Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sabbaday Falls

The ferocious froth of the Sabbaday brook
belies its genteel name born of a Sunday
go-to-meeting era of times long past,
when sturdy settlers turned to gentle
pursuits after prayer, horse-and-buggying
on over to meet and behold the power
of their natural surroundings, the amazing
geological formations born of an ice age
scraping and moulding the mountain
landscape.  Time has long tumbled by
and that age long gone, but the ancient
landscape remains inviolate, nature's proud
and lofty heights, the tumbling glacial-cool
waters thundering through clefts and
crevices, chasms and walls of towering
granite.  Pools of lichen-green meltwater
haven for fish, the surrounding forest ringing
with birdsong, shaggy maples and yellow
birch, pine and spruce witness to changing 
seasons, a static arras of timeless beauty.

Friday, June 29, 2012

 Welcome! To The U.S. of A.

A brief self-consultation results in
the kind of split-second confidence
that slips into self-recrimination, for
you sit in your idling vehicle helpless,
haplessly waiting for your line at the
border crossing to move, the while
watching as those on either side do, 
and yours does not.  Fears fully realized
when, finally, yours is the penultimate
and you gawk as the border officer
hands back passports to the occupants 
of the car before yours and questions
them interminably, finally ordering the
trunk be opened as the long-haired car
driver emerges, throws up his exasperated
arms, performs a little jig of helpless fury
soundless in rage, then returns to his
driver's seat, and with a curt dismissal
gestured, is allowed to drive off.  Your
turn, and a rictus-grinning mouth orders
hat removed to reveal your elderly pate
as he scrutinizes passport photos, barks
questions from his smooth, youthful
face, reaches over to open the lid of the
freezer chest on the back seat, glares
at the pathetic collection of fruits and
vegetables your wife couldn't bear to
leave to perishable waste in that one-week
absence she bold-faced lied about not
"transporting" into the country, then
wails as he plucks out the few
California-grown clementines meant
to be eaten at the state rest stop a mile
from the border, as the uniformed,
glowering fellow, badged and duly
authorized hunches his 6'+ height to
thrust face into the interior, enquiring
whether perhaps, a $600 citation might
be preferred, then swivels to toss the
offending fruit into a trash bin, finally
giving leave to depart his presence.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Familiar Unfamiliar

How serendipitous it was to
hear the sweet innocence of
music and songs they danced to
when they were themselves
sweetly innocent.  Youth and
vivacity melted with time's
inexorable journey into the 
future, they are now aged, grey
but yet responding to the allure
of memory as they rise to clasp
in an embrace as prelude to a
pairing in the measured, quietly
voluptuous movement of dance
while their little dog nips 
indignantly at their swaying
heels, anxious for the
comfortable assurance of
dull normalcy's return.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Mountain Stream

The mountain stream, cold and
crystal clear tumbles and thrashes
its furious way over tumbled
granite boulders glistening in
the afternoon sun, foaming and 
thundering its tumultuous passage
from mountain side to forest brook
filling the air with its raucous descent.  
The red and black streaked corridor 
of rockface contains its passage, mist 
rising and gently spewing over the
landscape of birch and beech, oak
and hemlock.  the forest understory
of dogwood and pine saplings
absorb the spray, bedecked with mosses 
and lichens glowing moistly green.  
Bracken and wildflowers stipple the 
green with bright floral colour like 
the stars in a dark night sky.  Thrushes 
burst in lilting praise, butterflies vie 
with dragonflies to own best record for 
aerial arabesques.  The brook conducts 
its aquatic orchestral symphony with
drama and life-affirming grace.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fragments:  A Life

There was a time, once, when a 
world renowned art gallery and
museum prized his photographic
work, chronicling their fabulous
collections of sculpture and paintings
of centuries past, of landscapes and
still-lifes, portraits and interiors
portraying a historical recollection
of nature and the nature of human
history.  From rude peasant life in
farming communities to imperious
visages of armoured, bannered 
horsemen courageously embarking 
onto the battlefield, the fearsome 
traditions of war, plunder and rape 
unleashed on canvas.  Greek legends
of immortals sculpted in softly 
gleaming marble. And his own
creative visions immortalized by a
commissioned portrait.  Now, in
back of an antique shop, there for 
sale, the dusty, dispensable oil portrait 
and alongside as a bonus, the photos, 
the peerless rarefied ignominiously 
tumbled from its proud pedestal.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Story

of The Emerald Isle

'Tis a world of the "The", so it is,
Ireland, whose people detest 
"The English", bade their sons
be prepared to be prepared to die
for The Homeland, where the fathers
are given to relishing The Drink,
are also hopelessly addicted to
The Dole, yet breed incessantly,
adore their lovely wee bairns
and weep inconsolably when they
die of neglect, malnutrition and
disease, constantly afflicted by the
ravages of The Hunger, but for those
who escape early death and become
besotted with The Church in whose
name Catholics and Protestants
detest The Other.  And did we 
mention atall, atall, did we now,
the priceless gift of The Gab?  
Och, now, did we overlook the
good fortune to be born among
The Irish, and not to spurn The 
Shamrock?  Have a thought, now,
will  ye, for The (angelic) Bairns,
honour The Gaelic, and pledge
never to forget The Troubles.
Saint Patrick, bless him, also
blesses Ireland.  To The Confessional,
ye sinners!  Take the (consecrated)
Host, me son; recall, above all,
The pitiless Famine and be secure
in the knowing The Heavenly Father
rules His dominion on high, smiling
on The Irish Eyes.  Och, aye, 'tis
The Song and The Dance of it all!

To Frank McCourt, with great respect and admiration.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

 Once, Upon A Time

Guess it was that long ago,
after all, when packing for
a holiday destination was
light-heartedly efficient and
as carefree as we were, back
in those misty evergone times.

In went jeans, tee-shirts,
shorts, swim suit and we
were done with it all.  Now,
lists are frantically put together
beforehand, checked and
anxiously double-checked.

Now, we require reading glasses,
prescribed and over-the-counter
medications, first aid kits,
comfortable walking shoes,
skirts, dresses, trousers and
blouses, sun block and night
clothes - and never done with it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Nothing Personal

That cat again, that sinister
hunting fury, biding time,
awaiting the unwary presence
of another bird, hatchlings if at
all possible, a tiny furred rabbit,
chipmunks, whatever crosses its
path to perdition.  The pathetic
remains of mice and moles to be
cleared away, given burial 
after its predations.  Squatting
there, awaiting its purpose in life,
so infuriating the man that he
dashed from his front door like
a frenzied windmill, arms akimbo
shouting imprecations at the
feline languorously moving off
just as after-dinner strollers
passed by his garden hearing the
hisses and the damn-yous, the
invitation to vamoose before a
neck-wringing occured, shaking 
their heads, moving on with
alacrity, as another urban legend
of a house of crazies is born.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Bold New Generations

In the early morning sun
the garden is awhirl with
frenetic swoops of bees and,
above all, dragonflies
resplendently iridescent in
brilliant greens, blues and reds,
challenging the flowers for
the title of most brilliant.

Fresh candidates in all
categories appear, some
dazzling with aerial displays
of impressive skill, others
presenting gossamer-fragile
multi-layers of fragrant petals.
The master of choreography
sits approvingly, aloof, a
grandfatherly creature of
aged girth whose lustre has
been lost in the mists of
evanescent seasons whose
purpose is to inspire and
admire the energy and beauty
of bold new generations.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How Are You?

A chance encounter, a surprised
recognition, for we are only
acquaintances and many years
have intervened.  We are of
different generations, but both
grandmothers, and there is
released a floodgate of details
in notes minor and major,
since there is more we have
in common than what sets us
apart.  And when we finally
take leave of one another, we
simultaneously obey an impulse
that floods our emotions; embrace,
murmuring solace and comfort.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Toy Marmalade Poodle

His is a very small presence,
but his presence is not
limited to or by his
inconsequential size.  His
angelic appearance is much
to his credit, despite there is
little angelic about him; his
expectations rather, are
tyrannical, demanding his due
as the thimble-sized master
of the abode we share; his
slightly more equal and
entitled than ours.  Ours the
responsibility for his constant
comfort, reassurance and
provender, notwithstanding.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

 The Ephemeral Woods

Heat has settled upon the
landscape, an entitlement of
the season.  As is the rain,
descending without pause
for days upon drenching days.

Humid heat does nothing to
dampen the birdsong emitted 
from the talented throats of
song sparrows, robins, cardinals,
goldfinches besotted with life.

Mist rises from the dark, churning
waters that thread throughout the
forest.  Mosses creep, and fungi
have made their impudent
appearance on roots and
stumps, squirrel-nibbled.

The forest canopy is luxuriantly
verdant, wild grape vines clinging 
where they may.  A nesting owl sits 
solicitously within her nest in a blasted 
pine. Wind unleashes droplets clinging
to leaves and dense needles.

Upon the forest floor thrive bracken 
and dogwood, interlaced with 
purple-blooming cowvetch. Buttercups 
and daisies, hawkweed and fleabane, 
orange, yolk-yellow and watermelon 
pink stipple the dripping green.

Monday, June 11, 2012

 The Spirit of the Garden

The spirit of the garden
pokes her impish pixie face
deep within the dew-glittering
blossoms that greet the
morning sun, kissing them 
with the fervour of her
gardening soul, humming
softly to herself in echo of
the cardinal trilling welcome
to dawn as she directs the
traffic of hummingbirds and
bees, gently pats twining vines
into order, flicking spent blooms
\with her green, slender fingers,
speedily absenting herself as
the gardener makes his smug
appearance to assess the
order of his gardening day.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

 The Yawning Void

It is there, simply there,
subtly obliterating contentment,
an emptiness that felt, unbidden,
compelled to settle in, to nestle
deep within our defenceless
grieving consciousness in that
absence that greets us each
and every day startlingly anew.

It insists on its dominion
over our devastated emotions,
on exerting its control over
pain, memory, loss.  And we have
welcomed that intrusion, laid wide
our vulnerability, aided it to lodge
deep within.  Its overwhelming
presence, the human condition.

The joy in life becomes gratitude
only when carefree existence is
threatened by loss.  Then springs
alive the agony of absence, the
loved one gone, absorbed into
that dark emptiness that yawns
impartially into eternity.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Landscapes In Nature

Photo essay courtesy of J.S. Rosenfeld

Friday, June 8, 2012

 Fancy That!

Up there, in the stratosphere,
it was clear a level of hostility
was underway, some difference
of opinion leading to an aggravated
confrontation that clouded the
roof of the world with threatening
dark whorls of incandescent rage.
A theatrical production of 
cataclysmic proportions seen
now and again and forevermore.

The impending storm of elements
in a moody clash drew nearer,
alerting the tenants on the floors
below that something menacing
was portending.  Worried upward
glances verified that the distant
clamour as of giants tossing
shafted bolts of fury at a hapless
target was drawing ever closer,
alarming those below of weak

disposition.  Those of more sturdy
stock safely cowering in their
homes, watched transfixed as
the giants tore wholesale pieces
of the sky to jab them at one
another, drawing appeals of 
mercy ignored as the vanquished
exploded in brilliant flashes of fire.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

 The Flamboyant Garden

This is the garden that tantalizes
and teases, luring us each morning
to perambulate its pathways,
to turn and discover discreet
new surprises, softly awaiting
delighted discovery, dewy with
pearls from last night's downpour.

Glittering, those pearls, as priceless 
ornaments sifted over the crowning 
beauty of cascading flower-bedecked 
vines, clambering roses, fragrant lilac 
and emerald-green foliage, a bower
of brightness under shimmering sun.

A brilliant chorus consolidates
the sensational scene, cardinal
trilling atop the spire of the pine,
song sparrow singing its presence
within the dense-needled fastness
surrounded by the architecture of
nature's multitudinous bounty.

We wander, amazed with our senses 
reacting to fabulous revelations, the 
groomed and orderly yet riotously 
singular textures and shadings shamelessly 
boasting their peerless freshness in prideful
display.  This tempestuous, tenuous 
presence fragile with timeless patience.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

 Livid History

How could you? appealed the
teen to her grandmother,
responding with swift dismay
to an anecdote of reminiscence;
two very young people who
intertwined their lives until
one decided they should part,
the other dissolved in grief
until on reconsideration their 
young union was renewed
and pursued into a long, shared
future.  Well, said the grandmother,
yes it was cruel and he suffered
but that was a long time ago.
The girl would have none of that,
snapping back her disbelief:
But that's my grandfather!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

 Hidden Garden

Unknown and unseen by
passersby, our secret garden
is our private delight, leaping
into vision, surprising us
constantly with its display of
flamboyant blooms, fragrant
floral sprays and the fabulous
verdant architecture of vines,
trees of ornamental diversity,
leaves like spoons and spades,
lances and air-light feathers.

None but we privy to its
splendid array and glorious
colour, shapes and enchanting
discoveries of unexpected
appearances, shared by bees,
butterflies, dragonflies and
birds that shelter in the
dazzling performances it
daily mounts in the theatre
of its lively exuberance.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

 The Drowning World

Drenched, near-drowned we are,
in Nature's bespittaled spite,
these dark gloomy, oppressive
days of unrelenting rainfall.  The
soil flails, cowers, objecting in
the weight of the deluge, refusing
to open its satiated maw as 
waterways course livid with
muck, churned by the opened
skies, incapable of restraining
the dark menace of burdened
clouds groaning and clashing,
releasing themselves from the
bondage that threatens to hurl
them to the landscape below as
they leak and bellow their agony,
dashing floods below, flushing
roots and whipping branches from
their living perches, all stifled and
strangled, gasping to dry, feel
sun, be rescued from the world
turned into a churning seabed.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Canadian Rockies

Photographs courtesy of J.S. Rosenfeld

Friday, June 1, 2012

Following Orders

How very liberating
it must have been to calmly
state "nicht schuldig".
To serve a master like the
German Reich whose purpose
so neatly dovetailed with
their very own sentiments
and indeed direction 
toward a divine destiny.

How relieving and
honourable to say, placidly,
with such serene conviction
that they were, after all,
merely and sincerely
with all the passion
they could muster,
following orders.

Not for them, proudly
diligent in their duty,
to refuse to murder, bit
by needful bit, an entire
people.  For they represented
the dregs of humankind and
those that herded them into
death camps were, in reality,
the chosen, supreme.