Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Pendulum Swings

This is not the justice we seek': sorrow in Baltimore as grief ...

No more can you compensate a deprived

people from their bereavement of hundreds

of years of enslavement, deprivation and

discrimination than will nature reverse the

endowments she has gifted to humanity

of traits and emotions both useful to their

possessors and of harm to others but through

the deliberate and painstaking reversal of 

institutionalized denials of human rights to

restore both civilizational merits and dignity

of the person with calm intent. In the process

unleashing the poignancy of victim-pain finally

recognized, culminating in blind resentment

and blame, for once the admission of fault and

the intention to repent are clear, vulnerability

looms near. So was born Black Lives Matter, a

declaration both defiant and pleading yet one

that has been transformed into a raging clarion

of recrimination turning the fury of the wronged

into an inchoate mob intent on tweaking guilt

and shame upon all those not like themselves

wreaking havoc through violent excesses in a 

mirror reflection of past suffering as gangs

gather motivated by vengeance and the urge to

wreak chaos as they march on a mission of 

exacting 'reparations' entitling them to plunder 

and physically violate all those identified as

hostile to their wholesale rejection of civility.



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