Herewith, the latest selection from dusted-off published poetry and short fiction, circa 1970s vintage and beyond....
The sun hangs hot and heavy
scorching the kind blue bowl of sky
the restless lake below.
On the forest floor ferns uncurl
forget-me-nots stipple grasses
the leg-awkward crease of a heron
throws shade across
a staircase of vertebrae
linked to the horn-heavy skull
of a buck cavities still matted
with hair gaping with death.
Fresh enough not to deny
familiarity with life
it shines chalk-white
glancing sunrays hosting death
wriggling with larvae
the grimness of a struggle with winter.
Canoes sluice the water nearby
that ending. Fish lunge the surface
of the lake soupy with tadpoles
turtles and panfish.
A killdeer breaks the elegiac silence
rising on a startled note
hiking its cries
through the silence of new life.
c. 1981 Rita Rosenfeld
published in Nimbus, Spring 1981
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