Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Her Garden, My Pride

Since childhood living green held me
in its mystical, tender embrace and I
yearned to be there in a storybook place
of green growing things for it was where
I felt at peace, comforted and nourished.
But who might imagine a future distinguished
by the privilege of becoming one among many
yet distinctly idiosyncratically one's own
agency under the tutelage of the designer
of all that is, granted an invitation to look
and to learn upon a broad canvas supplied
under temporary lease with all the manifold
issues of the soil, tentative at first then with
growing confidence leaning into instruction
your febrile hands immersed in the warm
moist yeast of growing vegetation teased
this way and that from tender shoots to
delicately and often brilliantly hued petals
stirring the soul with pride and admiration
as perfection stirs its conceited head yet you
know this tapestry pulsating with life and
drama reflects no talent on your part as a
priceless arras you may enjoy, giving credit 
to nature where all and any plaudits are due.

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