It is undoubtedly a fraught exercise
in frustration with a predictable
outcome when debating religious
bigotry with one steeped in his faith
and your perspective is canted from
non-faith raised as a secularist prepared
to accept all humanity as one yet
affronted by religion's biases and
rejection of those outside its tribal
fastness. You argue the responsibility
of human decency is to observe others
and events in the round, neutrally
based on evidence and the lessons of
history. When unsubstantiated credit
is given to rumour and innuendo whose
purpose is to bury history in a pit of
rejection throwing in evidence for
good measure you know the futility
of the exercise yet believe it becomes
incumbent to emphasize the role of
logic over creative interpretation based
on doctrinaire rejection of verity
that has its genesis in sacred scriptures
assuring the faithful of the treacherous
deceit of your kind. You cannot gain
by such lopsided debate and nor can
your passionate debating adversary.
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