Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Living Forest

Wind ruffles the emerald foliage of forest
trees newly emerged from their winter moult
as a new season's agreement on occupancy
commences. Returning hawks circle above
the canopy lazily buoyed and carried by 
the obliging wind, whistling their appreciation
for the lift. Elsewhere in the forest cardinals and
song sparrows offer their singular performances
not to be missed which the wind agreeably
carries, along with the staccato of a woodpecker.
None among them mind the wind or the cool
temperature. The creek running below the
ravined forest still hosts the temporary presence
of reverse-migrating ducks until they exhaust 
the store of tiny fish that aspired to adulthood. 
Within its ripples scoot water striders, while
Damselflies flit between water and bank 
greened with buttercups, fleabane and blackberry 
blooms. The masts of conifers and deciduous alike
speak in clacking voices as the wind drives
them together in social communion.  Below, in 
a singularly limited meadow flit bees and 
dragonflies, their iridescent wings ablaze in 
the sun. Solitary red squirrels fling themselves 
through the understory, their diurnal haven 
from the predatory eyes and talons of foxes
coyotes and slumbering owls. The forest imbued 
with the mastery of life in all its varied forms 
thrums the mystique of nature's protocol.

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