Sunday, June 21, 2020

 Image result for logos, social media platforms

Process and Purpose

There's no denying it, in a societal culture
respectful of the feelings of others one
has a tendency to withhold the urge to
comment, render an unsolicited opinion
interfere with someone else's values and
beliefs and certainly hesitate to disclose any
personal thoughts on religion to spare
another the dismay that may result and at
the same time conceal one's own reactions
from scrutiny in that most respectful of
polite societies. Unleashed from physical
proximity and the social weal however
through the Internet where distances
vanish and identities become phantom
we feel released from discretion and
whether prodded or not feel free to dispense
advice, proffer questionable opinions
put forward assertive claims difficult to
authenticate and lay claim to authorships
not quite our own as experts with the
wisdom to officiously demand attention
while obnoxiously denigrating those in
true positions of merited authority through
the medium whose platform encourages
idealization of verbal chaos, mangling
accuracy of reportage to reflect an opinion
all one's own to amass a dedicated follow.

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