Sunday, August 16, 2020

Uncompromising Garden Thugs


Their sunny disposition and pleasant

appearance make them a favourite of

many who consider themselves wise

connoisseurs of beauty and such quirks

as appearing only in the morning hours

retreating shyly once afternoon has arrived.

But there is nothing shy about them as I

discovered having once invited them

to my home for a visit conditional upon

leaving in due time. With winter due

time arrived and they departed. Little did

I know that for years to follow my visitors

would take it upon themselves to time and

again reappear as though my lapse in

judgement entitled them to permanent

residence. True, there are compensations

when morning sun awakens those blue

petals and the flowers unfurl kissed by

light and warmth, a metaphor perhaps

of life's reliance on that golden orb's very 

presence. Trouble is, generations have

overwhelmed the scaffolding they rely

upon, my fence burdened by capricious

ownership of what is mine, not theirs while 

their countless offspring have settled in 

the garden disrupting legitimate residents

whose presence I treasure. No amount of

reasonable invitation for them to cease and

desist fazes those impertinent, lovely thugs.

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