Herewith, the latest selection from dusted-off published poetry and short fiction, circa 1970s vintage and beyond....
Life In The Universe
Convinced that we are not alone
in the vastness of the universe
astronomers dream of extra-terrestrial
life; an intelligence not unlike our
own. Great dish telescopes revolve
to the music of the spheres
picking up radio waves and the
scientists work to decode
finding nothing in that
infinity to indicate that
soulmates may exist
themselves training devices our
way, picking up signals and
frantically unscrambling. Myself
I constantly turn my radio dial
looking for signals of intelligent
life right down here. Those
beings could be coming up with
the very same results, Nothing.
Nothing out there.
Nothing down here.
There is no intelligent life.
p. 1978 Rita Rosenfeld
published in Samisdat, Volume XVII
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