Divine Destiny
From a common origin in time's
misted past they prized a sacred bond
a covenant of belief and struggled to
be faithful to that belief in their never
ending pursuit of life, liberty and that
goal of all humankind, happiness. That
place they called their own challenged
by others whose own pursuit of conquest
of territory set tribe against tribe and
clan upon clan with superior forces of
warfare and entitlements displacing the
vulnerable to exile, globally dispersing
a people all held in suspicion for their
very deviance from others' norms. As the
ages passed and each diaspora group
scattered far and wide held to be intruders
unwanted and violated the aspirational
dream of return became more manifest
and desperate as pogroms lead to more
of the same culminating in a genocidal
solution so successful what remained
set forward a blueprint of return -- for
Zion awaited. The return to Judean
heritage bespoke hope and a future
secured by defiance and defence against
an everlastingly hostile world. A defence
so enduringly called upon stirring deep
in the nation's subconscious -- nevermore
would its people be deprived of life
liberty and the pursuit of happiness
even at the perpetual cost of relentless
defence threatening existential upheaval
a condition so dire yet so familiar the
nation's vigilance can never waver for
next-year-in-Jerusalem finally arrived.
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