Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Link to Committees and Working Groups

Symbolism : Rejection

Pride doth goeth before a fall, this we know
as an ancient proverb but like the Messiah
who is aware of his provenance and purpose
as a world leader elected by the acclaim of a
star-struck public confusing charm, prestige
self-confidence and appearance with intelligence
and capability, who declared 'Canada is back'
because of his glorious presence ordained
by fate there need be no concern that pride
will absent itself from this persona writ faulty
upon Canada's place within the august corridors
of an institution which has likewise failed the
test of authenticity in its claim to represent the
best interests of humanity. Brimming with the
confidence of one whose countless assaults on
justice, sincerity and veracity have gone
unanswered, happily forgiven by those whose
vision has been obscured by blithe promises
never kept, Canada's prime minister prepared
for the adulation to follow his gambit on
securing a seat at the UN Security Council
anticipating his induction into the golden chamber
of intimate confidence with other world leaders
whose balance of national interests wobbles
the world from moderation to dysfunction. His
loss is Canada's gain, for those whose lens lacks
the roseate gleam of his backers, breathe relief.

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