Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prophetic Voices, Anthology of War and Peace

Herewith, the latest selection from dusted-off published poetry and short fiction, circa 1970s vintage and beyond....


This country once so fierce
still feared by its neighbours
once victims and never forgiving
has pledged itself to peace.

This land where violence
is shunned and courtesy reigns
contends with a Korea
and a great giant China
nervous of its potential.

Yet, its people recall
their own vulnerability
and the ultimate desolation
and will brook no overt militancy
nor covert resurgence.

Here, personnel of
Japan Defense Forces
cannot wear their uniforms in public
else this most courteous of publics
heap public scorn and ridicule.

Would that all other
countries' people followed suit
demanding of their leaders that NO MORE
NEVER more than 'itchi pacento'
be used for arms and defense.

We may enjoy our solitudes
or we may enjoin for tolerance
we may not thrust the dark intent
of the final ending of all things
on all living matter.

It is the peoples' will.

c. 1987 Rita Rosenfeld
published in Prophetic Voices, IX & X

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