Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Chaotic Garden

Sometimes it's a bit of a free-for-all
the chaos that occasionally results in a
bed or border that the avid gardener
does their best to synchronize to season
and succession growth and flowering
to instill order and tidiness in a venue
where the occupants feel free to stretch
their green limbs and casually occupy
space allotted to others in a plan to
equalize opportunity to all who take
seriously the expectation they will add
value in the shape of form, texture and
colour to the kaleidoscope of the living
garden. Then there is the never-ending
issue of legitimate tenants crowded out
by interlopers without permission to
settle in occupied places, some so cunning
they place themselves directly beside a
specimen plant they resemble to pass the
eagle eye of the gardener as a respectable
and entitled resident. Oh, and the others
those who replicate themselves beyond
measure to send their offspring hither and
yon, crowding the garden with repeat
offenders. Not all is blighted for there
are also shy and welcome visitors whose
presence is a delight; wildflowers like
tiny pinks, buttercups and daisies, seeds
that travelled on the wind to find the rich
fertile soil of your garden. Or the cultivated
treasure of a tree peony upon which hitched
another peony to mature over the years as
an especial, unexpected gift to treasure. The 
measure of an independent-minded garden.

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