Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wild, as Nature Intended


He (she?) is small and tawny, shyly secretive

nocturnal and wild. For all we know it may be 

'they' yet we have never seen more than one

at one time. And when on occasion we see that 

small lonely figure in the dim light of night 

quietly seated on our porch, on the walkway

we wonder how it can withstand the cruel

cold of winter. Alone, what comfort can it

derive from its life? We see the impressions

left in the snow. Not only that of the rabbit

but mice and squirrels. These are our close

neighbours, furtive, always searching a food

source. In these winter months we take care

to put out buttered bread squares, (breakfast

leftovers), peanuts and for him (her, they) carrots

and celery sticks snapped into small pieces at

the back door stoop. The offerings sit there and

freeze but by the morning they are gone. To

feed those out-of-sight but never out of mind.



Monday, January 30, 2023

Nature's Enduring Formula

Such passion has been hard-wired into the

human psyche unmatched by any other drive

the overarching will to survive as a species

driving humanity to perpetuate themselves

dedicating the future to their DNA carried by

the offspring through genetic transference as

nature intended. What biology did not intend

was the mutating corruption of that primitive

will to survive linked to the kind of deliberate

nurture of the young instilling in them another

passion striving to be as powerful as the will to

live when parents, a culture and a society subvert

nature's exquisite blueprint to substitute the most

base of human emotions for that of survival by

inculcating in the impressionable young the glory

to be had by returning existence to the force that

bred it in a sacrificial martyrdom whose purpose

is to place the instruments of death in the hands

of children accepting of the perversion of life to

a cult that celebrates death as a goal both for

their enemies and as a joyful sacrifice of their

compliant offspring accepting the concept of 

the meaning of life sublimated in death. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Letter to a Mouse

Sadly, we found your poor desiccated body 

and gave it a pause of mourning for one so small 

and so determined to survive. Winter can be 

cold and harsh for nature's creatures and we 

understand why you chose our house

warm and dry as an escape from the misery 

of ice and wind. The wild bird seed and peanuts 

we kept in our basement secure from leakage 

but for those times they were scattered outdoors 

for our wild neighbours were inaccessible to you. 

So sorry. Today I discovered where you hid 

in a little-used storage cupboard for linens out 

of season. And there was all the evidence of 

your so desperate trials in survival dotted 

throughout the folds of linen. In the cupboard. 

a useless cache of chewed fabric. Everything has

been washed and the cupboard restored to 

pristine condition, but the memory of its temporary 

housing of a tiny creature remains intact. In 

a way you were fortunate that our aggressive little

dog chose never to venture to the basement.

Its reticence allowed you the solitude that was

your life in escape from nature's elements. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Death In Jerusalem ... And In Jenin ...

Celebrations in Ramallah after the Jerusalem terror attack that killed 7 Israelis


What an inspiring era we live in when news of wild

celebration is transmitted in the wink of an eye.

Photographs and videos of the combustible joy of

a society that spontaneously breaks into celebratory

mode, setting off fireworks, dancing in the streets

handing out sweet delicacies to savour the pride and

joy all feel in their proud traditions of honour and the

glee universally shared on commemorating the

misfortune of others. The very others that the society

is given to despising as responsible for a victimhood

that is cherished for in that condition the world

takes pity eager to become donors to a lifestyle of

aggrievement that has no space for solutions of the

order of independence as a newborn nation in stark

preference of remaining permanent refugees while

grooming their offspring to hate the others with the

temerity to claim their ancestral geography the while

creating refugees of the colonizers who, unforgiving

launch never-ending missions of lethal atrocities. One

of which, slaughtering Jews at prayer in a synagogue in

the ancient City of David gives cause for jubilation.



Friday, January 27, 2023

There Will Be Blood

People gather around a bonfire.

Unleashing the beast within becomes the sole

preoccupation of those infused with hatred

with a laser focus on vengeance for assumed

wrongs carried from generation to generation

in a primitive environment of violence where

tribes and clans carry their burden of hostility

proudly stoking it like a comforting fire where

honour lurks at the crooked finger of death

always eager to make a pact with creatures

given to psychotic menace. Where tradition

instructs those launching terror on the frail

unsuspecting make decoys of children taught to 

admire and trust those bearing lethal weapons 

whose threats echo the thrill of a lifeforce swiftly

withdrawn, bodies seeping blood as their spirits 

decamp. Instilling in the impressionable young the 

nobility inherent in the power to destroy an enemy 

with the honour that accrues to those dedicating 

themselves to the pomp and ceremony of death's

calling card; a final message of farewell in the 

solemn expectation of martyrdom, innocent dead 

spirits trailing after the warrior shaheed, a gift 

from  the faithful to the  all-powerful who applaud 

another shining atrocity, sending fireworks 

skyward as a tribute to yet another victory 

where death proudly gifted reigns supreme.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Tribe, Clan, Race, Exclusion

A mere fragment of humanity yet their very presence 

somehow promotes a fantasy of dire animus that this group 

of authentic Semites conspires to conquer the world to

subjugate all other global inhabitants. Distinguishing 

themselves by piety and creative intelligence, mastering 

the human concepts of every discipline leading to the

acquisition of knowledge and achievement yet their 

commitment and prodigious diligence inspires others to 

repudiate them as equal participants in a global web of 

accomplishment to lift humanity from its base origins 

to civilized humanity. That very civilized humanity 

plotted the extinction of their irritating presence sending 

dedicated death squads throughout Europe initiating the

mutilation of  human rights, the deportation of Europe's

Jews to slave labour camps, experimental laboratories

death camps and finally gas chambers and furnaces 

where the corporeal essence of six million's ashes

expelled from giant chimneys to fertilize Europe's arable

fields, leaving a legacy of Jewish DNA remnants in

the very soil that destroyed their presence, a gift from

Jewdom to Aryan conquerors overtaken now by a more 

numerous surge of Semites in a vast diaspora of 

migration overwhelming the capacity of the receiving 

nations to distance themselves from a veritable human 

avalanche stifling Aryan breathing room of the future. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Doomsday on the Near Horizon

Mushroom cloud from nuclear explosion

Doom: transitive verb: to fix the fate of Destiny.

Doom is what is predicted to be the final outcome

of civilization, of humanity, of the fate of the Earth

as we know it. The sinister playthings of tyrants

and dictators have evolved from rude mechanics

of destruction to the ultimate which science and

technology made possible when science followed

nature's blueprint for atomic existence in the 

formation of the universe to the potential of 

extracting excited particle friction in the ultimate

display of violent power capable of extinguishing life. 

Nuclear power now so commonplace in the banal

production of energy to fuel and empower social

civilization, yet capable of conversion to a threat of

extinction as powerfully cynical abusers of both nature

and the gift of existence toy with subtle innuendo of

conventional warfare submitting to nuclear war.



Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Rational Biology

Ollie's dream: Three years after cancer robbed him of sight, Ottawa 10-year-old is dreaming of a pro skateboarding career

A public interest story that newspapers

love to showcase because of course people

are given to reading these heart-rending

stories and on the front page above the fold

was the story of a blind boy pursuing his

passion following years of treatment for an

aggressive cancer diagnosed at age eight. A

cancer spread to his spine and his brain. But

treatment was just as aggressive and he

survived his ordeal, though left blind. Now

remission and therapy give him the awaited

opportunity to return to his beloved skate

boarding. Eyes drift to the photographs of

the boy smiling brightly, of the boy being

instructed by a supervisor to restore his

confidence and physical dexterity. Do your

eyes trouble you at the sight of this boy

with well developed prepubescent breasts

whose birth name might have been Olivia

but is now Ollie living his life as he wishes?



Monday, January 23, 2023

Have You Heard?!!

Two polarities, outraged offence and titillated

pleasure so readily piqued by a public focus

on royalty, sport figures, celebrity entertainers

 revealing their foibles and absurd capers but 

above all their intimate emotional instability

so enamoured of themselves unselfconsciously

slipping into revelatory mode disclosing repulsive

and reputation-challenging tidbits swallowed

whole with the zest of unquenchable thirst for

scandal. The public's avid zeal for ever greater

self-implicating revelations is boundless. Those

invitations to appear on social platforms where

ever more tidbits of blame and shame can be

cajoled from the 'self-truth' maws of the entitled

and headlines blare triumphantly shameful slurs

explode with the passion of human idiocy.Yet

violent conflict, wholesale destruction of nations'

civil infrastructure, land mines neutralizing

farmers' fields, famine, human displacement

fail to register in the minds of connoisseurs

of human depravity as just simply too boring.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sacrificing The Young

The week in pictures

Religious belief, the passion and emotion of

spiritual guidance emanating from a divine source 

responsible for the creation of all that exists is 

a true enigma. What force of existence created the  

Master of the Universe? A Master with many guises 

as evinced by the human construct of many religions

all advancing themselves as singularly authentic

manifestations of the one true God, all others pale 

imposters. Whose adherents must be called to 

the paramount representation of the Holy Spirit. 

Among all religions held sacred by humanity one only 

appears prepared to sacrifice its young just as did

ancient religions of the past that propitiated the 

moods of their pantheon of gods through human 

sacrifice of the youngest and most comely among 

them. Beyond the devotion of pagan forbears one 

religion whose faithful span the globe remains 

fixated as of yore by the injunction to promote 

conversion by jihad and of necessity resorting to 

violence against one's enemies refusing to surrender

to the faith. Where children are impressed and cajoled 

and bidden to martyr themselves as soldiers of the 

faith represented by impassioned Islamists grooming 

the young for blessed martyrdom that results from 

bloody violence. A primitive reversal of other religions' 

schooling of their young in the time-honoured qualities of

mercy and forbearance, tolerance and peace among all.



Saturday, January 21, 2023

Upholding Human Rights


Imagine that: The world's ivory towers once trusted 

as noble citadels of unbiased integrity, pathways to 

knowledge and purveyors of wisdom based on the 

annals of world discovery now uncannily resemble 

that other revered symbol of trusted universal integrity

standards, a bastion of peace and fellowship among 

nations enjoining laggards in civility and bearers of 

arms to settle amicably the animus of violent disregard 

for one anothers' sovereign sanctity. The gradual creep 

of averted eyes and withheld condemnation of the 

world's abusers of human rights transformed into a 

forum that elevates their presence on regional groups

and official bodies to sit in judgement of lapsed nations 

slipping into irenic mood, abusing their citizens' rights

threatening neighbouring states -- entitled and authorized 

to vent their spleen on a single nation with a fraction 

of a fraction of the world population but oh so very 

unpopular as a thriving bastion of civilized democracy 

a scientific, humanistic, technological marvel of advances

in every metric of success; upholding human rights with

but one glaring fault condemned by all: Jewishness.



Friday, January 20, 2023

Night Has Fallen


The radiant halo of the late afternoon

sun lingered on the horizon beyond

the pall cast by the day's snowfilled clouds.

It hung brilliantly as though uncertain

whether it should abandon the day to

dusk and oncoming darkness of night.

Then it was gone and the mauve clouds

exhausted from the day's release of frozen

crystals littering the frozen ground below

turned a fiery pink and finally an onrush

of darkness flooded the forest, its canopy

stiff with the burden of snow capping

the landscape where a polarized struggle

between black and white saw a victory

realized as light emerged from a distant

source that shone on the clouds and

reflected the snow, banishing night.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Kenneth's Wrath

Kenneth Roth speaks during an interview with AFP in New York City in August 2022.

See how the splenetic righteous rear their heads

like affronted cobras prepared to strike the dread

imprecations of 'racist', 'homophobe', 'right wing'

'transphobic', 'human-rights deniers'  - sending 

politicians, industry elites, university heads 

international sport clubs, school boards, municipal

authorities into a dizzying spin of avoidance

finally yielding to mollification and adaptation 

of the campaign against 'white privilege' promoting 

'minority rights' and demoting merit as a reliable 

qualification for public and private enlistment in 

improving the public weal. The anointed king of 

righteous privilege resigning his post as principal 

arbitrator of what qualifies as abuse of human rights 

feels entitled to an academic post that will profit 

his legacy as a stern purveyor of labels denigrating 

all who dare question his integrity and philosophy. 

A noted professor emeritus of psychology prescribes

a litany of life assets while deigning not to succumb

to the hysterics of reassigning language earning

himself a deluge of labels as a transphobe, as a

misogynist, an outrageously antagonistic critic of

Woke Theology. Quiver, quake and cower all ye

who dare defy the polarizing messages of human

rights drowning in the politics of entitlement, the

designation of rectitude an offense to humanity.



Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Great Men of Infamy

President Vladimir Putin during a New York Times interview in 2003.

If you lack the natural panache and the

tragic glamour of an Napoleon or an

Alexander in their sweeping domination of

the global order and you fear the failure of 

your legacy, craving for the kind of craven

notoriety that accrues to cold-eyed dictators

for whom humanity is dross and the greatest

achievement is the attainment of personal glory

then what the world thinks of  you is of no

moment. If you cannot be liked and admired

for your countless failings at decency, justice

and civilized values reflecting the devious lack

of conscience that is your special gift by fate

there is always the fallback of succumbing to

what comes naturally to a psychopath for whom

singling out critics for a gruesome death or

ordering your military to attack defenceless

civilian populations defiant against a violent

invasion  arouses spite. Ruling an irenic nation by 

a tyrant whose ambitions never stray from entitlement 

as a once-great power to uproot the human rights 

of others requires the determined endurance of 

a single-minded despot, one for whom campaigns 

fraught with atrocities large and small have never 

deterred the implacable from the violent pursuit 

of realizing their aspirations. The names trip easily 

off the tongues of legions for whom the obscene 

pursuit of power and wealth accompanied by hatred 

and brutality represents the sinister success of the

world's fiendish maniacs competing for notice.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Sacrificing Children to the Glory of Martyrdom


 Behold, an idiosyncratic perspective tinted by ideology 

binds the thinker to irrational thought and conclusion. 

Take for example those sheltering in Gaza and the 

West Bank under the nurturing empathy of the UNRWA

umbrella whose school curricula include texts aimed 

at children from kindergarten on that glorify martyrdom 

as the highest form of aspiration pleasing to G_d 

and with that emblematic fervour that only children 

can muster turns them into nascent terrorists

awaiting adolescence when the time is deemed

ripe for action that will deprive others of their

lives, elevating the attacker to celebrity status.

These and children taught to attack randomly

to take lives and die in their mission performing

another glorious function for the dedicated agents

of death; persuading the global community

that Israel mundanely murders Arab children in 

routine sweeps of ghoulish child targeting

purporting self-defense. Turn your eyes to Yemen 

where Houthi forces routinely school children 

to martyrdom in emulation of their terrorist ilk

in Gaza. The likeness of technique becomes a 

recognized commonality; sacrificing children to 

the greater glory of conquest over ideological

enemies in sectarian violence. A connection the 

larger Muslim Arab community is uncommonly

 affronted by as a hostile allegation of hypocrisy.

Monday, January 16, 2023

The New Social Disorder

Credit: Brian Wong/Xtra


In civil societies where it is a given that 

respect for human rights is sacrosanct with 

due regard for the entitlements of groups and 

individuals espousing their own identities 

separate and apart from the general stream 

it is a rational judgement that approaches

social separations balanced humanely

by tolerance one for the other. A civil

balance gone off kilter in the passion of

rejection in a polarized world of left and

right each eager to negate the other's view

of rights and privileges. Cancel culture

the weapon of choice in a duel between

solitudes where liberal progressives decry

the presence and acceptability of the views

and values of society's conservative segment

and social conservatives seek to stifle the 

trends brought to the public eye normalizing

issues affronting the majority view of social

and cultural normalcy. Communications askew

each cancelling the other. Beyond protests 

denying speakers their forum, the banning of

books. The woke protest the presence of those

who question minority entitlements surpassing

those of general society. Conservatives seek

to ban publications from public and school

libraries introducing readers to nontraditional

mores belying biological science. Solution

lies in each accommodating the other for the

value of free speech is the freedom to speak

and the value of books is assessed by the reader

where compromise means availability at public

libraries and unavailable at school libraries

serving the needs of children too emotionally

immature to evaluate content rationally.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Timeless Existence

Timeless Existence

This perishable year is racing

toward its exit. With its closure

there is hope and regret, perhaps

not of equal measure. Above and

beyond the Universe hums and strums.

A chronology of birth and of death

anniversaries and annulled

expectations occur and fade, a

glimmering wisp of electrified

thought and aspiration. The sphere

that is our refuge is steeped in

conflict, mountains shed their

carapaces, volcanoes their interiors

the seas rise at the command of

wind and stars. There is no 

permanence, hence scant comfort.

Yet Nature assures us existence

is timeless, though mortals not.



Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Enemy Is Us

Deaths per capita thumbnail

That few choose to die before their time

is a given. Hard-wired within the human psyche 

nature designed the will  to survive as an imperative

an autonomous reaction to perceived existential threat.

Nature also designed by intent or default those 

very threats to which her aware offspring react. 

That universal puzzle over precedence, the chicken 

or the egg is now in full play in the wake of 

unprecedented pandemic deaths. Science in 

competition with nature devised a shield to 

defray the deadly impact of the globe's current 

threat and its inoculating properties; isolation 

coupled with masking has prevented even

greater incomprehensible numbers of early

demise. Detractors there are ample who give

cause to death and disease to the very vaccines

science promotes to evade infection and 

escape death. So which is the culprit, we ask;

the verifiability of science's formula or the

circulating narratives of biased observation?



Friday, January 13, 2023


People in Pride Parade Carrying Protest Signs "Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada - July 28, 2012: People walk  carrying signs stating Trans Rights Now! and Trans Rights are Human Rights in the Halifax Pride Parade The signs are form of protest of the Current Canadian Human Rights Act. This year marked the 25th anniversary of the Pride celebrations in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. People watching the parade can also be seen in the photo." men in drag pics stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Nature enjoys her prerogatives for

no force exists to challenge her and

though she is steadfast in her science

of biology she treasures little tricks and

treats as special gifts since boredom of

sameness utterly lacks drama for her

creative spirit. Why not, she mused

to herself, inject a little struggle, levity

and consternation among her offspring

to arouse interest and elevate debate to

a fine level of bemusement over roles

assigned and the confusion that reigns

when ego meets id and throw in gender

orientation as a seasoning for expression

and let the fireworks begin! So she did

and so societies through the ages have

done a collective head-scratch over 

couplings from which offspring clung

to biology. The philosophers asked: is

this a manifestation of an alien mission

seeking to dominate earthlings or did

nature in a tempest of irksome angst

misplace her formula leaving science

to the chance of excited atoms to

haphazardly rearrange themselves?



Thursday, January 12, 2023

D'Ye Ken His Rancid Wrath?

 The Western Wall at sunset

Reroute a hallowed human rights

institution and restructure it to a

time-proven pathway to infamy in

service to a mind raging with hate for

one nation, one people, one country

whose reputation wobbles on the age-old

pathology of antisemitism and you

have a parody of universal human rights.

Ah, but one that resonates with the 

specious virtue of revealing the truth of 

a nation whose repute its legion of

sanctimonious enemies hold to a

scripted architecture of committing

violence to the aspirations of mock

indigenous groups hungry to grasp the

storied ancestral heritage of Solomon's

Temple and the fabled City of David. The

story, askew, the theft manipulated to the

satisfaction of the global community

sanctified by the United Nations and

ultimately the cudgel of an unmerciful

hatred slamming its slanderous smears

elevating the status of its star performer

to public acclaim. A coveted Harvard

sinecure denied, the hero of slime now

mounts his ire against the university.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

What's A Man To Do?

They're sly creatures,  cleverly manipulative

complaining, tempestuous and demanding.

They flaunt their voluptuous presence

baring skin and luring a man to gawk at

what he cannot possess. This is the way the

world revolves, from Eden's Eve to Pandora's

Box; give fair warning and they're prodded

to dare the devil. Samson was fine without

Delilah, and Caesar without Cleopatra.

They just cannot be trusted not to bring

misery to the world of man. And in a man's

world women should know their place

it's that simple. Keeping them barefoot

and pregnant in the kitchen, tending the

young and the elderly, praying in church

and obeying her husband's whims and

every demand leaves no time spared for

wickedness. It's why girls are married young

and through the course of life also die 

young. Absent virtue femicide solves all.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Longing for Mommy

Copies of the new book by Prince Harry called "Spare" are placed on a shelf of a book store during a midnight opening in London, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023. Prince Harry's memoir “Spare” arrives in bookstores on Tuesday, providing a varied portrait of the Duke of Sussex and the royal family. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)

Lovingly and incoherently it is

nothing less than a demonic spleen

he laboriously and excruciatingly

reveals, an excrescence of hatred so

vivid it consumes his mind for he is a 

lost soul that no power on Earth, not

the love of parent to child, or brother

to brother can heal. Behind him

whispering cajolingly in his ready ear

a helpmeet in an exorcism that expels

the rage of the wounded child refusing

to become an adult, secure in his

treasured victimhood, dredging up 

one invention after another like frozen

icicles of revenge to stab deep into

the hearts of his hapless victims.

Monday, January 9, 2023

A Virtuous, Post-National Canada

Partners in moral felony his mother's 

Golden Boy is Canada's viral curse. One that

began with Sunny Ways and innuendo on a 

voyage to unknown islands all too soon

revealing a vicious scorn of any who would

presume to critique his follies while less than 

fully obsequious assent led to labels of

scorching insult and when it suited ostracism 

until his fury was spent and the denier ruined.

Alienation of citizenry with values not his own 

became legendary as one half of the country 

increasingly belittled and unfriended the other

following his example of personal vengeance. 

A surfeit of natural resources in high demand 

peremptorily rejected in favour of an abrupt

transition whose time had not yet arrived. 

Usurpation of ethical trust and upheavals of 

values in science, justice and culture as he ushered

the nation unerringly to the discomfort of utter

disequilibrium while advancing his personal 

stamp on a nation he solemnly smeared as racist

impelling institutions to veer toward colonialist

restitution and white-imperialist shame.



Sunday, January 8, 2023

Eat, Drink and Be Well, For Tomorrow You Live!

Israeli military disciplines women soldiers for posting racy ...

The nation and the people whose existence

has been an irritant to the world at large is the

very same one that time remembers and

history recalls as the originator of a sublime

message of belief and constancy of faith

whose compelling urgency blanketed the

globe in an inspiration that gave life to wan

derivatives all claiming primacy of authority

while directing their faithful to scorn and

degrade reality in favour of excising the

originals as outcasts of humanity. The nation

and its people gained strength and purpose

from adversity, their existential threats

motivating them to ever greater heights of

originality and brilliant invention in every

sphere of human endeavour, recognition of

which continues to pain their legion of fierce

detractors wishing them dead and gone. Yet

they forge on content within themselves, now

more competent than ever to their own defense

the hard lesson well learned that a friendless

people must be self-sufficient unto the future.



Saturday, January 7, 2023

Snow-Silenced Forest


The soft pearl-grey fluorescence of a semi-opaqu

ice fog has saturated the forest in an ephemeral 

gossamer curtain draped over the landscape 

vapour rising slowly from the stream coursing 

through the ravine dark and turbulent with meltwater. 

Snow billows lightly on the atmosphere under

a sky clamped tight with silvery clouds of winter

moisture, flakes tumbling lazily, drifting in

looping flushes to settle on the forest floor

blanketing the ice a flash-freeze transformed

from a melted snowpack. Droplets of ice dangle

on frosted branches like glittering jewels the 

eerie light enlivens. That same dusky light emanating 

from an unknown source glancing off tree trunks 

painted with luminescent lichen. There is serenity

in this sleeping winter landscape where fresh snow

absorbs ambient sound, even the rustling of birds

settling into the security of fragrant cedar branches

limned in snow. In the near distance the steady

metronomic beat of a woodpecker's busy search.

Friday, January 6, 2023

The Man the Boy Would Be

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (L) and Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge attend the unveiling of a statue of their mother, Princess Diana at The Sunken Garden in Kensington Palace, London on July 1, 2021, which would have been her 60th birthday.


It is not just anyone given the gift of a gilded 

pulpit from which to express his silver-spooned 

disappointment in life when he feels entitled to 

the golden spoon. But there it is, life in all its 

blistered sore points laid out for public consumption 

for a rapt audience awaits, eager to hear how sadly

deficient in compassion for their own royalty can be.

No one, the pouting complainant, charges can

fully comprehend the sheer villainy of the press's 

role in his sainted mother's demise ending her

performative art scenarios of wounded innocent 

fleeing a dystopian marriage in the arms of yet 

another paramour. It is that same celebrity-hungry 

media he courts as  he counts the proceeds of his 

belched-forth claims of rejection all the while 

besmirching father, brother, grandmother and 

retainers all failing his critical nurture. Revealing 

to the agape world at large the trauma of having 

been born a second son in a dynastic tradition 

unforgiving in its rigidity of pomp and circumstance. 

His is the final revenge tormenting his victims with 

the livid spite of his decadent, self-pitying mind.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Dilemma


What can the world do faced with the

presumption of a nation that it deserves

a place of respect and honour among others

of its type as a civilizational norm to be

recognized among its peers when clearly

it is quite unalike other nations in its mission

to provide security for the world's ongoing

sole vanishing species whom hostile

forces have never forgiven for being Jews.

The pride taken by members of that tribe

so  unsettling in their presence to the 

collective mind of a world intent on 

forever setting them apart as alien to the

culture and normatives of humanity

when in the historical lexicon of human

annals it is this very tribe that had the

audacity to introduce humanity to its

obligations to one another in teaching

to do unto others as you would have

them do unto you, a prescription of

tender universality as a portal to peace.