Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Wild Rabbit Kit

There's a great, wide world 
to discover and it wasn't only the
cat that curiosity killed. But how else
experience that !aha! moment when
wonder and the urge to explore lead
to passages unknown, dark with mystery
beckoning hither and yon. From the
annals of the great discoverers
affirming no chance to drop off 
the edge of the world, to those who
found that no, dragons did not at all
dominate unknown lands, to the forays
of immature, curious creatures of all
species, the urge to know, to see and to
revel in chance irresistibly beckons.
Before us sat the most vulnerable of
creatures, young and curious
oblivious to the danger behind every
tree in the forest, of the presence
of predators sensitive to opportunities
and here for all that small animal
might know, was one. Only it was just
us, on a forest trail appearing to it like
the most exotic of strange apparitions
yet not sensing danger it steadily
regarded our approach until ancient
memory of survival emerged to rescue
it from its lapse into innocence.

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