Thursday, August 13, 2020

Temper of the Times

The Death of Socrates, Jacques Louis David (French, Paris 1748–1825 Brussels), Oil on canvas

Antiquity still has much to teach the world of 

today which neglects to render proper credit

to the genius of cerebral functioning of those

who prepared today's generations to seek out

truth and reality. Ancient Greek philosophy

taught the  skill and utility of questioning

without prior bias and an open mind leaning

toward skillfully probing to ferret out what is

fact and what is not. An open mind prepared

to examine everything in the round to fully

understand all facets of an argument leading

to analytical conclusions. Socrates earned the

disfavour of his community which had no wish

that youth question the authority of elderly custom.

Today's hemlock potion emanates from those

very bastions of acquired knowledge fearful of

upsetting social mores and prepared to accept

populist propaganda unquestioning, immutable

lest the rage of the entitled masses fall upon them

for universities have become the aggregate home 

of the politically correct and those who comment

otherwise, demanding rationality explicating a

position that upends science and the natural order

have become the outcasts as higher learning cedes

to the loudest cries of victimhood to be redressed.

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