Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Oh, The Arras!

The forest, well committed to celebrating
its late spring season threw a party today.
Its environs had been well lubricated 
the forest floor welcomed an overnight
rainstorm and dawn entered humidly
overcast, a low ceiling of dark, ruffled
clouds clamped down tight. Even so
the sun managed to sneak its warmth
into the atmosphere so what more could
the landscape pine for? As a gentle breeze
murmured its leaf-rustling presence over
the forest canopy a confabulation of crows
recalling their purpose in life harassed the
great barred owl whose night-time prowls
earned it a sound day's sleep. On the
pathways easing through the forest robins
and sparrows forgot flight and scrambled
with awkward dignity in search of mineral
digestives. In the ravine below the forest
the creek still swollen with rainwater
flushes downstream where water striders
perform their speedboat antics. In the
woodland meadow, bees, butterflies and
dragonflies arabesque skillfully in gainful
manoeuvres over flowering dogwood. The
measured staccato of woodpeckers on old
pine trunks echo survival and renewal as
fungi shelve the giant masts of conifers. 'Tis
the season for woodland phlox, buttercups
thimbleberry and blackberry in flower. This
cyclical world of forest environs in session.

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