Saturday, July 18, 2020


Life Calls

With metronomic regularity
time ticks on offering one day
following another
challenging the aware to
charge into a new opportunity
to become so immersed
in forming the hours into an
experience novel and infused
with a pulsating excitement
dredged up by a subconscious
that must surely have tucked
away the memory of
generations before in a timeless
transfer of adventure mired in
both folly and conquest
that it charges and recharges
the imagination in recognition
of the possible acceding to
the relentless impulse to garner
resources, gather courage
gain confidence and emerge
resolved to pack the day with
every unique and random search
to answer every question that ever
rose from an unknown source
in the endless, restless voyage to
the future, day by following day 
approachable and defiant of
the mind's doubts. A provocation.

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