They find purpose and pride in the power
of their manifest destiny to raise the banner
of Shiite Islam far and wide and to that
singular purpose they have migrated far
and wide to establish presence and enlist
members in their divine mission for are they
not The Party of God? They differentiate
themselves from others devoted to establishing
Islam as the signal prominence among the
world's pretenders by signalling that among
their companions compelling their movement
and aiding their function is Death itself of
which they have no fear for that angel
delivers them as warriors in jihad to the
waiting arms of a virginal cohort anxious
to do their service in Paradise. Their earthly
sacrifice one of joy in anticipation of the goal
cardinal among its several missions the
obliteration of the Jewish state whose very
presence is an assault on the blessed Prophet
and whom he serves. Alliances critical to
their success motivate and incite like-minded
devout to their side even while sectarian
rejection and violence distract. That in their
zeal to destroy Israel they destroy themselves
and victimize co-religionists contributes to the
general loathing their presence elicits as a
feared, detested destructive force on earth.
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