Friday, June 19, 2020

Once Upon A Time

Once, long ago and far away nature spoke
with candid confidence to a pack of wolves
she favoured, her tone one of exasperated
resignation as she told them of a species she
had created which adamantly refused to get
along with one another, much less with other
species. And she explained too how suggestible
they were and though aggressive, malleable.
She sent them on their way and they proceeded
to befriend the otherwise distant and friendless
group with whom they had little in common.
But in so doing, they charmed and bedazzled
the naked bipedal species, fractious between
themselves but receptive to the kindly overtures
of the wolves who offered to protect them in
exchange for sharing the warmth of their
fires and the food cooked over those fires, a
covenant that has lasted from the primeval to
the present. Canines patiently taught humans
to interpret the language of their desires and
needs and to leash their companions the better
to defend them from onslaughts from unknown
sources, allowing them to play and to eat and
to sleep with their furry protectors whose lack
of presence in their lives would be unthinkable.

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