Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Court of Public Opinion

They are called social platforms providing the structure 

for the public to air their views on everything that matters

to them be it the vaunted lifestyles of celebrity figures or

collective spitting outrage at the latest political malfeasance 

brought by the auspices of the elected entitled. There, 

admiration and envy, spite and malice in equal measure 

meet up with gracious consideration for others where 

sharing experiences and expectations draw those of

gentle like mind to commiserate and proffer hope 

for a turn of fortune for the stricken, glad that it is

someone else suffering the limitless malfunctions and 

misfortunes Dame Fortune has in her infinite portfolio.

These can be constructive learning situations as well

teaching participants to be wary of setting off a firestorm 

of condemnation from the righteous and sanctimonious 

whose opinions derive from a delusional belief

that they have the requisite wisdom and faculties in 

communication skills to be generously endowed 

upon the great ignoramuses of the world they deign

to notice and move swiftly to correct, in essence a 

warning to all and sundry to become more circumspect 

in the free delivery of opinion. A caution that will go

brusquely ignored by those managing that unique social

scaffolding to pursue the passion of their hatred, the

manifold conspiracy theories, the wrongs that the world

imposes on them and those whose victimhood they champion.

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