Herewith, the latest selection from dusted-off published poetry and short fiction, circa 1970s vintage and beyond....
Our Manchu Cherry bush
was glorious this spring
in sudden bursts of pink
and one lone bee
a hermit?
an outcast?
an eccentric?
came back time and again
to partake of
pink flowerbud essence.
All things are ephemeral
in this world
but the pink blossoms
of Manchu Cherries
exceedingly so
and the wind soon
scattered the tiny petals
to all four corners.
Now the bush sits there
glowing green with
pushing leaves
no longer pink-confettied
yet that persistent bee
(did I mention how BIG?)
still comes around
like a frustrated lover.
c. 1979 Rita Rosenfeld
published in Tower Poetry Society TPS Winter Poems
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