Saturday, February 28, 2009

Origins, Volume 10, No.2 (8)

Herewith, the latest selection from dusted-off published poetry and short fiction, circa 1970s vintage and beyond....


I offer you
of a rare and
guileless intent.

Come to my house
and share with me
a splendid
a queenly repast

prepared by
my very own
porcelain hands.

This nutbrown duck
in my oven;
breathe its
rare invitation.

Friend: I
present myself
on a gleaming
silver salver.

And when you tooth
that crisphide morsel
...guard for slivers.

My Troybird
Odysseus bequeathed
antiques a painted decoy.

c. 1980 Rita Rosenfeld
published in Origins, June 1980

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