Tuesday, October 31, 2023


He is but a vain, ignorant and shallow man

who confuses the dignity, honour and 

power invested in the office he held with

attributes that he does not himself 

exemplify. It is, above all, the power in

the position temporarily his that he felt

reflects the glory of an absent intellect

and inability to but mock the cerebral

functioning of those superior to him

holding positions meant to guide his own

while his quixotic decision-making sent

quavering shivers down the spines of

world leaders for any decisions he made

in the full fallibility of his flawed character

through the intrinsic majesty of that office

inevitably impacted the stability of the free

world upon whose freedom the decisions

emanating from his office traditionally

guaranteed. He is a madman run amok

and the dilemma is that lawful democracy

and the people's will placed him in such 

authority that others could only hope

he will in due time be but a footnote in

history which cannot pass soon enough.




Monday, October 30, 2023

Finding Place In Alien Spaces

People take part in a pro-Palestinian demonstration at the Israeli Embassy in London on October 9.

Migration is what all living species do over 

time and distance. The spread of species from

their singular places of origin has taken place

from time immemorial, when non-native species

navigate their way to geographies unfamiliar

yet holding some mysterious promise of posing

a venue for renewal and prosperity. When their

places of origin are no longer havens the

existential yearning to move on advantageously

to places of promise moves populations to seek

that which eludes them from birth in places of

adverse life conditions. As foreign species finding

place in alien spaces where opportunities abound

they make their place grasping the rewards of

chance while their memory transforms their 

former homes into places of comfort, drawing

them to return in brief spurts of nostalgia to those

places still lacking the graces that propelled their

dispersal. But culture is transportable accompanying

the mind with the fond delusion of superiority

leading to leaning on their numbers to import

customs, values and emotional dystopian urges

of sect and clan irreconcilable with the heritage

culture and values of their adopted homes until a

conflagration of titanic force sees the interlopers

violently asserting their dominion of conquest.



Sunday, October 29, 2023

What Is Old Is New Again

 Palestinian supporters shout slogans as they cross the Brooklyn Bridge during a demonstration demanding a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, praising Palestinian "resistance" and denouncing Israel, on Saturday, October 28, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

Rational and humane are we? The capacity

is there, agreed, yet a mass psychosis of

inhumane irrationality seems never far from

the surface of a population's civil veneer of

enlightenment. Documents attesting to the

influence a malign government can exert on

its population by attributing the failures of its

own misrule of an exploited populace can be

readily diverted by accusations of an 'outside'

force's deliberate ruination imposed upon an

entire nation, though the named culprits may

be few in number, yet imbued in the popular

imagination with powers far outstripping their

presence. For an improved outcome it becomes

necessary to name them, ostracize them, rescind

their liberties, gather them into squalid camps 

that deny their humanity and finally organize

methods to cleanse them from existence. That

methodical blueprint to genocide revealed to a

world recoiling from its horror, now sufficiently

recovered to rediscover that same evil intent

whose purpose must be apprehended and what

better method than to resurrect mechanisms

once profoundly repulsive, now to be repurposed.



Saturday, October 28, 2023

Their Passion of Hate


They are natural opponents, with reality and its

supporting components reason and rationality

at one end of the spectrum of human attributes

while illogic, and the passion of emotions crowd

the opposite and never the twain shall meet. The

passion of emotional psychosis based in hate has

no use for eyes that witness the truth much less

corroborating evidence that psychotic violence

has occurred of a depth of inhuman depravity by

which witnesses are struck dumb ... not with the

ferocity of disbelief, but the comforting opinion

that however savagely base the acts, they were well

deserved, for did not the victims' very existence

earn them this punishment? Children and infants

elderly and the ill cannot claim innocence for they

are instigators of violence against others by virtue

of the very fact that the worshippers of terrorism

view barbarism not as subhuman acts of abhorrent 

horror but acts of desperation by those for whom any

alternate avenues cannot deviate from annihilating 

those they despise so unlike themselves wholly

absent the virtues of religious devotion, clan and 

tribe. Welcome to another truth: You cannot reason 

with those for whom the conviction of reason is an 

impediment to unleashing their passion of hate.


Friday, October 27, 2023

Peace And Security -- But Not For Thee

Members of the United Nations General Assembly vote on a resolution at the resumed 10th Emergency Special Session meeting on the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

It is a morbid infection that festers silently within

the dank, darkly mysterious recesses of the human mind

with no shelf life for it is timeless and persistent

waiting, lurking for the moment of its release

when the dam of hatred bursts its restraining banks

to freely roam among hordes of similarly infected

overwhelming streets and byways, public institutions

governments, society, the professions and academia

to loudly proclaim its proud presence to damn

the ancient people so long its target yet never quite

prepared to counter the malign effervescence of

its arousal following random intervals of serene

disbelief its recrudescence would erupt once again to

torment, humiliate, oppress and threaten their very

existence. But it will and it does and it will never

in anyone's lifetime not recur for its target remains

defiant to that very special hatred it draws by virtue

of its very existence. Europe had its opportunity to

eradicate the presence of Jews, now the pendulum

strikes the hour that the world in its entirety grasps 

the deadly cudgel of extermination led by the very

stalwarts seated in the United Nations for whom

peace and human rights are of uppermost concern

yet not applicable to those accused of defending

themselves against ardent haters hoping to overwhelm

their defences, demanding it perish uncomplainingly.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Language of Religious Devotion


Questing, questioning humanity, fearful of

life and the threats perceived in a hostile world

finds its comfort in spirituality, a guiding message

from On High to placate fear and lead the faithful

to a House of Welcome where all who gather

adhere with passion to sacred precepts of the very

existence they hold in awe and terror. The sublime

comfort of companionship among those who

believe as you do, assigning to the outer world

of 'others' the sinister threat amplified with the

word of their Creator that those who fail to worship

the One, the Only are by this cardinal failure evil

their fate death or acceptance. Legions of those of

pure faith embark on their assigned mission to

convey the goodness and peace to be found within

their belief of the sacred, prepared to deliver

death to all who fail to accede. Religious devotion

in its narcotic affect authorizes its members

to destroy that gift of existence wasted by all

who will not conform in an exercise of faith

where psychotic dementia honours the precept

and manifestation of humanity's fondness for

mass hysteria and lethal eradication of dissenters.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Nature's Precincts


It is an ethereal, glowing world unseen

by all who fail to venture into the natural

confines of a forest in fall. A world of

transformative seasonal verities where

verdant normalcy metamorphosizes and

becomes an enchanted colour kaleidoscope

of eye-dazzling rainbow shades festooning

woodland trees and shrubbery, a glittering

golden landscape of breathtaking beauty.

Where seasonal rains lacquer the autumnal

scene and the winds of fall send urgent 

messages to foliage to vacate their summer

perches to decorate the forest floor. The

diminishing forest canopy warmed by a noon

sun that sends fingers of light to linger on

pastels and vibrantly brush-stroked leaves

reflect the authenticity of nature's precincts.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

They Came, They Saw To Conquer

A pile of books.

For so it is written. Go ye forth and bring

ye back the unbelievers. And so they did

in emulation of their forbears sweeping

through communities, across plains and

mountains, crossing seas to enter continents

far and wide, leaving in their wake the dead

who would not conform and confirm while

those that did took up the sword and lo

and behold, minarets rose and the muezzin

calls the faithful to prayer, the melodious

reminder of the sacred duty for which all live

and thrive. And wherever the hordes drove

the Kaffir to utter the Shahada peace reigned

for lands of the Infidel are places of war.

And so they come today, migrating in vast

numbers to lands awaiting the occupation of

the pious and the peaceful waging conflict

with unbelievers shunning the laws of the land

while Sharia guides their opportunities to

advance within society, academia and foreign

government for influence and in time, conquest.     

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Messenger And His Message


These are devout people, godly people, people

of the Qur'an, people of great faith who turn

to their holiest of sacred directions five times

daily to pray and to murmur blessings upon him who

led them to Islam. These are people of peace and

good fellowship. You know this because they tell

you so. Among themselves there is fellowship 

yet somehow peace eludes for they view those not

of their faith with scorn and pity. Tribe and sect

are vital, however, and those of lesser sects held in

contempt and between them there is no peace. Their

faith is the place of peace and those of other faiths

are out of place living among the faithful to Islam.

Their code of laws and ethics teach it is within

the bounds of reason to kill Jews and Infidels and

their women to be enslaved. Although they detest

countries where Christianity rules, opportunities to

prosper rest there, and so they come to live among the

kaffir whom they will not permit to live among

themselves. This standard of migration thoroughly

approved as a facet of jihad benefiting the faithful

materially and elevating the opportunity of persuasion

to declare the Shahada, augmenting the injunction to 

swell the ranks of Islam through fecundity and

evangelism. They live amongst the ungodly where

their numbers build mosques calling the faithful to

Friday prayer where Imams thunder and denounce the

accursed Jews. The very tribe and Abrahamic forbear

from which Islam derived itself and against whose

existence Islam is adamantly averse. On the occasion

when Islam's most fanatical faithful butcher and

mutilate Jews the religion of peace sends out its fiery

defenders to mock and deride the bloody slaughter

as a sacred victory begging to celebrate. And they do.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Triumphalism of Hate


The dearest wish of those caught in a maelstrom

of violence and despair ... to turn back the clock

return to a time of ordinariness when concerns

were merely pedestrian in nature, before the

eruption of conflict and death, before that aura of

desperation settled like an opaque veil of human

misery shifting shape from dreadful to horrific

in its inescapably mounting death toll and the

knowledge that existence itself balances on a fine

thread of happenstance. For what happens there in

the theatre of war inexorably spreads like ripples

in a morass of viral hatred poisoning the very air

surrounding it, contaminating wherever the wind

shifts its noxious fumes until suddenly you find that

there is no escape, no passage available to leave behind

the stench of death amid the decay of civilizational

norms where the scent of fear and foreboding pervades

leaving a mind incapable of focusing and terror looms.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Passion of Slaughter


My eyes are heavy and swollen with tears

yet I have not wept though the tears keep

swelling, rising from my melancholy heart.

There is a blockage and it is anger. Anger that

once again my people are beset by the indifference

of a world accustomed to such paroxysms of

terror unleashed by the vicious scourge of venom

breeding among the haters of the originators of

the world's most prominent religions, viewed

by the faithful of its offshoots as symbolic of all

that is hateful, evoking old tribal enmities in their

accusations of sanctimonious victimhood at the

hands of Jews utterly innocent of time-ragged

slanders that unite their enemies while igniting

in them the raging urge to slaughter the innocents.

Once again the execrable slaughter and the lunacy

of ululations of joy over mass death. Once again the

outside world glances sideways at the death toll 

while murmuring token sympathy until the attacked

rise and defend themselves, the signal for an outraged

world to turn its back on the besieged Jews the better

to excoriate them for causing pain and death upon

those whose complicity in their own anguish and sorrow

now mourn in like manner, the deaths of the offspring

of those whose passion of slaughter smote Israel.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Championing Death's Foul Hand


Hate is the twin sister of Madness. Their

brothers are Violence, Conflict, Rape and

Murder. They are the Malevolents Family.

Their persuasive attraction to the minds of

humanity steeped in grievance and victimhood

is immeasurable. Under the influence of the

first sister, adherents of Hate See no evil

Hear no evil -- above all Do no evil. They

may indulge their fantasies in exacting justice

but it is a version unknown within the world

of reason and sanity who abhor slaughter and

all the persecutions and oppressions that tend

to accompany campaigns of hatred whose purpose

is to slander, isolate and demean their target

while desensitizing the wider audience to the

reality of their humanity and innocence. It is

when blind fury rages within a soulless mind

urging toward inciting to torture, mutilation

rape and murder irrespective of civilized mores

condemning harm done to children as hapless

victims of compassionless zealots viewing old

and young as ripe for obliteration in the avid belief

that they are freedom fighters, liberators, resisters

when in reality they represent in full regalia

creation's flawed and failed experiments in the

inheritance of traits patterned after nightmares.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Barbarity Adoring Circus

 People in New York City attend a "Stand with Israel" vigil and rally on Tuesday, October 10.

Regional nations that share ancestry with them

will adamantly not accept their presence among their

own, so renowned are they as violent agitators in

the public realm. Their exploits celebrated among

those that follow their depredations despite their lust

for murder between tribal sectarians. A death-cult

whose focus is total annihilation of the Jewish state

contiguous to their own where they relish striking

the children and youth of an avowed enemy in

macabre versions of death. Their own children

and youth patterned to enjoy spilling blood, eager

to be celebrated as martyrs to slaughter. Mass rape

mutilation, incineration and beheading favoured

for the theatrical drama of author and witness to anguish

and gore. Recorded and widely distributed earning

disgust from the civilized and admiration from their ilk.

Yet despite their inhumanity in glorifying death while

parading their infamy as terrorists, a global public is

prepared to look beyond their ghastly performances

since one item weighs in their favour balancing their

grisly love of barbarism with the exonerating stamp of

forgiveness for they are, after all, defiantly not Jews.  

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Jew Primeval


The superiority of numbers augmented by

ancient antipathies ensure that the power

invested in enmity can be unleashed on the

despised at any time, surprising the target with

its ferocity and barbarism. Numbers and migration

invest the transgressor with the power of

communication where slander is magnified by

the enduring suspicion of that same people held 

in a perpetuity of sinister intent. When the lunacy

of psychosis meets the turgid venom of rage

leading to unrestrained savagery committed on

the unprepared resulting in bloodlust fulfilled

the eyes of the world swivel from perpetrator to

target where the burden of cause and perpetration

assays its conclusion through the jaded prism of

the shared conviction that The Jew primeval and

The Jew through eternity shall forever be guilty.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Creation, Time and Space


An imposing cathedral of

unparalleled beauty sheathed in

crystalline grandeur lifts its

imperious grace to the ceiling

of the sky velvet with approaching

night, a halo of moon and the

boldness of stars impassively

observing a landscape unlike

their own of frozen gases and

ancient minerals. The one below

with its living atmosphere

responds to the distance of its

sponsor-sun in a frigid pause

of the clamour of growing

things unlike the inert nothingness

of cold and distant space. This

most familiar place of time and

seasons, liveliness and curiosity

a highly specialized experiment

by nature in randomized creative

adventure. And so, her creations

look up and peer beyond the

darkness of the unknown, certain

of discovery and revelation.



Monday, October 16, 2023

Serenity of the Fall Forest


Whistling as it swoops north then south over the

tree canopy wings wide, swept high by the wind

and its own powerful avigation, the hawk banks

seamlessly, swerves and returns to its starting point

then reverses the swerve repeatedly sweeping the

aerial landscape even as it observes the landscape

below. The forest in fall mode of serene expectation

of its leaf-barren state but not quite yet. Its leaf mass

flaunts a range of rainbow colours while every

exhalation of wind drives a kaleidoscope of foliage

floating lazily to the forest floor. Soon the hawk 

absents itself and in its place a series of southward

bound geese in a formation of disciplined ritual

crease the cloud-streaked sky one after another in

the inherited memory urgency of their annual migration. 

As dusk falls robins, nuthatches and chickadees

snuggle themselves deeper into the confines of

all-embracing cedars and hemlocks. The whistle is

once again heard warning nocturnal forest dwellers

the hunt is on as both the forest owl and the hawk

listen for furtive scrambling, smell the odour of prey.




Sunday, October 15, 2023

Enduring Malevolence

Hamas militants playing with captured Israeli children in shocking video.  Watch | World News - Hindustan Times

Once, in the dim mists of time gone by

we were all people of the desert, tribes

differentiated by tradition, culture and 

heritage at variance in the existence of a

spiritual creator for whom each was the

most exceptional of all, eyeing one another

with suspicion overcome by existential

necessity or clashing on a battlefield for

regional supremacy. Evolution has produced

many changes in our environment and our

capacity to exploit the resources of the

natural world, yet nothing has altered our

original primal state of tribal dissonance. 

From our origins to our present the cradle

of belief and faith failed to unite the Semites

frozen in time to the present in their distrust

and antipathy. Each consider themselves

Chosen, choosing hostility as their link to

the past, capable of committing atrocities in

expression of ancient animus toward the

stranger in their midst. Civilizing traits

have evolved to differentiate those advanced

from tribe and clan to the  universality of

humanity, while others cleave unreservedly to

their primitive emotional aversions prepared

now as then to strike in violent reprisals

to avenge ancient conflicts simmering deep

in the collective savage subconscious where

a single tribe among the many soared to the

emancipated heights of human achievement 

in consequence bearing enduring malevolence.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Justice of Antisemitism Renascent


Amazing. Just how to account for the steady

stream of venom expended on an infinitesimally

minuscule proportion of the world's population

in wild celebration of barbarity perpetrated on

men and women, young and old, children and

infants in a bloodbath of bile and gore, murdered

simply because they were Jews. We've seen that

grisly scenario before when the universal poison

of Jew-hate boiled into genocidal annihilation of

the loathed people, diminished by two-thirds of

its total. The world sighed in regret at the ghastly

event it made no effort to intervene in. That tiny

segment of humanity excelled in gifting humanity

with the fruits of its Nobel-celebrated genius to

improve and make the world a better place, but not

unfortunately, for Jews. For from the ashes of the

Nazi Final Solution has arisen a chorus of voices

lifted in a unison of barbaric blood-lust to 'gas the

Jews' in a re-enactment of a genocide interrupted as

a groundswell of graphic slanders in denial of the

right of Jews and its State to life and liberty. Carnage

perpetrated by Muslim jihad proudly wearing the 

mantle of conquest demands no less. A message that

legions of supporters repeat as they march in joyful

unison through the world's capitals espousing a new

and far more effective blueprint for Jew-eradication.

Unthinkable to them that in the intervening years a

gradual renewal of Jewish life is finally restoring

their numbers worldwide to its pre-Holocaust level.

A travesty they are prepared to amend in their cries

of Allahu Akbar! carrying with them the sentiments

of Jew-haters world-wide that justice must be done.



Friday, October 13, 2023

What's Bred in the Bone and Blood


They are young, pretty, vivacious students happily

gathered in front of the  university they proudly

attend. Young minds determined to be informed

and educated, to make a place for themselves in

the world under their own agency. Gathered with

their peers of like persuasion they even now are

practising the power of persuasive influence and

the joy of disseminating the prevailing attitude of

damning those with the effrontery of believing they

too have a place in the world. Their gathering

has a distinct purpose reflected in history when

a different ideology with the precise delivery on

target to persuade an indifferent public that Jews

were a menace waiting to dominate the world

succeeded in extinguishing life's quality before

proceeding to annihilating life itself. The banner

proudly held in mimicry of the original design

of extermination held aloft for applause. These

insouciant minds visualizing genocide, yet in

denial that their heroes were being honoured for

rape, torture, mass murder and abductions live

to exhort that indifferent public to join their cause.



Thursday, October 12, 2023

Ghoulish Acts of Sadistic Horror

Ghoulish acts of sheer sadistic horror

stomach-turning to those who have no taste

for grotesque inhumane acts of terror

but wonderful entertainment for those who

view the desecration of humanity as a joy to

behold and behold them they did in living

colour, both the perpetrators and their admiring

followers witnessing the atrocities through

courtesy of their terrorist idols who took

great care in filming the scenes in all their

blood-soaked gore; the mass rifling-down of

crowds believing this would be an ordinary

day, fully unprepared for the invasion of hell's

scum out to wreak deathly chaos on their

unsuspecting neighbours, to burn people alive

in their homes, behead them, slit their throats

gang-rape girls and women amongst the dead

bodies, slaughtering children and infants and

in the bedlam of horror unfolding abducting

feeble ill old women, children, women and

shell-shocked soldiers for the ransom of prisoner

exchange. None of this matters to those for

whom those neighbours represent the ardently

venomous hated they have been inculcated to

view as oppressors. The atrocities committed in

their name of little concern as the population

cheered and feted the invasion of death; every

act of indecent horror shared on social media so

that the world could see and know that Jewish

babies are disposable, and infants too can be

useful in exciting their public to the fury of hate

the world at large to a paroxysm of revulsion.



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Defenders of the Faith

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gesture toward Israelis during a protest in New York City, October 8, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)

What ghastly perversion of mind you might

wonder would proudly document themselves

in the act of mass slaughter, mutilation of dead

bodies, rape of wounded women, abduction of

the elderly infirm and infants, much less the

throat-slitting, beheading of children and babies

as proof positive of their hero status: Defenders

of the Faith. Carefully planned and coordinated

shock invasion of a society unlike their own for

whom their hatred is so remorseless they have

invented a death cult persona to exemplify their

allegiance to the concept of genocide. Ostensibly

in the interests of wrenching territory from the

ancestral inhabitants of a territory in dispute. A

dispute unsolvable by diplomatic discussions

for only one party would be amenable to demands

the other feels it can possess by force of arms. 

In the annals of human atrocities few could compare

in a world that shudders in odium and disgust

yet the perpetrators are confident of a wide audience

of enthusiastic approval. For are they are not then

liberators of those believing themselves victims?

And do they not mightily please the bloodlust of

those whose deep-seated hatred of the attacked

call for more, never satiated in the vision of an entire

people finally humbled, assaulted, demolished?

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Psychotic Terrorists


Well yes, of course, it's true that you just cannot

please everyone; there is always a grain of truth

in home-spun folk maxims born of observation.

Certainly, many Arabs and Palestinians will not be

pleased for this exhibition of pure blood-lust by

the terrorists who broke out of their lunatic asylum

fails to do justice to their own reasonable sensibilities.

And Jews, those famously thin-skinned people who

infamously take umbrage at being slaughtered for

being Jews, are livid with rage and vow they aren't

taking it any longer. All because thousands of hate-

crazed psychopaths were loosed on them with direct

instructions to sow terror into the minds of their

victims before raping women and girls, absconding

with infants and babies, shooting to kill anyone on the

streets of towns and villages of unsuspecting prey,

invading homes to deliver death to entire families

abducting Jewish soldiers, men, women, children

torturing some, beheading others and generally

disporting themselves as what their defenders insist

they not be labelled, so these guerillas, insurgents

gunmen and freedom fighters fulfilled a promise that

streets would flow with Israeli blood to the extreme

satisfaction of a woke world of progressive thinkers

who feel their time has come to throw off the shackles

imposed upon them by an occupier forced to 'occupy'

to defend its people from just such displays of barbaric

savagery, only the unions and the leaders of academia

caution one must see matters from the attackers' injured

perspective of victimhood to take  joy in the carnage

wrought upon a too-proud people with the arrogance of

believing they could return to their ancestral home without

due consequences, and just to ensure the world has full

knowledge of the sublime victory these grotesque death

squads achieved, all out to celebrate the glory of conquest!



Monday, October 9, 2023

The Triumphalism of Jew-Hate


It is confusing, it is disappointing and it is oh, so

profoundly demoralizing working through the

grief and sorrow that is felt when confronted with

news from every conceivable media site that there

is a great public out in the wider world that can

see and be as aware as I am of the obscene atrocities

acts of inhumane but all-too-human wretchedness

forced on helplessly vulnerable people by others

whose violence is fed by such a deep-seated hatred

that every vestige of conscience has fled before

the searing venom of their hate. Children are ever

so precocious in sensing and adapting to their

social environments learning at a preternaturally

early age to maintain a low profile, for to attract

attention is to draw the spite of recognition as a

Jew. The early knowledge in childhood of an event

so mercilessly absolute in hatred as the Holocaust

has a haunting quality in the disbelief that humanity

could countenance a genocidal intention brought to

bear on a helpless population while an indifferent world

tended to its own pressing business. A life lived so

cautiously in avoidance of slurs and contempt ends at

some point; either with death or eventual defiance. Yet

even in old age facing truths head on, nothing could

possibly prepare me for the onrush of demonstrations

blatant in the public sphere of multitudes of people so

devoted to hatred of Jews that the most odious acts of

inhumanity be celebrated as a reckoning by so many.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Why Is That?

 Iranian supporters of Hezbollah wave Palestinian flags during a celebration of the attacks that the militant Hamas group carried out against Israel

How strange it is. The odd happenstance

of two groups with like characteristics

one held universally in odium for appalling

human rights abuses, the other infamous

for the same reasons in storming towns and

villages to kill at random, beheading enemies

abducting women as sex slaves, slaughtering

entire families, inculcating hate in children

teaching them to become efficient future

martyrs to the cause of religious conquest.

In the passion of their violence inspiring new

generations, their exploits funded by religious

bodies yet both held to a vastly different standard. 

Each recognized as fundamentalist extremists

who in the execution of their lethal ideology

are monstrous vehicles of death and destruction.

Their terrorism a mirror reflection of each other's 

but one interpreted by ardent supporters as a

just cause, the other just because. The group that 

brought the horror of medieval-barbaric atrocities

to the public eye when it recorded its atrocities

for all to view and shrink back aghast reviled as

its audience was repulsed and terrorized while the 

second group proudly recording its own ghastly

abuses against humanity is championed across

the world -- for their victims are singularly Jews.



Saturday, October 7, 2023

Degraded Humanity

This Is a Pearl Harbor Moment for Israel

What then might so degrade the human spirit?

Visualize gorging continually on the lure

of believing oneself victimized, inspired by 

the outrage of a lesser claim than you believe

to yours gaining the prize you coveted. Move

on or remain. Alternately carefully nurse that

grievance and set out to inspire others to blame

those you claim did you ill. Chances of success

hinge on the cultural-social-religious repute of

your inferred transgressors, and luck has it that

your wound becomes theirs. The festering rage

and hatred seeps into deep psychosis, like a

suppurating lesion dripping venom, destroying

reason and humanity, in its place raw barbarism

inciting the mind to take pleasure in violence

inspiring the wreaking of terror against any who

represent the usurper of the victim's aspirations.

An entire population of self-identifying victims

find joy and redemption in meting out rancorous

spite and slander, celebrating wildly at news of

their death-inspired champions brutalizing and

mutilating the chosen enemy before the death blow.

Mothers and grandmothers ululating in triumph

and children taught to bully, threaten and aspire

to be elevated to the adored status of martyr.



Friday, October 6, 2023

Preternatural Psychosis

grotesque feared creatures from www.scarystudies.com

How strange we humans are in our fascination

with blood and gore, the fearsome, lurking grotesque 

unexplainable forces  that threaten us, the supernatural 

and the hovering of ghastly skeletal figures carrying

scythes, ghosts of the avenging dead, curses and

spells, incantations, incarnation, demonic possession

objects that move of an inexplicable volition

the threat potential of strange heavenly objects

and aliens peering Earthward deliberating over

visiting a swift stroke of oblivion to the sphere

carrying proto-intelligence of a violent disposition.

For in  humanity's other obsession, that of 

waging conflict on one another there is ample gore

untold numbers of lives lost yet of little interest

to those fully engaged in terror inspired by the 

imagination of creative horror-mongers while 

those powerful figures who inspire and conspire

to murder on a mass scale are viewed with the

dispassionate gaze of total human indifference.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Naughty And Nice

She is young and vivacious

though as a mother of two

young adults, not that young

in fact. Yet so much in life

is so obviously relative and to

the grey-haired woman beside

her, the pretty, charming

woman was young and

gregariously extroverted,

so much so that their brief

companionable proximity

serendipitously served in

its warmth to gift the elderly

woman with the sweet illusion

of herself, renewed in youth.

Fittingly, or not, the younger

woman wore casual exercise

pants and as the two ambled

side by side in the woods, the

legend, coyly, perkily appearing

on her derriere read, "Naughty".

Delighting her companion no end.