Monday, October 31, 2022

Reverential Credulity

The Vision of God, William Blake (British, London 1757–1827 London), Engraving

From the primordial sludge that begot us to the 

emergence of proto-humanity the seeds of

consciousness nudged the mind toward the sky

remote and perplexing perceiving the mysterious 

presence of luminous objects as they revolved in 

the blue velvet atmosphere peering down at the 

creatures transfixed by the distance and meaning 

of there and here, minds hazarding the solution of 

a force of existence manipulating creatures below 

messaging them of its existence and their own. A 

certainty that they were not alone, that all they were 

was an expression of the unseen intelligence 

willing them into existence, endowing them with 

thought and expression yet indifferent to their progress 

in the long journey from prehistory to recorded time 

in its eternal presence; raw humanity posed on a 

planetary stage free to wonder and explore, curiosity 

impelling the brain to mature and invent stratagems 

exploiting their evolving landscape, cognizant of the 

watchful presence above and around them, faithful 

to a vision of that powerful force, pledging themselves 

to the faith of obedience to living injunctions they 

themselves visualized while time and again failing the 

template assigned to please the temper of the silent 

omnipotent force in the forlorn tempest of time.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

And At The United Nations -- Attack!


It is a nation whose civil society by nature 

of its character is fast wedded to social mores 

of justice and fairness, one whose ancestral national 

homeland informs itself as a democracy among

theocratic, autocratic, warmongering neighbours 

where the might of force not that of a ballot box is

the currency of control. A nation of ancient heritage

whose presence since time immemorial has been 

reviled and ridiculed, its people forcefully exiled where

in the wide diaspora they are shunned and slandered

the inheritance of emotional battering teaching the

default of forbearance, hope and endurance to survive 

in a hostile world never loses its trust that reason and 

justice will one day prevail despite its experience of 

endless torment where threat and violence is never 

so distant that it cannot move from the horizon to its 

near reaches where on occasion forces of demonic 

rejection lead to genocide yet finds itself excessively 

grateful when other nations whose values are like as 

their own deign from time to time to lift eyebrows 

at the excess of vile and vulgar hate targeting that 

singular state dedicated to the ongoing preservation 

of Jewish life where the nation knows it must secure 

its means of security intact from raging conspiracies 

to gather world opinion condemning its silent possession 

of a weapons cache whose presence alone is a warning 

it will no longer be acquiescent in the face of demands

to surrender its guarantee of safeguarding its people 

though the international fora of nation states hovering 

on the brink of conflict assiduously seek to deter 

and deprive it of free agency as safe haven for its own.


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pasha Recep Tayyip Erdogan


What will happen to the Hagia Sophia now that it's a mosque ...

On the marble edifice of the mausoleum

dedicated as a shrine to his remains he will

have inscribed "The mosques are our barracks

the minarets our bayonets, the domes our helmets

and the faithful our soldiers" proudly waving

the banner of Islam's inevitable conquest so

that generation upon generation to come

shall know he, like the Prophet Mohammad

was a standard-bearer owed a like veneration

as he defends his nation from the unspeakable

slander of Armenian genocide, imprisons jurists

and military servicemen, journalists and human

rights activists for the unforgivable sin of slighting

Islam, above all, criticizing his modern-day reign

as supreme caliph. For through this great man

speaks the word of The Lord of the Worlds, while

he anointed to power is The Lord of This Earth.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Debasing Language, Assaulting Reality

There are many ways to effect communication

not all requiring language since body 'language' 

and facial expressions are often more than 

adequate to convey emotions and impressions 

linking events to affects on humanity but none

are as efficient and explicit as the use of speech

whose language and descriptive emotional

verities fully convey what is meant. So it is a

 true assault against sensibilities and respect for

 language when it becomes debased and entirely

 banalized when descriptive words denoting certain

 very special events and conditions assume a

 more casual use still meaning to convey disgust

 and horror at the human condition and the

 capacity of humans to inflict evil on one another

 when words such as 'racism', 'Holocaust' and 

'genocide' are flung about casually for effect to 

evoke an outcome in no measure reflecting reality.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Slavery of Spirit and Soul

The powerful in their supreme vanity

believe that none may deny them the right

to enslave the minds and remove human

agency from those they view from pulpit

or throne through command and coercion 

to obey and genuflect confined to honouring

every whim however degrading to the

human spirit helpless to protest carried as

though by a current indomitable as the will

of rampaging nature sweeping all dissent

leaving in their wake the carnage of misery

that violent confrontation brings. Yet there

is always the thereafter and time's promise

that it will not be a mass atrocity that rocks

the tyrants from their perch but a single and sole

defining incident whose horror all can identify

that spurs them to believe they must at last

act to overthrow the leaden weight of evil.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

This Mad World

Participants dance as they march in the Montreal Pride parade on Aug. 19, 2018.

Living and learning that all is not quite as

it may seem. Could it be that Nature has a

devilish sense of humour; alternately that the

Creatrix defies and deflates on occasion her own

infallible blueprints? She is mute on the subject.

But the subjects whose penchant for twisting

biology to suit their purposes are no longer mute.

Like Nature, they imperiously flout the rules of

science and flaunt their shameless demands 

that vanishingly minuscule delinquents feels

empowered to lead the balance of humanity to

acknowledge and humbly accept the erring science

of mistaken identity. Were we not forewarned

that a lunatic world is ours, through the examples

given us by Lewis Carroll, The Marquis de Sade

Hieronymus Bosch, and Franz Kafka, the seers of

days long gone who documented the lunatic asylum

we call our Earthly home? Gone, in this era, civility

and self-respect, in their place manipulative wild

irrationality and rank stupidity leading the credulous

to abandon reality and reason in favour of universal

hatred and conflict, and the certainty that male and 

female are but fluid social roles where a womb 

denotes little and a phallus is mere decoration.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Sic Transit Gloria


The forest has sacrificed its crown of 

glory in its pact with nature to surrender 

the ephemeral beauty that Autumn brings 

in an all-too-brief flirtation with summer's

end brandishing foliage in divinely

inspired embellishments transforming

mundane greens to golds, burnt umber

crimsons and purples in an embroidery 

of exquisite finesse no legendary gods 

of Greek fable could have hoped to rival.


Monday, October 24, 2022

Malicious Spite

In this 2017 file photo, multiple White nationalist groups march with torches through the University of Virginia.

Truly, what an astonishing level

of malicious spite enlivens and

motivates Jew-haters to spout their acid

condemnation of a vanishingly small

percentage of the world's population

whose presence, past and present in

the world community has undeniably

been a great source of advance in human

knowledge exemplified by the genius

of thought among their numbers whose

initiatives have been of benefit in every 

sphere of human existence. Yet the

venom that excites the haters into their

paroxysms of rage against that infamous

Jewish Conspiracy to rule the world

the unfolding process of which has been

responsible for all the ills and misfortunes

past and present is invulnerable to reason

and implacably resistant to reality. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Just ... Asking

Eagle Nebula 'Pillars of Creation'

There are so many questions of mysterious

evolution that beg for answers. Who

better to answer them than mute and

powerful nature? We are sentient and

feeling creatures, self-aware and forever

questioning. Asking of the science of

nature and the puzzles of existence whether

there was purpose and plan not merely

happenstance through chemical reactions

that gave life to amoebas in a saline

aquatic nursery from whence came the

land creatures homo sapiens descended 

from in a timeless, endless journey toward

what ranks as yet another question. Did the

formula that begot us in a vast architecture

of existence emanate from a great unknown

source dabbling in the alchemy of life?



Saturday, October 22, 2022


What Happened on Day 40 of the War in Ukraine - The New York Times

This is the 21st century in which we live

not the 13th when fiercely brutish Mongol

hordes invaded Russia to lay waste and

slaughter at will. In this modern era nations

unify in their contractual commitment to

humane treatment of others where such

reversals of civilizational norms would never

recur. In a village in Ukraine weary old women

stand beside modest rural homes, their worn

faces revealing despair, gnarled workhands 

folded in appeal, their rude garb speaking of

another era of quiet village life and little concern

of unimaginable air bombardments interrupting

lives. Now, slumped backs of hopelessness

prevail, no electricity, no potable water with

their town council's concern its residents not 

freeze in the winter chill while hauling pails of 

well water leave in their yards fresh-cut firewood

from a nearby forest because the present-day 

tyranny of a Russian invasion where power and

and electricity plants are relentlessly bombed

alongside hospitals, theatres, city apartment

blocks have reduced normal life here in this

century to a mirror-image of the 13th century.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Forest Fall Farewell


Look ye, look ye, the proud forest

has been humbled. Its crowning glory

is no more. The wild winds of Autumn

have torn the beauty of its fall colours

from their tenuous perch to fling and

scatter them from their green summer

heights to the receptive forest floor whose

own familiarity with nature's eternal

blueprint nestles and nurtures the fallen

leaf mass, the nursery that pampers seedlings

to become the mighty oaks, maples, willows

in perpetual resurrection where saplings

of bass, hawthorn, elm, poplar and beech

prepare the new generation thriving among

the junipers, pines, spruce and fir whose

needles have dropped yet will remain fully

clothed to welcome winter. That oncoming

juggernaut of cold and rampaging winds, of

sun riding across a frigid sky clamped tight

in blue exchanging rain for snow plumping

a bright mantle of pillowy white around

the serenely sleeping landscape of winter.


Thursday, October 20, 2022


Politics recognizes two versions of

government reflective of diverse

populations sharing a definitive

vision of what is most fitting for the

majority and dependent on historical

antecedents as much as time and place

in history. Invariably democracies tend

to elect the smug, self-promoting

candidates generally backed by wealth

and a touted commitment to egalitarian

rule in the promotion of minority rights

in the process disparaging of autocratic

counterparts who govern with stern

attention to infusing their publics with

cautionary self-defense lest a critique of 

the pretense by a tyrant of representing

national interests by enriching himself

raise a civic revolution demanding liberty

equality, fraternity to be found in greater

or diminished presence in either system.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Eyes On The Target

The great open cesspool winding and

twisting its way through the globe

redolent of the sewage of untreated Jew 

hatred ebbs and flows as it surfaces with

crisp regularity of a metronome pulsing

and palpating the universal mind with

its raw involuntarily inbred reaction to the

very presence of the singular people

whose enigmatic presence is taken as

a threat to all others, a sacrilegious curse 

to be extirpated by any final means

inconceivable toward any others of God's

creations. Defying reason itself the hate

that will not evaporate in the pure light 

of rational thought -- its enemies circle

a history-haunted people scheming ways

and means to return to the basics of mass

extermination as a means to rid the world 

of their presence leading to a puzzle that 

void of that ancient stiff-necked tribe 

where then will the world turn its ample

spite forward in the following installment?

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Endurance Trials


His is a brooding countenance

his face dark not of pigmentation

but observation of the world around

him the world he inhabits the world

he cannot control. Search his eyes

and you find a world of pain and

suffering. He is not old, a somewhat

tall and angular form, muscled and

tense, a former member of a police

squad responsive to violent crime. Now

nature does violence to this former

athlete and marathon competitor, a man

accustomed to testing his taut body

in endurance trials time over time.

An introspective introvert he shuns

the presence of others exception made

for his trio of dogs. Suddenly that dog

closest to his heart as energetic as he

seized, collapsed and died. He and the

remaining two are in mourning. His

world once again testing him. His own

neurological problems resurfaced nausea 

and vertigo telling him the hydrocephalus 

shunt malfunctioning requires surgery 

unexpectedly soon after his spine did.

Monday, October 17, 2022

That Was Then This Is Now

From left: Sepideh Rashno, Mahsa Amini and Nika Shakarami

Islam saw fit to adopt earlier Eastern cultures'

segregation of nubile girls and women where 

the Muslim aristocracy and those of royal descent 

maintained desirably beautiful slaves and 

concubines ensuring their presence was opulent 

and sequestered; girls and women serving a 

single purpose to satisfy the desires of men 

who held their gender as temptresses out of sight

but never out of mind, the source of pleasure 

and of offspring; delectation and issue within 

the seraglio divorced from the eyesight of others 

grasping for pleasure and possession. How far 

Islam has ventured from its early Koranic 

purity of purpose is debatable. Beautiful women 

still turn men's heads in hedonistic spin, a 

trait to be urgently addressed in the invisibility

that the chador achieves where not a stray

delectable inch of skin or hair urges desire

in predatory men. Ancient Persia relied on

its culture of isolation, the Islamic Republic

of Iran strode into the future with forcible

restraint as vibrantly alluring women reject

constraints free to object while mounting

protests, free to be tormented, tortured,

raped and murdered by the pious injunction

of clerics enraged by their impudence.


Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Transitioning Forest


A cold tempestuous wind blew through

the forest that day in random bursts of

rage that bellowed through the forest interior 

in the midst of an autumnal turnover of foliage

vibrant colour intensified by the previous days

 of persistent heavy rain. Gleaming golds and 

vermilion, intense burnished copper and 

blushing pink amidst the bright orange of 

fallen pine needles occupying the forest floor. 

Woodpeckers rattle the bark of larvae-infested 

trees sending clanging reverberations through 

the rainsodden atmosphere. Turbulence

tossed rivulets of runoff swell the forest's

raceway, an odour of swamp rising on the 

turgid air while random bursts of frenzied

wind sweep colourful arrays of fall leaves

from unprotesting trees intent on winter's

entry when the ephemeral season heralding

summer's end and winter's reign departs.


Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Ageing World

Image may contain Iris Apfel Human Person Sunglasses Accessories Accessory Festival Crowd Performer and Skin

We hear it endlessly; the groans and tremors

of growing old, the peevish declaration

that it's not easy, getting old, coping with 

all those mysterious aches and pains.

When a woman of a 'certain age' dares

dress with an air of flamboyance, noses 

turn up condemning the inappropriateness 

of age masquerading as youth even though 

everyone over 40 dyes their hair and keeps 

astride of latest fashions. Take, however

a centenarian familiar with flair and fashion 

whose age is a marvel itself in celebrity status 

shielding her gauche choices of apparel from 

criticism, with fashion houses and cosmetics 

firms quick to adopt her style as a symbol of 

feminism flouting age-and-fashion conventions  

overlooking gaudy in favour of verve in the

potential of a sales pitch to elderly women 

whose subconscious confuses longevity and 

admiration as an offshoot of fame and fashion.


Friday, October 14, 2022

Trans Dementia

Images of a transgender Oakville Trafalgar High School teacher have caused a stir on social media.

While the advent of mass communication

has introduced us to the appreciation

of Earth's geography and its populations

in a panoply of languages, cultures

political systems and social mores it has

also exposed us to the reality that among

us are individuals and systems of power

manifesting as repressive governments

emphasizing the old adage that power 

corrupts and absolute power degrades 

morality enabling the holder to persecute 

his own with impunity while reaching out to

sabotage human rights to his own exclusive

domain of dominant will. Further revelations

introduce us to the power of guilt-'suasion 

manipulating public opinion to the belief that 

sociopaths upending the biological order of 

humanity are not to be confronted when they 

espouse their cause of the right to debauch 

nature's primal gift of gender in a grand sweep 

neutralizing birthright for none may counter 

their claims and fraudulent presentations in

fear of becoming a bigoted outcast among 

the broad swath of those intimidated into the 

belief that diversity recognizes no limits.



Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Dilemma

Vladimir Putin sitting at the end of a long table

What a deadly combination to find in the

dread subconscious of one single man

struggling with his inner demons whose

threats to escape the confines of his

infamous cranium mark the presence

of an extraordinary human; one whose

measure of narcissism can be deduced 

from the psychopathy so clearly on display

highlighted by the neurosis of paranoia

readily identified in glowering threats

incited by humiliations delivered in great

feats of failure to achieve his goal. Not

all is lost to his aspirations, however

in the reality of a wholesale stockpile

of weaponry whose invocation sends

shudders down the spines of the very

entities that oppose and deride the man's

ambitions of unrestrained conquest even now

besetting the world community, uncertain 

whether to unseat this man from his throne

of persecution as a remedy for preservation.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Sacred Rituals


From the primeval to the present

Nature's clockwork blueprint of 

death and renewal imperturbably

and endlessly marks fleeting time.

Autumnal harvest flourishes to feed

the world and enrich Earth's soil in

the interminable dance of rebirth and

growth. In the forest the rich earthy

fragrance of the moist mass of an

eternity's bounty of shed foliage with

its acrid reminder of a child's memory

stirring in an adult's mind takes note of

crickets chirping, geese migrating and

crows coasting above the forest canopy

cawing their communal cues to oncoming

winter. The soft warm shades of burnt

umber, burnished gold, muted orange and

vermilion fading to pink ornament the

forest canopy, fatigued with its production

cycle, preparing for its long, deep sleep.



Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Unleashing Barbarity

FILE - Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the government via teleconference in Moscow, Thursday, March 10, 2022. (Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File)

How frequently and fervently with

conviction can one lie without being

identified as lacking credibility? How

often lapses in ethics before being 

recognized as lacking judgement?

How depraved their unseen actions until

they are revealed as the immoral acts

of a unprincipled leader? How egotistical

their confidence in personal illogic and

lack of commitment to recognize the

presence of a narcissistic sociopath?

Imagine the relief of governing autocrats

the world over when one of their own

has finally unleashed his true persona

as a malevolent psychopath directing

his nation to an act of such wide-ranging

destabilization, their own governing failures

are hardly noticed, as the very archetype

of a disastrous leader wreaks destruction

and death, impacting an entire continent

and then another, wrapping the globe

in a shuddering sense of deja vu as the

world knuckles down to face poverty and

famine while the pitiless death count

inexorably rises and the epic malefactor

brings odium and ruination on his head.

Monday, October 10, 2022



Has Nature been alerted?

Does she know of the emergence

of this woman, an acolyte come to

praise or a critic to fault the

Mother of the Universe? While

the glory of autumnal richness

embraces the forest, sun gleaming

on vermilion, pink, orange, crimson

gold and green, a palette of such

beauty only Nature herself can

produce, has this woman taken

offence at the forest canopy releasing

its colour treasure to the forest floor?

Is this why she has entered the forest

grasping a rake and frantically begins

her task of clearing the thick layers

of newfallen foliage off the forest

paths, compelled by some inner demon

to remonstrate with the Nature she views

as a sloven? Is there hope for this 

pathetically obsessed soul viewing

herself a dryad taking nature to task? 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Surmounting Genocidal Jewhate


Throughout the annals of human history

empires have arisen to exercise

their dominance over others and they have

departed as others arose to challenge

their primacy from east to west. Millennia

ago a common denominator of power

was the focus of a tribe priding itself on

its communion with a High Spirit that

enjoined them to regard the sanctity of

life as a gift from On High whose focus

enraged the powerful as a slight to their

undisputed power, wreaking vengeance on

the arrogance that spurned their greatness in

their passion for the unnamed and unseen

power. An insult so great their  punishment

was greater; the wrath of the spurned led to

siege, destruction, mass slaughter and exile.

Gone now, those empires. Remaining despite

pogroms, death cult missions and genocide that

stubborn tribe, alive, well-armed and prepared

in the State of Israel. A presence civilized and just.

A reality enraging  the empires of jewhate.   

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Nature's Subtle Messenger


A truly magnificent creature he is

so tiny -- but not insignificant

readily overlooked in the landscape

though his message is significant

to those who mourn the passing

of summer warmth despite nature's

compensating autumnal colours

meant to divert thoughts of winter cold 

in admiration and awe of the colour palette  

unleashed by one season departing 

the next's arrival in the interlude before 

winter's icy presence. The woolly bear

caterpillar informing of a mild season

to come, a tolerable winter after all

the message his broad orange stripe

conveys as he trudges slowly to his own

winter hibernation to emerge a moth.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Unalloyed Spite Fed By Hatred

Demonstrators in Bethlehem calling for the boycott of the Eurovision song contest in Israel in May.

If proof were to be sought of the

risible irrationality of the hate that

will not die, it is there, readily accessible 

in the very fact that a wide public 

spanning the globe grasps its imaginary 

fantasy of Jews as the very embodiment

of universal evil, a tribe whose goal is 

control and corruption of the society that

grapples with its vision of a Judenfrei 

world, one where the world's great religions 

would not existence without the inspiration

that Judaism lent them. Nor would advances 

in science and technology have benefited 

the world without the genius of Jewish 

brain power. The ancient admonition of 

the Golden Rule its links to tolerance and 

justice would leave mankind incapable 

of coping with the extremists among them. 

Emotions raw and primitive would prevail 

in the absence of responsibility that in Judaism

is expected of all who value love and life.

Yet here we are where the serpent of ill

will, slander, libel and malice enjoins all

institutes devoted to reason and intelligence

to boycott the bounty of Jewish minds.


Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Magic Mushroom Diet


The devoted narcissist who succeeds in 

convincing his audience that his is a

sublime vision of conquest rewarded

rewards himself in oblivion to reality

so that while his troops have been

soundly beaten on the battlefield and

fearing reprisal from those they have

mutilated and murdered flee for sanctuary

while their redoubtable leader holds

grand ceremonies in palatial, gilded

halls awarding medals of valor to his

functionaries whose skilled propaganda

assures the populace their leader's 

looting of a neighbour's territory was

a magnificent victory, lauding his

dauntless generals whose inept and

failed strategies led to battlefield and

territorial loss. A charismatic, pompous

leader can sway his public to believe his

claims of victory on their behalf and that

history and reality are mere fables in the

addled minds of note-takers distracted

by the threat of nuclear punishment.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Devil's Temptresses

Iranian schoolgirls without headscarves raise their middle fingers towards portraits of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

They're sent by  the devil to tempt blameless

men's fleshly desires; she-devils themselves

who must be ordered to deport themselves

as modest, unassuming chattels destined

for maternal servitude relegated to kitchen

and bedroom, unfit for public display lest

their corrupting influence roil the social

order subject to the will of the Almighty

whose absolutism only the Ayatollahs

are given sacred license to interpret else

sins proliferate as the order of sanctimony

is challenged by schoolgirls taunting and 

testing the will of their Supreme Leader 

whose orders are as infallible as his link to 

a jealous god who will bear no alternatives. 

Hovering anxiously, fruitlessly admonishing their

daughters, pleading for their forgiveness 

chadors flapping as they herd the girls away 

from the thrashing of the morality police

malevolent vision of arrest, torture, mutilation

and death fails to penetrate the awareness of

schoolgirls defiant against the monsters who

reign upon whose orders the girls' role models

mocking the clergy and demanding their rights

suddenly die in custody through the heavenly

intervention of heart attacks muting their aims.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Over to You, Putin

James Ferguson illustration of a Russian military truck carrying an RT-2PM Topol mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, its front a caricature of President Vladimir Putin’s face, with the Kremlin in the background

Aspirational arrogance and egotistical 

pride make for a deathly combination 

whose inevitable outcome is well known

to history; only a narcissist would sniff

that an adversary's hold on its territory is so

frail as to crumble under an invasion that

cannot be named a war though the conflict

imposed on an unready neighbour appeared

to warrant vast infrastructure destruction

and instant death to legions of civilians.

That victim-nation so scorned and trampled

with malice aforethought raised itself with

the dignity of the wronged, sending the troops

of its oppressor in a frantic retreat from the

rage of the opposing army fixated on

destroying a tyrant's plan to obliterate their

state, their people, their culture, their identity

writing a new chapter in the history of

the malevolently-attacked countering its

enemy itself scorned and ridiculed as an

example of pride's downspiral to failure.

Monday, October 3, 2022


Families in a refugee camp.

I know you. You and yours

persecuted and savaged my forebears

exiling them, subjugating them

enslaved them, humiliated and

slaughtered them. I know you.

You have fled the savage domination

of your own separated by sect

not tribe and wreaking havoc on

yours. You've come here seeking

refuge, the very state of being that rejected

haven to mine. I know you, your

face and your voice, your culture

and its death cult. In my home you

are called upon to reject that culture

not as a guest but a loyal citizen

cleaving to values suddenly yours, too.



Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Primary Grandmaster

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his premier Li Keqiang meet with representatives of model civil servants.

The global adversarial system of

political chess has clearly demonstrated

that the long tradition of gamesmanship

has guided the East toward its goal

of conquest of the West where the latter

looted riches from the former in search

of wealth and territory until the greed

of those living in the dreamland of

freedom ushered their nations toward

poverty of opportunity even as their

political masters adopted the conscience

of environmental hysteria, yet another tool

deftly orchestrated by a modern Eastern

potentate subtly guiding his Western peers

to their promised land of greening the Earth

while he greened his treasury, preening

himself as an emperor incarnate, the world

in turmoil at his commanding feet.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Winter Months


The season of nostalgia is upon us. In the 

ravine below the forest the stream is turbulent 

from the run-off of yesterday's rain. Downed

trunks of old pines felled by a passing derecho 

litter the forest floor. Here and there a gathering 

of bright crimson leaves decorate the forlorn 

old corpses. A light haze of pale gold permeates

the forest canopy. Boisterous gusts of wind

unleash a fluttering of foliage. A dragonfly 

floats languidly by, hesitates then is gone.

The sound of a woodpecker rattles the

silent woods, interrupted by the shrill cry of 

a bluejay, passing through. Overhead a 

regimented formation of Canada geese on

their yearly migration bidding hoarse adieu to

 the land of ice and snow where owls will rest 

on frozen branches during snowed-in winter 

months their raptor instincts diminishing the

presence of the forest's small furred creatures.