Saturday, August 22, 2020

Letter to a Grandchild






Hello, dear, it's good to hear from you. 

Strange, because I was just thinking of you.

Mind, I do that every day. Thinking how nice

it would be to hear from you. I know, I know;

I would say that. I would also say it's so nice

that you wrote so expansively. And how much

I appreciate that your grammar and spelling are

perfect, not at all the kind of missive so commonly

sent nowadays in the 'relaxed' atmosphere of

email. Your meal-preparation exploits are

admirable. Where on Earth do you ever get

those exotic ingredients? Yes, it makes me sad

too to know that so many dog rescues cannot be

placed; life can be so cruel to vulnerable creatures.

Good grief, that must have been quite the experience

witnessing the formation of a funnel cloud. Just

as well you and your mother drove away speedily.

So nice to hear that your rescue dog has met all

your expectations. We live in difficult times, I know.

Your plans to return to university upended suddenly

and no one knowing what the outcome will be.

No, nothing interesting happening here, just day

by day, our usual familiar routine and that's just

fine with us. Write again as soon as you can, dear.

Yes, I know, I know, I would say that. I would also

say, beloved child how much we love you. Be well.

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