Sunday, June 14, 2020

New Survey Shows Parents Are At Their Wits’ End Before Noon

The Failed System

Not my fault, children wail when things
go wrong, and while some of them have
reason to believe what they claim others
feel justified in shuffling their juvenile
responsibility on to the shoulders of the
adults who stood by and failed to instill
in their children values that would guide
them now and forever. The fault lines now
have turned from personal agency to that
of government agency, and it is has become 
agonizingly clear that government has 
dismally failed in its responsibility to
those who have abandoned theirs. The
frail elderly whose offspring feel no
personal obligation for their care have
been sacrificed to the vision of personal
satisfaction in life choices where it takes
two salaries to adequately compensate the
dream of having it all. A dream that mandates
women may aspire to careers and manage
the raising of a brood through the simple
expedient of farming out children to others
ill paid but trusted to care for the offspring
of others and fulfill their emotional needs
returning them to the home fires for
several hours of 'quality time' together. So
that parents, unequal to the task of caring
for their own during an emergency when
schools and day cares close are unable to
rise to the occasion, bitterly blaming the
system to which they have consigned their
elders' and their children's futures of having
abandoned their responsibilities for them
while they have been busy having it all.


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