As any seasoned politician who has realized
success is aware, the public is a giant beast
readily given to ardent support of the crafty
who promise much but deliver little as long
as among the deficits are sprinkled dedicated
and highly visible credits to be taken by
those among them most likely to vote who
have the smarts and the funds to elude those
inconvenient taxes that support state-funded
perquisites enjoyed by all, however few and
far between. That the great beast can be tamed
to channel its resentment toward the wealthy
and domestic corporations is of huge benefit
to the task of manipulating a restless population
promising they will pay more for the relief of
the hard-working majority upon whose travail
government prevails when the mood takes to
sprinkle largess. Yes, the public would prefer
that the rogue it has latterly cast its ballot for
works toward enhancing the public weal, but
the submerged uneasy consciousness of the
volatile nature of the beast and its destructive
forces capable of unleashing drives a fairly
expanded component of night-demons in the
subconscious of those seasoned politicians.
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