Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September Whimsy

As September prepared to exit 2020 it decided 
a flamboyant departure suited the mood of the 
occasion, calling up the services it contracted
for with wind, rain and sun for one last hurrah!
September was far from exhausting its store of 
tricks, oblivious that October would follow with 
the very same cast at its command.True, September 
began the process of autumn, bringing in shorter 
days and cooler nights, frequent rain yet ample sun 
in a Goldilocks performance of 'just right' that 
heralded the forest's nudge to its demographic of 
deciduous trees to pack up their vital life-juices 
for cellar storage and deck themselves out in a 
kaleidoscope of colours, while sparing what's left 
of most gardeners' summertime pride and joy. 
But now the business of moving on, releasing the
stewardship of nature's provinces on that inevitable
journey to winter takes precedence and so, the 
very last day of that singular month distinguished 
itself with rain squalls, ferocious winds, benevolent 
sun displays, the forest bedecked in fine costumery 
of glowing pride. And if trail hikers hadn't the 
good sense to prepare for the unexpected with rain 
gear, well tch! They still were able to glory in the 
rain-and-dusk-effect of a lacquered landscape. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

It's Autumn

The timeless process in slow motion
inevitable, irresistible, ongoing
seasonal measures by which
nature organizes life and death
the renewal of all her resources
and in the forest forever in dusk
light diminishes day by day
urging all growing things to consult
their primordial memories to refresh
their rituals of survival. On the
forest floor vegetation blanches
and shrivels, the understory recedes
while conifers shed needles and
deciduous trees flaunt a flamboyant
wardrobe the envy of all whose
memories stretch back to childhood
and the acrid fragrance of autumn.
Cold begins to seep into the atmosphere
sufficient persuasion for geese and
hummingbirds to migrate humming
through the dark velvet of the night sky.
Furred creatures forage feverishly
and caterpillars find their perfect place
to cocoon the frigid months away.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Divine Source of All That Is

She is incomparably omnipotent, is Madam
Capricious, both landlady and housekeeper 
with whom a signed, sealed and delivered
covenant graciously allows us permit to dwell 
provisionally within her capacious holdings.
She in whom we trust has her admirers vying 
to emulate her brilliance for she is also truly 
unparalleled the fulcrum about which revolves 
all that is known and  unknown. An artist whom
all others with the ambition to follow succeed 
only in rendering pale imitations for she is also 
the supreme creatrix of all that is and will ever be. 
In her moods she is unpredictable, given to the 
unexpected in turn giving rise to fear sharing 
space with adoration. Take, for example the latest 
of her aberrations foisted upon unready humanity
a blight so fearsome all that is familiar in the 
social order she has ordained is disrupted. And 
even while the scourge of a stealth virus stalks 
the Earth she daintily dips her brush in vibrant hues 
of brilliant colour painting the landscape offering
pleasure to the creatures convinced they have
been abandoned to contend with her power
enabling a dread pathogen to drift amongst us
as an act of devilish mischief, an admonishing
lesson to surrender the conceit that humanity's
interference with her divine creations elevates
the common to the divine. For she will not 
tolerate arrogance deserving of retribution.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Lady of the Night

She is the ultimate lady of the night
curvaceous, mysterious, beautiful beyond
belief, her alluring presence beguiling
and provocative. Her presence is beyond
doubt heavenly, her admirers legion and 
her reign whereby she casts the light of her
beauty on all whose gaze upon her splendour
is both without peer and an everlasting legend.
Her intermittent disappearance from public
view has been known to cause panic. Her
power is such that the seas respond to the
gravity pull of her fascinating presence.
Believe it, she is an anomalous presence
whose absence would alter the entire world
as we know it. She is also without shame
flaunting her natural beauty night after night
careless of clothing herself modestly to
shield her ethereal loveliness from view
other than the occasional diaphanous silvery
threads of vapour, tantalizing and arcane.
Last night she wore red, shimmering and
glinting against the dark blue velvet of the
night sky. And we knew we were observing
that rarity of the night sky, a Blood Moon.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Guilty, As Charged

Why yes, now that you mention it 
the world has gone mad for we live
not in exciting times but in an excitable
era where mass hysteria is the order 
in which we cope, to function as best
we can in an atmosphere burdened with
fear and distrust, where incensed groups
clasp victimhood with great affection
close to their outraged affectation, in the
process conferring victimhood on all and
sundry for if they were once slaves then
penance should be equally shared among
all who descended from the slavers. Ancient
Greece quivers with indignation for even
their greatest of philosophers, among them
slaves, held sacred an implicit belief that 
some are born to nobility and others to be 
enslaved. No matter that modernity shudders 
at the very thought of bent and burdened backs
in service to others' whims of necessity. All
must bear the burden of man's inhumanity
to itself. And so society abases itself while
hoping to placate the rage of those whom
history and current political cowardice
has entitled to mob-roam dark streets and
burn and pillage, beat and threaten, the
accusers savagely intimidating their own
victims knowing polite dissent gains nothing 
wreaking havoc to find satisfaction and 
vindication in their claims, evidenced by
the wincing submission of society's suddenly 
less-privileged, beaten insensible, quiescent.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Life Cycles

Overhead, the call of the wild as geese
begin their annual migration from north to
south in a sky glowering discontentedly
under the weight of dark, bruised clouds
preparing to release a chill rain on this early
fall day. The restless wind releases errant
dried foliage from their branched perches.
Somewhere, far off in the forest crows angrily
scold an indifferent owl. In closer proximity
to the pair shrugging their jackets closer
laggardly robins race ahead on the woodland
trail before finally taking to wing to disappear
into the forest interior. Maples have already
turned an intense crimson anxious to get their
shedding over with, followed closely by
the forest's yellowing poplars. The last of
the wildflowers glow pink and gold in the
dusk of the forest interior. There is stillness
and the quality of peace envelopes the green
mass of the forest canopy not quite prepared to
surrender to the inevitable. This year's bumper
crop of pine- and spruce-cones, nuts, berries 
and acorns have sent small furred creatures 
into a frenzy of collection spurred by an 
ancient memory deep in their subconscious
ensuring the survival of adaptive advantage. 
Withal, it is nature that sets the immutable 
rules of existence, relying on her creatures to
respond as ancestral memories spur to action.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Conflict Resolution vs Resolute Conflict

Out of ancient Ur of the Chaldees came a 
patriarch venerated through the timeless ages
for in Canaan Abraham and Sarah settled to
raise a dynasty in a region torn asunder in its
struggle for scarce resources where territorial
imperatives raged and population groups were
raided, razed, slaughtered and bereft. A condition
of existence marginally improved over the ages
to the present time. What has not much changed
is the propensity of families to quarrel among
themselves for siblings to jealously wish ill on
one another and Abraham's offspring to the
present day carry on this irredentist tradition.
Unequally endowed by capricious nature two
brothers' genetic code defined by their mothers'
bloodline as much as their mutual father's, but
both equally detesting the other; one unwilling
recourse to violence, the other immersed in an
unappeasable thirst for blood. Time, however
sees opportunities to diminish antipathy and
distance leading descendants of remorseless
rage to reconsider the family feud as a timely
disposable, relinquished to the greater goal of
unity in the face of adversity. Treaties of peace
and goodwill, diplomacy over warfare arouses
pride in accomplishment despite junior members'
furious disposition to get on with the bloodletting
aided and reinspired by the deadly enemy without.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A Nation Divided

Transitioning from Semi-Skilled Worker Status to Canadian Permanent  Residency | Canada Immigration News
Now is the time to be parsimonious
with your critiques, we're living in
hard times with high anxiety and a
whole lot of depression, even if you're
not feeling it particularly yourself for
after all, there's no big personal cost to
humility and concern for others, so go
ahead and look the other way when the
fellow next door wears a mask when he's
mowing his lawn and unloading groceries
from his car trunk. He's a schlub but
you always knew it and had the good
grace to keep it to yourself. If you're
looking to vent some spleen you still
can as a citizen of a country where free
speech is lionized. Look instead to 
calling out the hyper-hypocrisy of a
white, privileged man born to money
and a famous name who champions the
less privileged, women's rights and
alt-gender equality along with people
of colour even though as you readily
recall the occasions when he casually
manhandled women claiming his
memory told him the experience was
other than assault, then couldn't recall
how many times he wore Black-face.
A man who incidentally cannot quite
distinguish between ethical choices and
injudicious decision making, who thinks
nothing amiss of using your money to
pay for his votes. Equality does not extend
to the rights of the provinces, some more
equal than others. Go ahead pal, cry it 
FOUL! loud and clear: COVID scapegoat
to beggar the country for the man whose
goal is to be king like any self-serving
champion of the people's bought choice.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A New World Descends, No Need to Ascend

NASA Astrobiology Institute
Predictors of the future, those sage souls steeped
in astrobiology tell us of a brave new world they 
envision when humankind must abandon the ship
that has borne us through the ages in the firmament 
of the heavens, that in an ever-expanding universe 
and the potential of interstellar travel rests the future
potential for colonization of a planet humanity has
not yet spoiled whereas mother Earth has been 
thoroughly disabled groaning under the weight of 
her degraded status, calling up tempestuously 
destructive unnatural calamities in a failed effort 
to regain her balance on the stormy seas of a climate 
reversing the natural order as we know it. We imagine
ourselves in the future space-suited, existent in aplomb 
within an adjusted lifestyle under a oxygenated
self-sustaining dome on a planet far from our ancient
emergence. Suddenly, in one fell swoop we have 
been given an entirely new world right here on our
ailing planet, nature returning the compliment of
forging another entirely new way of life to sustain 
an existence of toxin avoidance while among us there 
is no lack of those resembling extraterrestrial life
suited in prevention of contracting deadly viruses so
emblematic a struggle to cope in an existential coup.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Cue The Olde Philosopher

Actually our man is not old much less olde
but he does regard himself as a philisopher
knowledgeable, cosmopolitan, pacific. 
He has a loyal companion who regards him
with liquid eyes of adoration so that's one
thing in his favour, though their lines of
communication are somewhat complex, she
canine, he human. To ask whether there are
other traits in his favour one would have to
enquire directly to his wife of whom he will
occasionally discourse and reading between
the lines of his wry accounts, one has reason
to doubt. Begin a conversation and prepare
to have the topic yanked out from under your
tongue. Wait for him to launch a topic and
then grit your teeth and launch a rictus smile.
Time is not in your favour, friend, take it from
we who have suffered over the years anxious
not to appear bored or fed up with the man's
endless expositions for which he brooks no
interruption, polite or otherwise. And when
tactfully you search for a conclusion whereby
escape is possible and launch an 'anyway...' as
preparation in taking leave, it is clear that many
have attempted that ruse and failed for he takes
that word and mockingly quotes: anyway
anyhow, nonetheless, even so, in any case .....

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Damn Right I Will!

It is an entirely reasonable supposition
that as thinking, intelligent creatures
we have it in us to learn by our mistakes
at the very least exercise due caution
when undue incidents result from bad
habit. In my case, haste. 'Make haste' was
an expression so commonly used in
Victorian literature for after all at times
much can depend on it for situational
outcomes. With me, everything is a situation
whose outcome rests on my capacity to
perform tasks swiftly; it is my very nature
my DNA. There's another old adage
act in haste, repent at leisure, and that is
precisely what I'm doing, with (sigh)
yet another black eye to prove just that.
I've lived my life in a hurry, simply too
much to do and see and look after and
the outcome is being accident-prone. Surely
an improvident condition, yet all mine.
Falls, head-splits, unintentional acrobatics
without end and consequentially colourful.
Expletives to salve the anger that I've done
it again, pain to flood my senses reminding
me that I've done it again, then swiftly the
swelling and eventually those bloody awful
hematomas crawling over my cranium
and a spreading dark shadow encircles my
eyes. Out in public, stares. Knowing stares.
An abused woman. My husband the gentlest
man on Earth suffers the nasty ignomy of 
a reputational bruise. Does he mind? No.
Why do people make such assumptions? Aha
next time I see a woman with inexplicable
bruising will I judge? Damn right I will!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Short Story


Not very enlightened
nor expressively creative,
but most certainly qualified
as a short-short story.

About life in general
and an evaporated passion
in particular degree
well beyond rescue.

They met, they tarried.
Sharing the veneer of
common interests
but not, alas values
and cultural background.

He as disinterested in hers
as she in his. Still, they married
and celebrated a scant few
years of mutual neglect
and growing revulsion.

Though neither would
offer the other release from
tension and aggravated
bitterness in expectations
drowned in grievance.

Theirs was a story
abbreviated by his final
solution. Her ultimate demand
answered by his final decision.
He did not attend her funeral.

Inflicting upon him
recrimination and blame
that only a faithless woman
is capable of wounding a man by;
her final act to seal his future.




Friday, September 18, 2020

Old King Tut
No, he wasn't old, at all, since he was a boy king, thought to have been 19 in 1324, B.C. when he died, having reigned for nine years. That was 3350 years ago, if one can fathom that time-frame, and in that sense it makes him old. But although chronologically he was not old when alive, physically his condition was that of an old man, having to get about with the use of a cane, and suffering severe degenerative conditions, along with a club foot.

He cannot have been too sprightly in the prime of his life, poor Tutankhamen. When his royal tomb was exhumed by Howard Carter in 1922, it was a sensation, because of the condition of the site, the splendour of the items found with him, and the exceedingly beautiful gold-worked death mask that topped his sarcophagus. The find was a sensational one awing the world, mesmerized by the legend of the boy king.

And the mystery of a curse said to have afflicted many in attendance at the excavation made everything surrounding the legend and the reality of King Tutankhamen a thrillingly fascinating discovery. Now, a team of scientists from Egypt, Italy and Germany making use of the most advanced DNA techniques has reached the conclusion that the king's physical disorders weakened his immune system making the health-vulnerable man susceptible to malarial-caused death.

His genetic endowments were grimly inappropriate for a long and healthy life. He is thought, through the tests, to have been the son of Akhenaten, the pharaoh whose paeons to the sun-god made him known to have been the first monotheist, and whose legacy of sacred buildings dedicated to Aten, the disc of the sun, were destroyed by those who followed him. The boy king's parents and grand-parents too have been identified.

Akhenaten was known to suffer from severe genetic problems caused by a disease that damages the body's connective tissues whose symptoms include a short torso, long head, neck, arms, hands and feet; pronounced collarbones, pot belly, heavy thighs and poor muscle tone. The six daughters he had with his wife Nefertiti all exhibited the same physical characteristics as their father. Unusually tall, likely to have weakened aortas easily ruptured leading to death.

Akhenaten never had artists copying his image for posterity alter his physique, and he was proud of the outstanding beauty of his wife Nefertiti. Nefertiti is thought also to have been a very close relative of her husband, further reasons why genetic problems surfaced in their offspring. Brother-sister marriages were common enough in early societies, particularly among royalty. Cleopatra was said to have married her brother.

Consanguinity in marriage does not produce healthy specimens; genetic vigour is irremediably impaired. Even much later, among European royalty throughout the later centuries up until the 18th Century, intermarriage in families was common. Charles Darwin, the great expositor of natural selection might have been thought to know better, but he married his first cousin, Emma Wedgwood.

King Tutankhamun's need of assistance in perambulation was verified by the discovery of over 130 walking sticks found in his tomb. The genetic tests recently completed, headed by the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Cairo, concluded that his and perhaps four other mummies from his family were infected by a parasite causing an often-deadly form of malaria


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars

The amazing speed of light an impossibly
distant galaxy has sent toward the posterity
we represent is astonishingly difficult to
balance by frail human minds. Brilliant
cerebrums whose understanding of
technical, scientific, mathematical models
of nature's dabbling in physics and gases
and organic potentials leave us gasping in
disbelief. But then, what do we mortals know?

Travelling through the organized chaos of
space and atmospheres we conclude from
spectroscopy and quantum mechanics - and
radio telescopes continually scanning the
immensity of the Universe still unfolding its
unknowable presence, we deduce that life
forms other than the familiar may indeed
exist. Beware, cautions the world's foremost
astrophysicist: some things are best left
as they appear; untouched mysteries.

Organisms may colonize other planets on
other galaxies in the vastness of the dark
surrounding us punctuated by brilliant pinpricks
of heavenly light. On solid or gaseous surfaces
holding life's molecular-organic promise, that
divine spark may have given life. Somewhere.
As close as a sister planet, as far as one of more
ancient derivation, the light of which, travelling
at 300,000 kps has taken 13-billion light-years
to be received on Earth, and recognized.

There can be no certitude, only a preternatural
twinge of possibility inferred by stellar-fixated
minds of genius whose knowledge has been
predicated upon those of rare insight of our race
from primeval times to the present. We exist,
why not, how not, other forms of intelligent
awareness. Of course, 13-billion years represents
an exhaustively-engaged time even when no one
is counting. And to traverse that distance in time
and icy, blank space represents a wearying affair.

So if we were to forward a message of greeting
trusting that at some primordial event amino
acids precipitated life, what guarantee it yet
remains? It is not without the bounds of
possibility that some capable life form has itself
messaged us out of a sense of non-human curiosity
and receiving no response, as we do not deign to
notice stray and puzzling appearances of strangely
fey creatures, but make haste to destroy what we
find fearfully offensive, we may never really know.