Saturday, February 29, 2020

Treasure The Day

It is not just hedonists
or social deviants
who believe in living 
like there's no tomorrow.
Count in many others
who may instinctively
believe they will have
no tomorrow and opt
to take from life what they can.
Life is a gift with very special
wrapping, and removing
each of its layers
eventually exposes the
core. Age is the core
and it gears us all for
very personal extinction.
Those who are aged
and aging give a good deal
of thought to the present
valuing it far more than
the young who cannot
bother their minds with a
future they cannot imagine.
Living that future fixes the mind.
And in that state thoughts
of a morrow that may not arrive
abound. Leaving the elderly
to live as though
there is no tomorrow.

Friday, February 28, 2020

The Unwanted Gift

Merry Christmas, the veterinarian
surgeon said sincerely, after
explaining post-operative
complications placing our
cherished little companion on
life support. Distracted, harried,
he doubtless meant well. Who
after all would wish to face
the disturbing vision of small 
and large animals in mortal
distress, requiring immediate
surgery from conditions seeming
to appear out of nowhere on
that date, necessitating the
nuisance of emergency surgery?
Nowhere, after all, but dire
health threats arising from an
inevitable combination of old age
and genetic inheritance. And dogs
are not, after all, human now, are
they? So get upset if you must at
the loss of a trusting and loving
companion, but do restrain yourself
and keep things in perspective
now, won't you, my friend?
In this unfortunate instance it
seems the operation was a total
success, its outcome, however not.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Rot in Hell

With vanishing rare exception they are 
always men captured by a miasma of
sexual fantasy that poses as a friend to
children and presents to women as one
anxious to know them better when the 
intention is to identify the perfect time 
to satiate their demons in the process 
destroying the souls of their victims. 
Ardent and fixated on the objects of their 
desire they use wiles and whimsical
artifices to charm and disarm and when
plans have delivered their hapless victims 
they strike leaving behind shattered
bewildered and tortured psyches unable
to view life and their place in society.
Psychopaths have looted their emotions
broken their bodies leaving shells of
what had been whole. Breaking social 
convention forbidden nonetheless reflects
a certain reality deemed unfortunate but
unavoidable. No longer the inevitable 
outcome of rapine possessing that which 
nature bestowed on their owners. Now 
the powerful and the trusted eager to betray 
that trust using their power must face
their accusers. Justice steps forward. Now 
when revered religious figures, corporate 
tycoons, political eminences and social or
royal celebrities transgress that covenant
a penalty awaits. No one immune, they are
shamed, incarcerated and live in deadly 
terror of justice meted out by society's mere
sociopaths, common drug users and traders
the criminal class forming the underbelly
of society, scorning sexual deviants among 
them, prepared to exact dark and deadly 
penalties on vile cringing despised penitents.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Message

There are strange things done
at some editorial desks
perhaps in frustration
that what reaches them
falls short of
editorial expectation.

Take, for example
a sheaf of poems, returned.
I look at them, neatly typed
and hopefully sent out
the sum total of my
experiences and perceptions.

Plainly, there is a pattern
on the virginal white
the back of the sheaf.
A neat pattern of criss-cross
pleasing in its symmetry

faint and unobtrusive
like a watermark. Puzzled
at first, then as I held the
page to catch the light
I realized the pattern was

the imprint of a shoe.
There is a message there.
It comes through loud and clear.
As clear as I had hoped my
poems to be; as positive

as I had held my poems
to be. The message though
more, more obvious than
my poems were ever
meant to be.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Image result for zoonotic

Don't Fret

It began innocuously, yet was called a
mysterious virus, familiar yet unfamiliar
but then these pathogens have of late
been entering the stream of consciousness
even as one epidemic following another
preys on society beginning life in one
obscure corner of the globe and gradually
spreading to others fostering fear and a
sense of helpless inevitability. This one
however has proven slightly at odds with
the trajectory long, acknowledged for the
rapidity of its onset and its quite amazing
reach. Zoonotic it is, leaping from the wild
animal kingdom to humans also of the
animal kingdom where people challenge
fate with their appetite for exotic species
decimating their presence for the delicacy
of their taste but disproportionately the
prestige attached to consuming these rare
creatures becoming ever more rare with
species decline matching human appetite.
Its mortality rate is not high at 3 percent so
don't worry. Of course if you're aged, ill
or immunity-compromised, you might.
China, however, boasts it has the outbreak
well in hand, so relax. Its neighbours are
in deep distress with concern and a steadily
increasing rate of infection. Was a time
these epidemics had a limited span but
travel renders communication readily and
suddenly one or two proliferate to become
a veritable horde. State health authorities
issue broad assurances of readiness and
control. Religious authorities guarantee
avoidance through piety. Doctors are not
merely overwhelmed but themselves now
contracting COVID-19. Some die, some
recover. Stock up on perishables. Lock the
doors. Heed authorities. Don't be concerned.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Image result for un chamber

Mayday! Mayday!

How fortunate the world is to have forged
a noble institution wherein sit national
representatives of all nations on Earth in a 
monumental and ongoing learning experience 
the goal of which is to achieve among all 
equality of opportunity and mutual recognition 
of disparate methodology in reaching the apex 
of a national aspiration. Within its hallowed 
fortress walls are dispatched those best suited
to express the language of diplomatic eloquence
in servitude to the administration of a body 
for which servile yet respectful overtures 
toward anointed judges elected to sit on diverse
committees screen applicants' and supplicants' 
adherence to rules and regulations of civil 
behaviour in a universal covenant the better 
to consider the status of other nations with 
impeccable human rights records hampered 
by the misfortune of historical suspicion and 
hatred yet awaiting judgement by the hierarchy
whose criminal acts against humanity shield 
them from criticism by the sheer weight of 
their numbers. It is a revelation not quite yet
understood universally that the institute where 
nations are united in common defiance against 
decency and common sense that those who 
fall outside the default represent the outliers 
whose conduct though exemplary is despised 
in a world where those assigned to the highest 
echelons of united nations control reward those 
whose blights are so reflective of their own.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Ode to the Daily News

Information, keeping up to date on
current affairs, neighbourhood news
financial and environmental statistics
international affairs and criminal activities
it's all there, in that trusted daily collection
your published news source has on offer.
It's your trusted pick for the daily weather
forecast, for employment opportunities
the stock market and winning lottery
numbers and if your brain needs some
stimulation, puzzles, or you're looking for
a laugh, comics, an all-in-one source for
lifestyle articles of the rich and the famous
film and book reviews and tried-and-true
recipes, along with the very latest gossip
from Tinseltown, not to mention the agony
columns of personal advice, the latest fashion
designs and music releases and the personal 
columns. Regular features not to be casually
overlooked; including horoscopes, and
marriage announcements and hatch and
dispatch: birth and death notices whose
regularity as a feature represents the real
business of life both joyful and solemn.
What once was called gossip now is news.
Once gladly relished, now sober reality.


Saturday, February 22, 2020

Nature's Faithful

Weighted by a crystalline layer
of ice, delicately frosted with
snow, the glittering burden
delightful to the eye
has brought pine boughs
sweeping the winter-gripped
landscape in a graceful swoon
as though the trees were
distorted in an agony of
pietical adoration of their
omnipotent maker whose nature
it is to visit upon the patiently
suffering forest slumbering
through cold and icy blasts
existential challenges to the
very vision of their obeisance
to this divine authority.

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Haunted Spectator

If you cast your mind back let's say thirty years
you were sad when the black family who were 
the first to welcome you, a family of Jews to the 
neighbourhood decided to move to the U.S. for 
improved business opportunities and then you met 
the young couple who bought their house, he tall 
and burly she slight and pretty. They had met in 
Egypt and she sponsored him to move to Canada. 
How surprising to see her heavily pregnant on a 
ladder winding coloured lights around their pine 
for Christmas. Over the years you watched their 
two boys grow in that family seldom seen about
whose mother did all the yardwork and  father 
lived for electronics and soccer. Remote and 
withdrawn yours the sole family that seemed to 
recognize their quiet presence. She viewed your 
husband as a father figure and spoke to him as one. 
Their  youngest lives now in the States at university 
on a soccer scholarship the older one involved in 
business management long left the family home. 
Now you face a dilemma of compassionate empathy
feel haunted by her calm narration to your husband
of her husband's recent diagnosis of a rare cancer 
that has metastasized to his spine. Their only hope
that in coming weeks an unproven new therapy 
in clinical experimentation may represent a fading
hope for his miraculous recovery and survival.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Child of Nature

In the favoured legend of human creation
alongside that of the universe itself
as a monumentally divine act of being
god made man in his image and forbade
humanity from the kind of curiosity that
would reveal the arcane knowledge so
admantly forbidden them, expressing
his rage at womankind for leading mankind
into sin eating of the fruit of knowing all
things. Adam's intensity in seeking the
unknowable; the original sin however, Eve's.
Hark then to the creatrix of all that exists
and lives -- not a legend for a perplexing
all-powerful presence whose own design
and creative genius brought out of nothing
everything. Nature herself the most fecund
of all that exists whose spirit resides in
all she created values curiosity as a vivid
example of her own, spurring humankind
to ever greater adventures of discovery to
discern her limitless power and influence
bringing illumination to the dark heavens
of her imagination, endowing humanity
with a certain portion of her vigor and
to uncover the mysteries of existence.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


No wind
but cold enough
to chill still cheeks
so we move off
over the snow
sky dense with stars
moon a quarter-light
trees limned
against the night.

No sound
but our snowshoes
creaking the snow
lifting puffs
with every 
wide-legged step.

No perspective
but before us
an undisturbed sheet
covering the
hidden country
where we orient
our winter landscape.

No trouble
breaking trail
       before us
snow neat as a
new-laid counterpane
behind us a path
like some unknowable
nocturnal beast.



Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Perils of Forest Life

Magical, mystical, ethereal the
forest valley was bathed in a pearl-white
mist lifting the gloom from the interior
rising and falling in swells from the
frozen creek undulating through its
banks newly lofted with fresh snow.
No sun to penetrate the leaf-naked
forest canopy this day only the wind
shushing through the evergreens
their needle-pointed tops nodding
and clacking against each other. The
newfallen snow absorbed all sound
until the high-decibel cry of a giant
red-headed woodpecker pierced the
silence as the bird reached its destination
and the near woods drummed with the
percussion of its wrecking beak ripping
great shards of bark rhythmically and
mercilessly leaving great gaping wounds
in the old tree's trunk where spring sap
would rush dismally up from its roots
and finding the open gap overflow to
the trunk and the forest floor in the slow
and agonizing death of an elder tree
playing its part in nature's revolving
door architecture of life and death.

Monday, February 17, 2020


The sign read
'inexperienced climbers beware'
(arrow pointing to alternate).

The ascent precipitous
narrow path boulder strewn
criss-crossed with treeroots
helpfully gripping the soil
grudgingly assisting our climb.

At the cascades the
tumbling waters were a sight
yet fear of a misstep
and wildly winging heart
dulled the image to a
delirious troubled mirage.

A mile up the mountain
we could rest and
lave tired feet in the
crystal stream
           cold as death
       clear as a wish
  pure as my fear.

In retrospect I regret
my refusal to go on
valuing as I did my
every limb -- for the memory
of a peerless overview
and promise of more

at the summit pricks my
         goads your recall.
If I promise
                 same time
           same place
      next year?


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Ah, The Internet!

Fascinating how modern technology
in communications has advanced with
a rapidity that is head-spinning to the
elderly and liberating to the young and
the opinionated, though the former's use
is an exploration of impermissible limits
and the latter's the opportunity at long
last to air yawn-inducing perceptions for
which there was never an audience at hand.
This is termed the democratization of
free speech and communication enabling
anyone able to master the starter-level
of advanced technology to grunt out in
illiterate mumbles their dissatisfaction 
with life as a social-victimized outsider
of constantly shifting populist culture. The
irresistible allures of the social media
platforms draw the interest and the ire of
the entire spectrum of civil and uncivilized
society from sanitary engineer to president
homebody to celebrity, royalty to prison
incarcerates, each invested in opening the
deep confines of their sensibilities to
eager public scrutiny, all while insisting on
their right to privacy, prepared to bring
suit against those who intrude, while the
more political-minded state their outrage
firing up against incompetent governments
and waging skillful verbal battle with the
numbskull morons who admire and support
the same useless twits their votes have
placed into public office in a world where
doom draws ever nearer, cry its prophets.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Don't fret, Grandma, you're not forgotten 
after all; hear that musical little ping? 
That's your email messaging you of another 
arrival made simple despite distance. It's your 
favourite - sorry - your only grandchild. All 
the more priceless and cherished, remembering 
you. A long, loving and detailed missive, 
grammar perfect, spelling also, filling in on 
the last memorable conversation: What's up 
with you guys?  She missed a few days of
classes; buses not running - severely inclement 
weather days the culprit. Finished reading 
The Book of Negroes you recommended, now 
eager to read others.  An "I told you so" moment, 
she cheerily admits. Best friend gave her
The Art of Racing in the Rain for Christmas.  
The book kind of teaches life lessons through 
the eyes of a dog, she explains, then goes on to 
elaborate on the plot, hoping the dog doesn't die
on the last page, a writing device she loathes
and anticipates.  The cover art is adorable -
see, she has photoed it as an attachment. She pored 
over clothing inventory online at American Eagle, 
chose what she wanted, went to the mall (crowded 
and gross) but they had only just the ugly plain crap
and clearance stuff no one wants any more.
Her longtime school chum Tyler, mentioned
his dad suggested taking him on a trip to look at 
universities during March break, and said he could 
invite a few friends, so she's thinking wouldn't 
it be fun! to map out the different schools 
they'd want to check out.  Love.

Art Of Racing In The Rain

Friday, February 14, 2020

Honour Be Damned

This is a man discernibly quite obviously
comfortable in his skin as modern parlance 
has it, confident that his manner echoes his 
psyche with the kind of panache inherited 
as his birthright; a scion of wealth and legend
charmingly cosmopolitan without peer. He 
aspired to power and having handily succeeded 
portrays himself a saviour of his nation 
all the while spurning its laws and mores while 
presenting as a champion of the vulnerable 
and the downtrodden. His message is of one
who deeply cares even as his position fails to
support the equality and justice his words avow. 
Power bedazzles him as he mingles in diplomatic 
circles with those world leaders whose grasp on
world affairs bespeak their reach and influence. 
His aspirations culminate in a deep desire to 
be welcomed as one of their own, the powerful 
cadre of the corrupt and conscienceless for he 
most certainly qualifies. His nation is left
dumbfounded at the blatant spectacle of their 
prime minister meekly bowing obsequiously 
in the presence of the official whose military 
has destroyed myriad innocent lives, our hero's 
very own citizens included. Honour be damned.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Winter Days

Another winter day in the forest that
mysterious home to the natural world
of creatures excluding humankind where
the everyday drama of survival is enacted
in a continuous cycle of hide and seek
the hunted and the hunters. Furtive creatures
moving silently and swiftly through the brush
fleeting glances that see and take note but
are in turn unseen. It is a place of perpetual
dusk where the forest canopy shields the
understory and the forest floor from the 
glare of natural light emitted from the broad
dome of the sky above yet obscured 
despite the winter sun's brightly piercing rays 
revealing the stark monotone of a forest 
etched in stark shades of black and white. 
The penetrating cold has iced the forest stream 
to a frozen platform successive snowstorms 
have buried. Old tree snags humped with snow 
are as ghostly as the opaquely white skeins 
of ectoplasmic veils lazily erupting in a fall
released from the snow-laden boughs of
spruce, pine and fir by the ferocity of a
wind complementing nature's coldest days
and nights of the year, a frozen tableau.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


His accent is Swiss, still resonant through his
faultless diction, his obvious command of a
wide and distinguished English vocabulary. An
elegant, dignified, even courtly man of advanced
years. Ours, the most casual of relations, simply
another soul we see on occasion, rambling through
our neighbourhood woods. That place beloved
of those in the community who value proximity
to nature. And he, like we, is one of those.

His bodily frame is that of an aesthete, chest
concave, though his posture is not. He might have
been, in younger years, an academic, a scientist, for
he has that myopic air about him. A sweet-mannered
man, a shy smile and soft voice. No one could
doubt his touchingly grave sincerity.

His manner of dress elicits unspoken concern
for his comfort, for we who are aged coevals,
mindful of such required weather-comforts note
such lapses. He exudes a certain air of poignancy
of one whose well-being has been neglected. His
red jacket insufficiently robust for the cold, the icy
wind; too loosely open at collar, his nose too red,
his sparse-haired head too insubstantially covered.
Our two little dogs are coated with more care than he.

Maximilian, for such he is, now well recovered
from a heart 'episode', agrees when we speak of the
excellent level of professional care received at area
hospitals. His pale blue eyes water in the wind as his
head shakes his solemn affirmation. Could we take
the liberty we would wind a downy wool scarf about
his bared and scrawny neck, exchange his worn mittens
for a hardier pair. He volubly details his recent trauma.

Where, in recovery, both he and wife were admitted
to an nursing home for three months he was in
need of therapeutic remediation. His wife there too,
entirely dependent on his close ministrations to her
daily needs. Matter of factly, he is grateful for health
restored and the full recovery of life's quotidian certainties.
Grasping his two poles tightly he sets off again on his
ramble, wishing us in ours, a very good day.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Slaughtering The Peace

In the still solitude of the winter
woods a hush hangs on the landscape
of dark tree trunks standing like
sentry posts amid great pine forest
giants anchored firmly by an
accumulated snow pack sifted
generously with fresh-fallen snow.

The sky, too, hovers, a mirror
image of the ground billowed with
snow, shimmering pearl-grey,
silver, white. The silence suddenly
broken by a coarse, hoarse racket
of deafening dimensions. A murder
of crows slaughtering the peace.

They shift and shuffle around the
prickly, lofty spires of two-masted
pines whose size bespeak their
majesty, dignity offended by the
rudeness of the invading horde;
cackling, croaking, lifting their
black wings outspread like phantoms
circling the landscape of the sky.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Possessive Passion

Our foibles, weaknesses, conceits 
all characterized by reactions to events
and situations are not monopolized of
genetic necessity by our species alone for 
though we rarely consider such things
entitlements and concerns based on
inheritance and culture are not necessarily
confined to ourselves. Others of nature's
creatures assume attitudes and assumptions
rarely attributed to them but scrutiny does
reveal that exclusion and suspicion of
others is shared across species. Take as
example cosseted companion animals
and their protected place in human
regard, loved and nurtured whose place
is assured as human lifestyle is theirs
to share. Pride of place and possession
is theirs as they indulge in their very own
possessive habitude, brooking no entry of
competitors to affection, no sharing of
complacent habitation, no affection to share
with those of akin, albeit other species.
So two spoiled little dogs snarl and leap
with threat at small wild animals foraging
for food on a wintry, snowed-in porch
venting their fury at the presumptuous
presence of a visitor whose presence they
interpret as quite simply intolerable. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Image result for pictorial jerusalem

Always a Bridesmaid

The essential dynamics of human trust
are elemental; sincerity, truthfulness and
open communication. Rare qualities to be
sure when two groups face one another in
an irresolvable struggle where one speaks
of inheritance while the other accuses those
of timeless existence in the disputed area of
being interlopers, false claimants to land
contestants intend to share with none other 
than their own. The wisdom of Solomon 
put to the test judging whom between them
proffers the more valid argument when it is
an ancient temple dedicated to the almighty
which his era and his order established. Yet
his successors in the land of Judea where
his descendants have never failed to worship
and till the land welcoming an ingathering
diaspora's return are violently assailed by
challengers to a dry and history-dusted land
transformed by their enterprise to verdant
productively arable orchards , yet must turn
their ploughshares to military defence against
counter-claimants adamantly resistant to the
peoples' presence in a land of their own. So
frequently have the offers of apportioning and
friendship been refused the bridegroom is no
longer invested in cohabitation with the
sullen bride, left to bitterly call upon her
extended family to destroy the home that 
might, with earned trust, have been her own.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Our Selves

Suspended in the primal aqueous
security of our mothers' wombs
we take presence in the genetic soup
that forms us, absorb our mothers'
plaintive whispers of accented fear;
experience beyond memory the pain
and anguish that will mark our days.

Leavened by primordial nature's
ever-evolving displays of being
and the opportunities we are enjoined
to grasp, complementing destinies,
fulfilling souls' desires. In the process
finding elusive pleasures. Discovering
possibilities, clasping them close
and in a lifetime hurling ourselves
into the future, the reality of life.

Neatly side-stepping when we may
the imperial realities of all existence that
inform and forewarn us, even while
we studiously look elsewhere
preferentially remain oblivious
to that long and steady journey
an imperative we cannot deny.

But then, why linger on the distant
inevitability when we can take comfort
in the meaningful present. Impressions are
what form our memory, our being,
clasped close to the heart of who we are.
While we are here, the who and what we
are is what must consume our being.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Library of the Mind

Libraries are not merely storehouses
of knowledge and entertainment
for though they are that and more
much more, they are a universe of
wonders awaiting discovery, each
volume a star revolving about their
shelves awaiting the opportunity to
bring to the minds of the curious
worlds they may never have known
existed, through an alphabet of words
and expressions whose content and
sentiment open vast vistas of the
imagination, inviting the reader to
indulge their brains and invest their
time in a pursuit whose outcome is
pure pleasure reserved for leisure
hours of relaxation as you delve into
the experience and locations of those
you will never meet other than in the
pages of absorbing content. There is
nothing mysterious or arcane of the
hunger within awaiting satiation in a
library. The mystery is there, however
how it is possible that some may live
their incomplete lives never perusing
the live print of an absorbing book. In
the final analysis it is the omniverous
reader whose mind becomes a library.