Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Fecund Earth

There is much to see on a casual
stroll through a forest on any given
day for each foray invites the gaze
to a multitude of microlandscapes
each proffering testimony to
Earth's life-sustaining properties
nourishing the vegetation
that in turns gives us breath
feeding us and pleasing us
with the beauty that erupts from
the source of our existence in an
endless cycle of birth and rebirth as
nature kneads all her creatures into
their assigned roles all of which
sustain the whole. There were early
signs of soft berries transiting from
blossom to fruit, bees hovering within
those still in blossom stage as their
vigorous stalks developed out of the
forest floor. Native cherry trees bearing
their fruit, hawthorns and wild apple
trees, elderberry trees in bloom
and yes, look there, the heroic
rebirth of ash trees, the stirring
roots of dead trees felled by the
dread Emerald Ash Borer inciting
the tree to rebirth, extruding new life
green and determined to endure.

Monday, June 29, 2020

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It is undoubtedly a fraught exercise
in frustration with a predictable
outcome when debating religious
bigotry with one steeped in his faith
and your perspective is canted from
non-faith raised as a secularist prepared
to accept all humanity as one yet
affronted by religion's biases and
rejection of those outside its tribal
fastness. You argue the responsibility
of human decency is to observe others
and events in the round, neutrally
based on evidence and the lessons of
history. When unsubstantiated credit
is given to rumour and innuendo whose
purpose is to bury history in a pit of
rejection throwing in evidence for
good measure you know the futility
of the exercise yet believe it becomes
incumbent to emphasize the role of 
logic over creative interpretation based
on doctrinaire rejection of verity
that has its genesis in sacred scriptures
assuring the faithful of the treacherous
deceit of your kind. You cannot gain
by such lopsided debate and nor can
your passionate debating adversary.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


A sombre, far-off boom
and the air trembles
all is still, unmoving
the forest waits. Beneath
the canopy shafts of sunlight
still stipple the forest floor.
The sky that was so blue
has shifted making room for
the uninvited clouds angry
and purple-grey casting aside
the lofty white bubbles of
cloud that had preceded them
as though initially declaring
no malicious intent
merely sending sheep into
the meadow of blue
there to graze in peace
pacing the arrival of the
herders brooking no
interference in their business
of culling and slaughtering.
But no, this is a thunderstorm
violent in its powerful entrance
spilling the contents of its rage
to drown the landscape below
threatening in its belicose
hostility but merely part and
portion of nature's endowment
sustaining life, not taking it.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Garden Savant

Gardener, know this: you are under the
illusion that you are master of all that
you plant and nurture, trim and admire
as a landscape of your infallible sense 
of design and understanding of vegetation
its needs and propensities spending hours
of patient time cosseting and admiring
the result of your green thumb. Ah, but
this is a young garden, newly introduced
to the art of existence and deception and
in time maturity will lead it to understand
that it has certain rights and rites bestowed
by nature itself, the inalienable fount of life 
whose reach and power over existence 
extends well beyond that of the temporary 
taker of care in the garden, the steward 
whose pride in accomplishment is delusional
enabling each plant to accomplish its 
very own destiny in a runaway burst of
ecstatic life no amount of snipping and culling
can curtail, as the garden conspires with
its constituents to defy the blandishments
of the desperate gardener, lopper and
secateurs in hand frantically snipping
to no avail, as shrubs and trees reach out
to strangle the intent to tame the green
groping mass of the wild untameable.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Why Are Protests Erupting Across South America? – BRINK – News and ...

Hair Shirt of the Day

The anomie of boredom breeds its very
own dissatisfaction with life, searching for
a source of inspiration to give value to
existence and for quite awhile the searchers
found fascination in the lives of public
figures, social and cultural elites, heads of
government, entertainment moguls and
celebrities whose glittering lifestyles they
might avidly follow and emulate in the
process ventilating their aimless values 
through social media platforms in search
of envy and a pedestal of their very own. 
But boredom knocked again and a restless 
world awaited a throbbing cause to gnaw 
at the ankles of conscience eschewing the 
emptiness of personal status exuberant 
when the epochal era of victimhood rescued 
their commitment from the dungeon of
wasted effort. Suddenly, so suddenly the
cause appeared that had eluded them though
it was always there, stagnating for want of
notice while the sufferers staggered under the
weight of history and residual inequality. The
world, taken by a storm of sympathetic guilt
not their own but happily appropriated, the
hairshirt of penance and regret, acclaiming
the victims their heroic campaign of the 
moment. Sadly, there is no end of historical 
incidents of cruel atrocities that humankind 
visits on its own. Happily, their numbers 
will keep the public busy protesting those 
wretched instances of reprehensible mass 
wrongs, shouldering the censure though they 
were in no way complicit, thus paving the 
way for society's psychopathic contingent 
to join the fray under cover of numbers 
to wreak havoc and mayhem as they protest 
law, order, decency and the social weal.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thousands of Muslim hajj pilgrims circle the Holy Kaaba in the Al-Masjid al Haram in Mecca, al-Hejaz, Saudi Arabia. The kabah is most sacred Muslim site in the world.

Welcome to Surrender

The sacred covenant devised by cunning minds 
brought to humanity the concept of an authority 
to whom all must heel yet has never produced that 
docile, humble congregation of initiates prepared 
to love their fellow man to ensure a reign of peace 
and mostly because that spirit of faith commands 
heart and soul dedicated to His worship and grace
a focus so intense and narrow there is no space 
left to forge friendships with those sharing 
inhabitancy of a finite world in which live tribes 
and clans whose surrender to God's commanding 
presence is faulted by the truly orthodox, as 
scrolls from antiquity attest when initiates must 
pass the test of self-abnegation to the greatness 
of the Creator and abjure communion with all 
but those of the sacred commune whose duty 
every waking hour is to praise the Almighty and 
scrutinize with fervour and favour the texts 
detailing the obligations of the faithful. The great 
kindly god of peace and good fellowship calling 
upon His suppliants to distance themselves from 
sinful non-believers describes them as dross the 
faithful are obliged to convert though refusal to 
acknowledge that Supreme Divinity gives just
cause to withdraw life from the unworthy. Those
ignorant of the covenant of grace and purity err in
their horrorstruck definition of the piety of jihad to
name it terrorism when it is merely a symbol of 
God's merciful forgiveness, willing to embrace 
all humanity into the capacious splendour of that 
Supreme Being's burgeoning halls of worship.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Illuminating Life

By daybreak the deluge had exhausted
its fury the hillsides had emptied
their burden into the rushing
creek below the ravine
waters churning and hauling
through the narrowed channel
detritus from its bed and all that
fell throughout the night from
the canopy above shedding
discarded bark and twigs
pine cones and all that succumbed
to the force of the wind-driven rain.
From its depths arose swamp gas.
As the sun rose the forest interior
remained shrouded, mist lazily
rising responding to a temperature
inversion in the dark tunnel of the
forest. There was no birdsong this
morning those trills of welcome to
the dawn, everything still and sombre
inundated as the chill of an altered
atmosphere lofted by the raging wind
tossing aside masts of old trees
huddled in one another's company
swayed and groaned. And then rays of
wide, bright light penetrated the dark
and dripping forest, illuminating life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A dumpster fire is seen in the Soho neigborhood of Manhattan on Monday night

Protest Pillage

For have we not eyes to see and mouths
to speak and common sense to parse fact
from fiction? Confronted by the eternal
state of victimhood claiming all those not
sufficiently compassionate to the  history
of their suffering are racist bigots, the world
shrivels in dismay as eyes cloud over and
mouths purse while common sense takes its
leave and what is left is a quivering mass of
contrition, prepared to accept the default
imposed on all but the self-appointed victims
that their state of perpetual purgatory is your
fault, and your fault and your fault for your
skin tone is proof positive that your life
with or without the success that all strive
toward has exacted a dreadful price upon the
human rights of others whose opportunities
have been denied channeling them instead
toward a degraded life of menial service at the
best of times and gang violence, drug dealing
and petty crime at most other times when
attention is turned from preying on their own 
who reject victimhood in preference to 
discovering their own opportunities , turning 
their sons and daughters toward normalcy 
shunning dark streets of crime. Not for them 
the murder and mayhem the perpetrators 
blame the blameless for as they protest, bully
blame, flame and loot hard-won enterprises 
their own community owns and depends on.

Monday, June 22, 2020


Tone and tenor is everything of course
reflecting meaning and perspective and
how what is said is meant to be taken.
Take the phrase 'I beg your pardon' and it 
could be a genuine apology and alternately
a demand for an apology. Tone in the sense
of aural sound bedevilled me as a child for
all too often it eluded me and caused a sense 
of deep embarrassment. That I was unable to 
hear the tone, tenor and place context in what 
was said be it a casual conversation or a vital 
piece of information left me feeling vulnerable
inadequate and wholly at fault. My mind would 
race to make sense of what I had heard/not heard
as I pillaged a mental workbox full of non-verbal
responses and facial contortions meant to convey 
that I had heard and so be it that I had not for 
these subterfuges never caught up with me
no betrayal of my ignorance of a communication 
ever resulted. Inconvenient as it was it somehow 
never struck me that I had a hearing disability 
though I knew I did and had no intention of 
revealing it. The seasoning of age has reduced 
embarrassment while increasing acceptance 
and urged upon me the recognition that there 
was nothing of any usefulness I missed since 
most people at the best of times have little of 
importance or intelligent interest to convey.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

 Image result for logos, social media platforms

Process and Purpose

There's no denying it, in a societal culture
respectful of the feelings of others one
has a tendency to withhold the urge to
comment, render an unsolicited opinion
interfere with someone else's values and
beliefs and certainly hesitate to disclose any
personal thoughts on religion to spare
another the dismay that may result and at
the same time conceal one's own reactions
from scrutiny in that most respectful of
polite societies. Unleashed from physical
proximity and the social weal however
through the Internet where distances
vanish and identities become phantom
we feel released from discretion and
whether prodded or not feel free to dispense
advice, proffer questionable opinions
put forward assertive claims difficult to
authenticate and lay claim to authorships
not quite our own as experts with the
wisdom to officiously demand attention
while obnoxiously denigrating those in
true positions of merited authority through
the medium whose platform encourages
idealization of verbal chaos, mangling
accuracy of reportage to reflect an opinion
all one's own to amass a dedicated follow.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


A Garden For Children

When I was a child, perhaps precocious, seated
in a circle among other children I repeated to 
myself the word I read in stained glass on the
door that said Kindergarten and said to myself
that's Yiddish and I know what it means, it's
a garden for children. I was a child who was
taunted as a 'dirty Jew' and 'Christ-killer' so
I knew I was different but how did they know?
And before long knew too that my kind were 
being butchered in far-off mysterious Europe
overhearing dire whispers between my parents 
and their friends. As I grew older strangers often 
approached to ask where I was from, and then
'but where are you REALLY from'? In my teens 
I loved to brown in the sun absent from the 
household duties my mother imposed and then 
people would ask was I Ethiopian? Forever
awkward, careful, slightly fearful among others
watchful lest I offer hints of characteristics
defined as Jewish, pained to overhear slurs
I eventually became inured and never understood 
why another Jewish child cried in the school 
cloakroom in despair at her Jewish identity. At 
age 13 my mother had me work a summer job
at a clothing factory. There, a non-Jewish boy 
asked me for a date, and I shrank in dismay
into myself. Assessing those years I survived 
where millions could not so I am grateful but 
will not forgive. Sequestered within old age 
living now in a world of my very own I have 
achieved a secret refuge, a veritable and valued 
Garden of Eden where no one but my beloved
is permitted entry and where we are secure.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Once Upon A Time

Once, long ago and far away nature spoke
with candid confidence to a pack of wolves
she favoured, her tone one of exasperated
resignation as she told them of a species she
had created which adamantly refused to get
along with one another, much less with other
species. And she explained too how suggestible
they were and though aggressive, malleable.
She sent them on their way and they proceeded
to befriend the otherwise distant and friendless
group with whom they had little in common.
But in so doing, they charmed and bedazzled
the naked bipedal species, fractious between
themselves but receptive to the kindly overtures
of the wolves who offered to protect them in
exchange for sharing the warmth of their
fires and the food cooked over those fires, a
covenant that has lasted from the primeval to
the present. Canines patiently taught humans
to interpret the language of their desires and
needs and to leash their companions the better
to defend them from onslaughts from unknown
sources, allowing them to play and to eat and
to sleep with their furry protectors whose lack
of presence in their lives would be unthinkable.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Chaotic Garden

Sometimes it's a bit of a free-for-all
the chaos that occasionally results in a
bed or border that the avid gardener
does their best to synchronize to season
and succession growth and flowering
to instill order and tidiness in a venue
where the occupants feel free to stretch
their green limbs and casually occupy
space allotted to others in a plan to
equalize opportunity to all who take
seriously the expectation they will add
value in the shape of form, texture and
colour to the kaleidoscope of the living
garden. Then there is the never-ending
issue of legitimate tenants crowded out
by interlopers without permission to
settle in occupied places, some so cunning
they place themselves directly beside a
specimen plant they resemble to pass the
eagle eye of the gardener as a respectable
and entitled resident. Oh, and the others
those who replicate themselves beyond
measure to send their offspring hither and
yon, crowding the garden with repeat
offenders. Not all is blighted for there
are also shy and welcome visitors whose
presence is a delight; wildflowers like
tiny pinks, buttercups and daisies, seeds
that travelled on the wind to find the rich
fertile soil of your garden. Or the cultivated
treasure of a tree peony upon which hitched
another peony to mature over the years as
an especial, unexpected gift to treasure. The 
measure of an independent-minded garden.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Link to Committees and Working Groups

Symbolism : Rejection

Pride doth goeth before a fall, this we know
as an ancient proverb but like the Messiah
who is aware of his provenance and purpose
as a world leader elected by the acclaim of a
star-struck public confusing charm, prestige
self-confidence and appearance with intelligence
and capability, who declared 'Canada is back'
because of his glorious presence ordained
by fate there need be no concern that pride
will absent itself from this persona writ faulty
upon Canada's place within the august corridors
of an institution which has likewise failed the
test of authenticity in its claim to represent the
best interests of humanity. Brimming with the
confidence of one whose countless assaults on
justice, sincerity and veracity have gone
unanswered, happily forgiven by those whose
vision has been obscured by blithe promises
never kept, Canada's prime minister prepared
for the adulation to follow his gambit on
securing a seat at the UN Security Council
anticipating his induction into the golden chamber
of intimate confidence with other world leaders
whose balance of national interests wobbles
the world from moderation to dysfunction. His
loss is Canada's gain, for those whose lens lacks
the roseate gleam of his backers, breathe relief.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Her Garden, My Pride

Since childhood living green held me
in its mystical, tender embrace and I
yearned to be there in a storybook place
of green growing things for it was where
I felt at peace, comforted and nourished.
But who might imagine a future distinguished
by the privilege of becoming one among many
yet distinctly idiosyncratically one's own
agency under the tutelage of the designer
of all that is, granted an invitation to look
and to learn upon a broad canvas supplied
under temporary lease with all the manifold
issues of the soil, tentative at first then with
growing confidence leaning into instruction
your febrile hands immersed in the warm
moist yeast of growing vegetation teased
this way and that from tender shoots to
delicately and often brilliantly hued petals
stirring the soul with pride and admiration
as perfection stirs its conceited head yet you
know this tapestry pulsating with life and
drama reflects no talent on your part as a
priceless arras you may enjoy, giving credit 
to nature where all and any plaudits are due.

Monday, June 15, 2020


Like magic crystals touching the ocean
they are initially bouyant, then as they
become immersed they melt, just as the
years tend to when we begin the cruise
meant to take us to the years of our lives.
There is good reason for the oft-used phrase
it was only yesterday, it seemed like only
yesterday, and in fact it was indeed that
way given time's idiosyncratic influence
on our recall of those momentous events
that shaped the years behind pushing us
toward the unknown future. Unknown
only in the sense of when the journey has
reached its final destination. The wistful
memories cradled deep within drawn on
now and again as a diorama of a lifetime
speak nothing of when the ship will
dock, yet you recall having retired to a
state room dispensing with actively forming
a part of the crew, at age 60 to enjoy the
luxury of leisure in the years remaining.
How now the impact of realization that
your child has reached that same junction
in life accords with future expectations 
is another matter entirely, of course.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

New Survey Shows Parents Are At Their Wits’ End Before Noon

The Failed System

Not my fault, children wail when things
go wrong, and while some of them have
reason to believe what they claim others
feel justified in shuffling their juvenile
responsibility on to the shoulders of the
adults who stood by and failed to instill
in their children values that would guide
them now and forever. The fault lines now
have turned from personal agency to that
of government agency, and it is has become 
agonizingly clear that government has 
dismally failed in its responsibility to
those who have abandoned theirs. The
frail elderly whose offspring feel no
personal obligation for their care have
been sacrificed to the vision of personal
satisfaction in life choices where it takes
two salaries to adequately compensate the
dream of having it all. A dream that mandates
women may aspire to careers and manage
the raising of a brood through the simple
expedient of farming out children to others
ill paid but trusted to care for the offspring
of others and fulfill their emotional needs
returning them to the home fires for
several hours of 'quality time' together. So
that parents, unequal to the task of caring
for their own during an emergency when
schools and day cares close are unable to
rise to the occasion, bitterly blaming the
system to which they have consigned their
elders' and their children's futures of having
abandoned their responsibilities for them
while they have been busy having it all.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Living Forest

Wind ruffles the emerald foliage of forest
trees newly emerged from their winter moult
as a new season's agreement on occupancy
commences. Returning hawks circle above
the canopy lazily buoyed and carried by 
the obliging wind, whistling their appreciation
for the lift. Elsewhere in the forest cardinals and
song sparrows offer their singular performances
not to be missed which the wind agreeably
carries, along with the staccato of a woodpecker.
None among them mind the wind or the cool
temperature. The creek running below the
ravined forest still hosts the temporary presence
of reverse-migrating ducks until they exhaust 
the store of tiny fish that aspired to adulthood. 
Within its ripples scoot water striders, while
Damselflies flit between water and bank 
greened with buttercups, fleabane and blackberry 
blooms. The masts of conifers and deciduous alike
speak in clacking voices as the wind drives
them together in social communion.  Below, in 
a singularly limited meadow flit bees and 
dragonflies, their iridescent wings ablaze in 
the sun. Solitary red squirrels fling themselves 
through the understory, their diurnal haven 
from the predatory eyes and talons of foxes
coyotes and slumbering owls. The forest imbued 
with the mastery of life in all its varied forms 
thrums the mystique of nature's protocol.