Herewith, the latest selection from dusted-off published poetry and short fiction, circa 1970s vintage and beyond....
Winter Windsport
Loping along
snowshoes leaving
a lazily tufted trail
the sky like curdled milk
wind cradling clouds
water crystals
shimmer rainbow colours
on our frozen eyelids.
We slide the slope
of a hill
stippled with cedar seedlings
parent trees nearby
tall and symmetrical
aromatic fragrance
beating the chill air.
No birds this
arctic day yet
the unmistakable sign
of one apocryphal bird.
Foursquare in the centre
of a naked Hawthorne
a birdsnest
shaped of the same
dark thorny branches.
Peering inside
we see the glowing perfect
ellipsoid of a white snowegg
the wind has whipped inside.
c. 1979 Rita Rosenfeld
published in Origins, June 1979
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