Tuesday, March 31, 2020


The White Coat

For those with chronic illness impelled to attend 
a place of healing and comfort hospitals resemble 
institutions of religious faith where parishioners 
gather seeking direction and assurance from a higher 
order whose earthly representative is regarded 
as an emissary from god. No less is the medical 
practitioner considered a demi-god healing the ill 
thrusting the spectre of the Grim Reaper away from
contention. And so doctors have become priests 
of health, a position to which they accustom themselves 
in entitlements of venerated power over death
taking their very special place in public trust. Until
nature presumed to retrieve for herself the overlooked 
reality as arbiter of existence creator of all that is 
in whom alone divine authority rests, thrusting the 
world of man into a mad dilemma of its own 
devising where divine intermediaries, of faith and 
medicine find themselves helpless and what's more 
become themselves vulnerable targets reducing their
status to mere expendable human beings. There the 
story does not end for delving deep into their psyches 
and professions, suppressing fear and their own 
humanity they rise to the occasion embracing their 
colleagues while struggling desperately  to own 
the reputation they burnished to rescue humanity.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Occupying Minds

One wonders, does extreme preoccupation
possibly qualify as a medical condition
when it crowds out all other normal
functions of a questing mind? Might
such a singular focus on a particular issue
register as a slight unhinging brought 
courtesy of an all-enveloping concern by
no means monopolized by you alone but
shared universally? A newly emerged
pathological condition fit to respond to 
a new pathogen evidently fixes the mind
to dwell incessantly upon dread potentials.
Not without cause for one has only to
open eyes and ears to the mouths of those
expounding on the fearsome toll this
zoonotic takes as it rampages through
time zones ravaging entire populations. A
mutating, elusive, silent predator instilling
panic in its wake. Shedding from its victims
to infect countless others, this dire threat
occupies the mind before invading the body.

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Silent Invader

Behold, ghostly streets of a ghastly time.
All is still, but not becalmed. As though
the dread end-of-times has arrived but
it has not entirely. Only those whose time
has come prematurely by nature's decree
primarily those who have lived long for
there are no life-time guarantees or rewards
for existence and a strange new threat has
made that evident as it thrives finding new
victims everywhere it inveigles its raw and
evil presence. A grey miasma of dread 
and fear hovers everywhere, fixing peoples'
minds on what might be the inevitable as
their spirits shrivel in dismay and life's
spark assumes an elusive edge. In stark
panic a struggle begins as populations strike
out to acquire life's necessities looting
what they feel will sustain them, depriving
others of sustenance as humankind reverts
to survival imperative and leaders haplessly
enact laws in wan hope of overcoming this
barbarically destructive weapon mankind
itself unleashed while dispassionate nature
engrosses itself unravelling the outcome.

Saturday, March 28, 2020


In the beginning
there was chaos, but then a gregarious atom
encouraged a clubby atmosphere
where they all gathered and there was order.

At first there were hot gasses, but then
cool season prevailed and
minerals and metals crusted the fires.

One lone amoeba suffered incurable hubris
thought she could do better
and founded a dynasty
on her vision.

In time a she-ape clambered down from the trees
pointed at the sea, and declared 'there is my creatrix!'
Named her daughter Eve

and set her the task of naming others. So Eve
chatted up giraffes and elephants
whales and cricets. She called
a brash Adamai snake-in-the-grass

for offering her figs when she
couldn't give a damnation
for his ignorance. Everything
was fine until he learned to 
wield a pen while she

continued to till the earth.
Eve provided crops for their
offspring and Adam pushed
back the night of eternity
offering superiority and his

own rendering of ineffable truth
that of himself as Supreme Creator
half of him up there
the other down here.

Friday, March 27, 2020

We May Yet Hope

We tried our best
and believed
we taught our children
sensitivity, intelligence
appreciation toward
the benefits of hard work
and a fine aesthetic sense.

The shock!
to discover
on the dart board
passed so many times
never before noticed
stapled photographs
at points of
highest benefit.

She to whom
we owe allegiance
smiling deathlessly
her face pockmarked
by unerringly
directed darts.

And there they are
the Prime Minister
and all those elected
to high posts in government
irremediably scarred

barely recognizable.
Does this behaviour
defy patriotism?
Have we raised a
viper's nest of anarchists?


Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Message is the Medium

My friend tells me
it's been nice 
knowing me all these years.
With a pat on the arm
he says I've
been a good sport
and even
pleasant company.

That's how I know
he's just recalled
         the date
and like last year
and the one before
has forgotten
to get me an 
anniversary gift.

The surface child
acquisitive me
never fails to be 
disappointed; yet
      somehow their
belatedness and haste
doesn't make the words
tripping hopefully

from his familiar mouth
sound any less sincere.
He sincerely hopes
I won't strike a
        tragic pose of
           benign neglect
weep tears of self-pity
like last year.

Strange how some things
never change.         Odd
how we never 
seem to learn.        Nice
that life goes on
any old how.



Wednesday, March 25, 2020


In a new riff on Darwin's survival of
the fittest, civil society has turned inward
on itself. We have become misfits in the
sense of social aversion overtaking our
gregarious natures for to submit to life
as usual renders usual life very short for
all too many. Where once parents concerned
themselves with children whose nature was
to be withdrawn and distant from others
this has now become a virtue, one that all
others are enjoined to heed lest a dread
and malevolent life form that has no life
of its own but lurks unseen, an opportunist
awaiting a host enabling it to replicate and
to infect greater numbers of the unsuspecting
invades. Now, the elderly already living a 
hermetic life sealed away from greater society 
must refrain from contact and study the great
Viktor Frankl's memoir for the meaning 
of life as they embark in early morning
hours like unscrupled thieves to access
food to sustain their tentative lives in the
brief hours that grocers set aside to aid their
quest to grow yet older in social hermitage.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

It's Not Necessarily So

But rather of necessity. We are equipped
with certain emotions for a reason not
merely because they make us human
but because they protect our humanness.
So that famous old adage so smugly
trotted out at times of viral public concern
that There Is Nothing To Fear But Fear
Itself is just that; smug and trite when
indeed there are times when the very fact
is fear prepares us for the need to guard
ourselves from what may conceivably be
certain doom. Nature gifted us with a
sense of caution that fear electrifies
warning us of impending danger. As we
evolved so did the world we live in; as
threats from predators in the wild alarmed
and taught us vigilance and discretion in
our movements to the present when civil
life in our modern era is brought to a
screeching halt with the sudden presence
of a silent deadly biological threat unseen
but lurking as a sinister infection whose
purpose is invasion and replication, in the 
process far outdistancing any threat from 
marauding wildlife yet in fact an infectious 
agent of wildlife that humans hunt to consume.
The dread that now consumes us is fear.

Monday, March 23, 2020

On Notice

There's a reason why antagonists are
portrayed to reflect the regard in which they
are  held in popular opinion. As a northern
people we absorb the lessons of intimacy
with nature welcoming the inevitable. In
that respect the seasons' arrival at nature's
designated times are accepted and celebrated.
Each of the seasons has their purpose and
becomes a welcomed presence. Only Old Man
Winter seems predisposed to overstay his
welcome. On arrival we rejoice and indulge
in a multitude of leisure pursuits geared to
advantaging the presence of cold, wind and
snow, exulting in the beauty surrounding us
and the invitation to make use of the lofty
white coverlet that puts the land to rest. The
indulgences of  winter comfort wear thin
however as time moves forward leaving us
less bewitched by cold, ice and raging winds
when the arrival of spring lifts our spirits
and we yearn for the sight of verdant fields
and forests to replace the presence of snow
grimed by age and atmosphere. Winter placed
on notice of evacuation can be a hard sell
and nothing seems to please the departing
season quite so much as lingering cold and 
snowfalls topping up the vanishing snowpack.
While winter grudgingly packs up his baggage
of ice, snarling wind and freezing temperature
he leaves a parting message: I'll be back.

Image result for vernal equinox

The Arrival!

The interval between winter and spring
is one where the former is adamant his
position will remain unmoved, unprepared
to awaken the sleeping fields and forests
the latter assembling all the patience at her
command reminding the recalcitrant Old Man
that ancient arbitration had decreed to all
seasons there is a reason and the slumbering
Earth must be awakened from its cold and
deep sleep to diligently host new life for
much depends on the fecundity of fields
and furrows upon which nature's creatures
depend. The world over, ancient cultures have
welcomed the arrival of the Vernal Equinox
crediting nature for the clockwork reliance
of her seasons, none as assiduously expected
as spring, for with it comes the promise of
life renewed and the expectation of green
vegetation reborn from the depths of winter
isolation, prepared to feed a hungry world.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

 Nature, Unleashed 

Nature would never divulge whether she
scanned the Old Testament feeling a degree
of umbrage that her brilliant creations have
been attributed to a male spirit conceived by
the spirit of males and in one fell swoop of
seven days the universe was created. There
has as yet been no official word from nature
whether her growing disaffection with
mis-attributed genius has rattled her sense
of self sufficiently to unleash upon the
impudent a lesson that her complex skills
and heterogeneous formulae carry a lesson
to those most unruly and disobedient of her
creatures, but her latest innovation has most
certainly placed the world as humans know
it on notice that all that has been can be swiftly
and jarringly displaced at any moment of her
discretionary decision-making. As she
unleashed upon the unprepared a silent
predator quick to invade and multiply
unseen and unsuspected, uprooting security
and threatening mass decline in a stunning
cascade of unstoppable carnage on her Earth.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Artist's impression of a supernova explosion


Who ever might have imagined
that the ancient oblate spheroid that
resulted when a vacuum containing
nothing created a cosmic explosion
casting gases and dust in a great arc to 
cool and become our home, a rock of
refuge for nature's creations where we
would thrive and mature, populating
continents, sailing its seas, discovering
and conquering, would find us now in
such peril? Who might have imagined
there to be so many islands on Planet
Earth, each of them now claimed by
every human now alive and hoping to
remain that way clings to, isolating
ourselves from one another to elude
the stalking of the silent, deadly virus
that has invaded threatening our existence
with each tide of increase it succeeds in
achieving inhabiting another host who
in turn transmits its pathogenic guest
onward in its predatory quest to multiply
and destroy, a conquest it gains unless
prospective hosts sequester themselves 
to starve its intent and stave off death.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Early Harvest

The sun edges past clouds
gleaming like a silver dollar
and we dip our paddles
the lake reflecting
darkness of oncoming rain.

There looses a kingfisher's
mad taunt from pinetops
circling the lake.

Water pearls in our wake
the wind gusts and
our canoe darts sleek as an otter
to a rock-littered inlet
where we beach.

As we thrust sharp sticks
the dark soil yields garlic
blossoming the air
with its heavy headiness.

Strawberries hide
their insufficiency under weeds.
We carefully pick what's there
for late afternoon jam.

Gulls scream overhead
and whitecaps scatter on
the lake. The clean feather-edge
of swallows slice the turgid air.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Influencing Mores

Social distancing was once the sole
baileywick of the cultural and social
elite who wouldn't dream of mixing
it up with social and cultural inferiors.
Neighbours who got to know one another
all too well might on occasion begin to
practise social distancing. Mothers were
notorious for instructing their little
Jimmys and Nancys not to play with
those nasty children of Jewish, Black
or immigrant parentage lest they be
contaminated by whatever character
flaws their race was known and despised
for. Eventually a classless system of
equality prevailed and it was the poor
and the ignorant who became the social
outcasts whose presence one distanced
oneself from while celebrity culture
embraced all, oblivious of heritage. Now
the yellow peril that racist seers warned
of while the world watched as its culture
of sacrifice and work ethic rocketed
it into superpower status inadvertently
unleashed a deadly menace it refuses
to own returning the world community
to its waning isolationist defence against
the demon of morbid contamination.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Bumper Crop

The highway stretches
a hot grey ribbon
frenzied traffic evaporating
over the horizon
while on either side
wide green spaces, trees
introduce the country
to the city beyond.

Nervously facing traffic
the juvenile groundhog waits
mustering momentum for crossing
if it manages one double lane
a boulevard will render rest
encouragement for the other half.

Does it know
that wild thing why it must
make that crossing?

Does it notice
far beyond on the other side
the activity there?
Crows,  undertakers
zealously perform their function.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Expiration Date

We are all born equal and not in the
sense of assessing all the preferred and
admired attributes that mark the presence
of one gifted with the ability to excel in
all enterprises they may enter, but in the
very essence of being alive, in that the
gift no one really wants is that of an
expiration date. A date that no one
regardless of how gifted they may be
can ever begin to imagine, whether simply
through the auspices of advanced age or
accident, ill health, and even inheritance
all circumstances beyond control and a 
matter of personal fate. Ill health becomes
no one, advanced age imperils everyone
and accident can also be construed as a
natural phenomenon such as for example
a dread disease that suddenly erupts and
handily sweeps the globe, unstoppable and
lethal for those whose expiration date has
most immediately moved closer to the final
date allotted by impermeable circumstance.

Monday, March 16, 2020

After Freud

There's great therapeutic value
in unloading
unhappiness of others
not rising to expectations
which is why psychiatrists
have it made; they've learned
the wonderful attribute
of listening, gently probing
as though another's discontent
matters, personally.

close-mouthed as a matter of
professional self-preservation
who's ever to discover that they
aren't after all wizards
of the arcane cult of living?

Who'll ever know about their
predeliction for coke
(I mean the real thing)
obsession with dainty extremities
infantile fear of the dark
proclivity to premature ejaculation

            UND ZO ON? 


Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Subconscious File

Deeply embedded as cherished
treasures those synaptic snapshots
your brain thoughtfully stored in
memory will be recalled increasingly
as age proceeds as it must and time
closes its promise for the future.
What has been is forever gone and
cannot be repeated, yet those briefest
of deeply embedded treasures imbued
with emotion minutely envisioned
with the  haunting intimacy of just
having occurred are truly distant in
time, momentarily recovered then
instantly returned to that file folder
that memory compassionately brings
to the fore as a reminder that our
lives are complex and unrecoverable
we exist and we roam the pathways
of opportunity and circumstance and
when we are bound tightly with vibrant
ribbons of bright-coloured emotions
entwined with love burrowed deep
within our souls its echo vibrates.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Nature's Response

Everything has turned upside-down
and inside-out, twisted and starkly
resembling a nightmare your sleeping
mind had never before ventured to
visit, but here you are, awake and fully 
aware, but the magnitude of the chasm 
of fear yawning before you while bearing
a nightmare of  unanticipated dimensions 
is real and the world is reeling in disbelief
that nature has reacted to the dietary
customs of a vast population whose arcane 
beliefs defying science are denying the 
proprietary interests of nature itself
unwilling to rest complacent while her 
creatures are destroyed, deciding in her 
imperious royal manner to destroy those 
whose conceits have gone too far in 
threatening her dearly held creations for 
as she has brought to life all that exists 
she has the power to reverse the process 
saving some and punishing those whose 
unbridled hubris she chooses to reprimand.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Voyage to Strange Latitudes

In the strange latitudes
of that hemisphere
animals wear shifting eyes
wind blows a hollow song
through aeolian strings
set on a razor's edge.

the newborn adorn
dark furniture like a
ship captain's parlour
displaying mementos
of exotic voyages;
mewling objects d'art

love is played at feelingly
coevals plucking sole eyes
doing the rounds
in comradely fashion
so all can see through
fortune's mists. 

mountains blossom
bright thorn flowers
earth opens welcome
chasms for escape from
terrifying sameness.

In that country
trespasses are welcome
in boiling cauldrons
spitting primal brew

heat brings saline dew
to unsuspecting brows.


Thursday, March 12, 2020

Yesterday's Child

Fiddleheads in the garden
slowly unfurling
not yet belling
the Manchu Cherry
sprinkling white confetti
on the vibrant green
of urgent grass
and swallows executing
their preying arabesque
while beyond the
sun, a pyromaniac's frantic dream
slips behind the houses.

Sitting idly on the swing
spring air filters
through the maple's
tender thrusts
as bees target straight for home
and the mesmerizing hum
of the neighbour's mower
returns growth to order.

The children
never recall other years
only living in the warmth
of the breeze
pulling stray hairs
beyond the spiralling
loops of the bicycle.
Memory of another child
yaps close behind the

flushed faces of
this spring day's children.
