. 
But boredom knocked again and a restless 
world awaited a throbbing cause to gnaw 
at the ankles of conscience eschewing the 
emptiness of personal status exuberant 
when the epochal era of victimhood rescued 
their commitment from the dungeon of
wasted effort. Suddenly, so suddenly the
cause appeared that had eluded them though
it was always there, stagnating for want of
notice while the sufferers staggered under the
weight of history and residual inequality. The
world, taken by a storm of sympathetic guilt
not their own but happily appropriated, the
hairshirt of penance and regret, acclaiming
the victims their heroic campaign of the 
moment. Sadly, there is no end of historical 
incidents of cruel atrocities that humankind 
visits on its own. Happily, their numbers 
will keep the public busy protesting those 
wretched instances of reprehensible mass 
wrongs, shouldering the censure though they 
were in no way complicit, thus paving the 
way for society's psychopathic contingent 
to join the fray under cover of numbers 
to wreak havoc and mayhem as they protest 
law, order, decency and the social weal.

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