Saturday, August 29, 2020

Because ... It's There?


They be restless, inquisitive, driven and hardy souls

their search endless and riven with danger that 

only experience can adequately delineate. The 

volcanologist, maritime and geology explorer

the mountaineer and the pioneer space traveler 

share that indisputable human quality quantitatively 

rare and profoundly treacherous to human longevity. 

Why risk immersing oneself in a submersible deep

in the Mariana Trench in the knowledge that should

the potential vulnerability of the sphere be breached

the fiercely immense pressure of water risks oblivion. 

The fire burning in the ambition of mariners to 

single-handedly circumnavigate the globe through 

the Southern Ocean route where the most brutal 

storms on this blue planet can build waves that 

would engulf the height of a skyscraper amidst

winds capable of dismantling the most robust of 

ships threaten, fail to dissuade the restless minds 

wedded to success. And nor do the threats inherent

in tackling the world's highest most inaccessible peaks 

where gale-force storms can bury a mountainside 

in snow and ice higher than a man is tall and where

oxygen-deprived brains suffering deadly hypoxia 

leading to death, influence the decisions of those 

with faith in themselves contemplating conquest.

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