Friday, August 14, 2020

The Sky Afire


 Magic. We know it when we see it.

Inspiring wonder and ecstasy. You step

outside your door, as late summer dusk

descends, look above the garden, above

the rooftops and the leafy spires of trees

and there ... the sky afire, burning red

shimmering and glowing and you know

this is magic. Do you really want to know

are you the least bit interested in knowing

about atmospheric conditions, the sun

low on the horizon, setting for the night as

our world revolves and evolves from day

to night? Will the magic persist and endure

with the explanation of light slanting in

the denser atmosphere alive with molecules

in the blue and violent spectrum excited

by the light, turning night-onset clouds into

a smouldering theatre of burnished light?


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