Saturday, June 27, 2020

Garden Savant

Gardener, know this: you are under the
illusion that you are master of all that
you plant and nurture, trim and admire
as a landscape of your infallible sense 
of design and understanding of vegetation
its needs and propensities spending hours
of patient time cosseting and admiring
the result of your green thumb. Ah, but
this is a young garden, newly introduced
to the art of existence and deception and
in time maturity will lead it to understand
that it has certain rights and rites bestowed
by nature itself, the inalienable fount of life 
whose reach and power over existence 
extends well beyond that of the temporary 
taker of care in the garden, the steward 
whose pride in accomplishment is delusional
enabling each plant to accomplish its 
very own destiny in a runaway burst of
ecstatic life no amount of snipping and culling
can curtail, as the garden conspires with
its constituents to defy the blandishments
of the desperate gardener, lopper and
secateurs in hand frantically snipping
to no avail, as shrubs and trees reach out
to strangle the intent to tame the green
groping mass of the wild untameable.

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