Sunday, August 2, 2020

Mentor Moon

It is in the mechanical clockwork
order of the universe that we
turn our back on the sun once
daily exiting day and entering
night, when the life-giving warmth
and illumination of that gaseous
body around which we rotate is
hidden to us, a casual, intermittent
and temporary death, a reminder
of mortality visiting us nightly
and it is when the moon taking
her compassionate role as our
interim light source extends her
companionship to become a source
of light and a beacon of hope in a
vast universe accompanying us in
a starry firmament hosting sister planets
one of which in timeless antiquity
careened into ours in a symbiotic
sacrifice to become as one while
shedding in one explosive joining
the very part of itself that would
become our moon, sister of creation
that we view from afar  as a wonder
of nature's magnificent blueprint
our presence dependent on intricate
life-sustaining mysterious instruction

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