Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Infamy of a Territorial Nation

In the 2021 Victory Day parade, dozens of tanks are seen moving through Red Square.

The civilized world has reason to be wary

when paranoia meets victimization in a

frightening marriage of rage to mete out a

distorted 'justice' for those believing themselves

to be victims of others' good fortunes. The

consequences gather in forces of minds

distorted by self-pity surrounding themselves

with the compassionate empathy of those all

too willing to give credence to a program of

slanders magnified by hate and vengeance. No

longer does an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

suffice to assuage the rage for those believing they

have been empowered to wreak destruction on

the objects of their rage when opportunity is

taken to unleash the hounds of war unrestrained

by any vestige of human reason. People will be

slaughtered en masse, cities will be levelled to

grinding rubble, fields will be planted with bombs

and an orgy of death-dealing pursued while the

target of unbridled slaughter rise up in their own

defence, eliciting greater brutish carnage from

those whose minds have lost lost contact with 

reality, incensed their victims dare resist death.

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