Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Brought to You by Royal Ascent

PHOTO: Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex in New York City, May 16, 2023.

Whatever you're doing it isn't important.

Look sharp now, you wouldn't want to miss

any of the histrionic editions of the Royal

House of Harry and Megan  now, would you?

You must be aware that theatrics at this level

of skill magnetizes a world starved of high

drama by a playwright whose venom runs

deep in resentment of a world that failed to

recognize her gifts to society until the advent

of her union with a petulant prince pining

for sympathy as an ill-done-by overlooked

second to a throne. With her guile and capacity

for invention, and his violated trust as a

pathetic princeling who inherited his mother's

penchant for pouting and publicly decrying

lovelessness while in hot pursuit of passion

she has found her metier, her purpose in life

and he has found his salvation, while the world

has discovered another slick and sad Soap Opera.



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