Monday, May 1, 2023

Medieval Savagery

 Hamas missiles (photo credit: REUTERS)

How strange it seems in the modern era

that a religion born in the mind of a an

otherwise-unremarkable man, a merchant

of vision claiming the Almighty empowered

him to bring faith to Bedouin tribes remains

fixed in medieval savagery through its 

assigned struggle to dominate and bring the

world's uninitiated to surrender mind and body

in service to an obeisance-demanding faith.

One whose faithful are enjoined to embark on

the same conquest by deadly persuasion as did

their forbears. The vast numbers who praise

that holy spirit for its grace and its mercy do

not hesitate to pillage and slaughter in the name

of that image on high for the greater purpose

of bringing humanity's hordes to the sacred

service of Islam. The humane universal concept

of human rights unheeded in the greater interests

of duty to the faith. For there are no rights but

those that elevate the singular glory of Islam.



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