Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How Could You?

Arising from a legacy of unspeakable torment and 

suffering Blacks out of Africa have emerged on 

the continents to which they were taken as

commodities to be exploited as people horribly 

wronged in history to the present day. And from 

their ranks have arisen people of remarkable courage 

and tenacity with a will to live outstanding lives of 

accomplishment, moral fortitude and wisdom 

whose numbers are overwhelmed by those of 

their community but not of their culture whose 

preference is to remain victims lashing out at the 

society that made them so yet unwilling to rise 

above the status they have been relegated to

spurning the values their civilized elite naturally

assume in favour of competing against one another 

in a dismal game of asocial criminality, a life 

of profit through drugs, guns, and gangs preying

themselves on their own communities, the larger

community viewing them as unfit for company

other than penal incarceration. How then not to 

commiserate with the plight of the downtrodden

not to evince compassion for the forfeit lives

the dread outcome of crime and suspicion leading 

to death? On the other hand, compassion dies 

when untamed fury violently and viciously 

programs itself to smash all vestiges of order

defiance of law, rushing to loot and destroy 

while calling on the wider community to join 

the fray dividing a nation that looks on in dismay 

and misery as lives that matter methodically

destroy empathetic determination to transform

fear and distrust to equality, lost in a bewildering 

display of street anarchy, hoodlums out for blood.



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