Sunday, May 14, 2023

For Your Eyes Only


Children read books of fantasy and delight

of hidden secret chambers to enter where

suddenly they are in a transporting

environment of living green benevolently

embraced by giant old trees whose leaves

gleam translucently emerald, the sun a

magnificent diamond of light and warmth

and every step along a softly cushioned floor

of leafy mould brings them to a pause of wonder

at bright floral heads nodding in a gentle breeze.

You were that child, you were once in nature's

soft embrace and she offered you jewels of the

forest to touch tenderly, the fragrance of spring

tickling your nose, your feet sinking into the

leafmass of generations of forest renewal. You

are still the child that nature invited for that

gesture is a permanent fixture in your life merely

temporarily set aside. You may enter the serene

environs of that forest at your leisure, for nothing

has changed and there you will find those jewels

the emerald foliage, the ruby blossoms, the sapphire

sky and the diamond sun all awaiting your return.




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