Thursday, August 20, 2020

Perpetual Twilight

On the grassy margins of the forest flourish

wildflowers glowing brightly in the sun

where soft-fruit-bearing shrubs proliferate

then give way to the dark trunks of pine

and oak, spruce and maple, relieved by

the presence of birch and poplar where the

forest interior is engulfed in perpetual twilight

the masts of old forest giants like mountain

peaks supporting clouds, place a lid on the

forest through which sun and rain struggle

to penetrate. An interior space like a great

cathedral dedicated to nature, reserved and

peaceful, dimly lit sheltering creatures of the

soil, the air and the waterway lazily coursing

its way through forest to sea. A murder of crows

gathers to harass an owl, age-old adversaries

while nuthatches accompany chickadees on

their forays through hemlock boughs even as

small furry creatures scurry frantically to gather

nuts and seeds against oncoming winter when

the dusky interior will become bright with snow

humping old tree stumps like ghosts returned.

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