Thursday, June 4, 2020

Done, Yet?

There, now. Feel better about it all?
Evening the score, is that what it
was all about? One Black dude dead
three White and another Black who
sullied himself by protesting the
violence committed on behalf of
people like him, Blacks who wear
blue. Oh, right, there's those who
sought to give support to their
neighbours and fellows and stood
with them when shots were fired
and for their dedicated allegiance
more lives lost, poor souls. While
we're at it, Blacks and White alike
trying to save their small business
enterprises from the looters and
destroyers, they too, battered and
bruised in their efforts to stop the 
mayhem and among them a husband
and wife beaten mercilessly objecting
pillage and destruction gone viral.
Is it over, yet? Has the rage subsided?
One death that raised riotous ardour
for assaults on civil life and civic order
birthing the ruination of people's
futures, pitting the genuine grievers
against the authentic mobs ruling
sorrowful protests against a long
history of racism, beaten down by an
ideology of pure, unadulterated hatred.

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